User prompt
add obstacles at z index 0
User prompt
Add a 222a9a drop shadow to the highscore
User prompt
set dropShadowAngle to 0 and dropShadowDistance to 10
User prompt
set obstacleShadow.y to 15
User prompt
det stop shadow distance to 7
User prompt
Set highscore drop shadow distance to 7
User prompt
Increase the obstacle threshold to 300
User prompt
Increase the obstacle threshold to 280
User prompt
Add a second shadow to obstacles
User prompt
use a separate asset id for the second obstacle
User prompt
set obstacle 2 y to -3
User prompt
set obstacle 2 y to -5
User prompt
Set obstacleShadow2 y to -7
User prompt
Remove the code that sets the obstacle shadow y
User prompt
Don't set y on the first obstacle shadow
User prompt
Set the floor for obstacleSpawnRandomness to 20
User prompt
half obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease
User prompt
Add a second score label that renders below the current one. Make this one white
User prompt
Remove the drop shadow on score text 2
User prompt
Attach score text after score text 2
User prompt
Update both score text and score text 2 when updating scores
User prompt
set scoretext2 x to -3 and scoretext2 y to -5
User prompt
set scoreText2.x to -4
User prompt
Use the build in system to report scores to the system
User prompt
make obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease 2/3 as impactful
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -70,14 +70,9 @@
var scoreText2 = new Text2('0', {
size: 150,
fill: '#ffffff',
- font: 'Impact',
- dropShadow: true,
- dropShadowColor: '#222a9a',
- dropShadowBlur: 5,
- dropShadowDistance: 7,
- dropShadowAngle: 0
+ font: 'Impact'
scoreText2.anchor.set(.5, 0);
scoreText2.y = scoreText.height;