User prompt
Move the obstacle intersection function into the global game scope
User prompt
Use the obstacle intersection method to test left and right obstacles in the tick function
User prompt
Increase the obstacle test distance to 200
User prompt
Make bird move 75% faster left and right
User prompt
Increase the obstacle intersection distance to 250
User prompt
Increase the flap power by 75%
User prompt
Increase the flap power by 25%
User prompt
Make sure the obstacles spawn outside the screen at the top
User prompt
Also make sure right obstacles spawn outside the screen at the top
User prompt
Use a fixed variable in game class to determine the spawn y of obstacles
User prompt
Make the rotation of the bird be relative to it's y speed
User prompt
Make sure the rotation is correct when the bird is flipped
User prompt
Factor in if the bird is flipped or not when calculating rotation
User prompt
Multiple rotation with bird x scale when calculating rotation
User prompt
When flipping the bird, flip the graphics rather than self
User prompt
Make the rotation of the bird relative to the y speed of the bird
User prompt
Make the rotation of the bird relative to the y speed of the bird. Do not factor in x speed
User prompt
Multiple speed with scale.x in the bird rotation calculation
User prompt
Decrease the aggressiveness of bird rotation
User prompt
Smooth out bird rotation
User prompt
Add 30deg to the target rotation
User prompt
Add 15deg to the target rotation
User prompt
Increase gravity
User prompt
Increase flip power
User prompt
Make x speed 25% faster
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
if (LK.ticks == rightObstacleSpawnTime) {
var newObstacle = self.addChild(new Obstacle());
newObstacle.x = 2048;
- newObstacle.y = 0;
+ newObstacle.y = -newObstacle.height;
rightObstacleSpawnTime += Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
if (bird.intersects(leftWall) && bird.xSpeed < 0 || bird.intersects(rightWall) && bird.xSpeed > 0) {