User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen cost: and current: are load in when the shop button is clicked using the same method and the multiplier cost: and current: please.
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Cost: and Current: values are loaded in when the shop is opened and make sure it loads the correct value every time. Make sure this is separate from everything else.
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setText')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeCostTextFishermen.setText('Cost: ' + fishermenCost / 1000 + 'k');' Line Number: 123
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setText')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeCostTextFishermen.setText('Cost: ' + fishermenCost / 1000 + 'k');' Line Number: 123
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Cost: and Current: values are loaded in when the shop is opened and make sure it loads the correct value every time. Make sure this is separate from everything else. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Cost: and Current: values are loaded in when the shop is opened and make sure it loads the correct value every time. Make sure this is separate from everything else. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setText')' in or related to this line: 'currentMultiplierTextFishermen.setText('Current: ' + fishermenCount); // Load current fishermen count' Line Number: 211
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Cost: and Current: values are loaded in when the shop is opened and make sure it loads the correct value every time. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setText')' in or related to this line: 'currentMultiplierTextFishermen.setText('Current: ' + fishermenCount); // Load current fishermen count' Line Number: 209
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Cost: and Current: values are loaded in when the shop is opened
User prompt
So the issue is with the text not staying the shop is closed. So I upgrade the fishermen and the text says Current: 1 and Cost: 2k. Then I close the shop and reopen it again. But then the fisher men text says Current: 0 and Cost: 1k. That is the bug and that is what I need fixed please.
User prompt
So the issue is with the text not staying the shop is closed. So I upgrade the fishermen and the text says Current: 1 and Cost: 2k. Then I close the shop and reopen it again. But then the fisher men text says Current: 0 and Cost: 1k. That is the bug and that is what I need fixed please.
User prompt
So there is a bug where if you upgrade a fishermen and then close the shop and reopen it again, the text value does not save. Please fix this bug.
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Current and Cost text is saved even after the shop is closed. Make sure this is separate from anything else. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Current and Cost text is saved even after the shop is closed. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'moneyMultiplierText is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var moneyUpgrade = LK.getAsset('fishingRod', {' Line Number: 413
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'moneyUpgrade is not defined' in or related to this line: 'unlockMoreText.y = moneyUpgrade.y + 150; // 150 pixels below the moneyUpgrade button' Line Number: 420
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'unlockMoreText is not defined' in or related to this line: 'currentMultiplierTextFishermen.y = unlockMoreText.y + 150; // Align with upgradeFishermen' Line Number: 413
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'currentMultiplierTextFishermen is not defined' in or related to this line: 'currentMultiplierTextFishermen.setText('Current: ' + fishermenCount);' Line Number: 407
User prompt
Make sure the Fishermen Current and Cost text is saved using persistent data. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
I want you to create a fishermen value which gives you 10 money every 5 seconds. You can upgrade the fishermen amount with the fishermenUpgrade button. I want the cost of a fishermen to increase by 1000 money each time it is upgraded. Display the number of fishermen by having the number of fishermen owned correlate to the "Current: " text which is to the left of the button. Display the cost of the fishermen by correlating to the "Cost: " text which is the the right of the button. Make sure this is saved using persistent data. Make sure this is updated instantly. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
When the fishermenUpgrade button is clicked, increase the current: text by 1 and increase the cost: text by 1k. Make sure to track this in persistent data. Make sure this also updates instantly. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
When the fishermenUpgrade button is clicked, increase the current by 1 and increase the cost by 1k. Make sure to subtract the cost from the money. Make sure to use correct sources.
User prompt
550 pixels to the middle of the right of the fishermen upgrade, add text which states "Cost: 1k". 550 pixels to the middle of the left of the fishermen upgrade, add text which states "Current: 0". Make sure this text only appears when the money multiplier is 1.5x and becomes hidden once the shop is closed. Make sure this does not affect the current text because this is a new feature.
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'unlockMoreText is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var upgradeFishermen = LK.getAsset('fishingRod', {' Line Number: 315
--- original.js
+++ change.js
Water themed gui icon that has the text "Shop" on it. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Big red X button for a game gui. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit art style circular fishing net without a handle.. 8-bit art style
A bright green + symbol for a game GUI element. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. 8-bit art style