User prompt
Reset persistent data ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
After the upgrade amount hits 1.7x, make them cost of the upgrade only go up by +2,500 and increase it by 1k every upgrade
User prompt
Make sure the money total is updated immediately after an upgrade is purchased.
User prompt
Move the cost text 500 pixels to the right of the upgradebutton
User prompt
Make sure the text value of the upgradeCostText is saved in persistent data. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Make sure the "Cost: " text is hidden once the shop gui is closed.
User prompt
50 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250.
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250.
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x. Make sure the "Cost: " text is hidden once the shop gui is closed. Make sure the money upgrade total is removed from the players total and updated in persistent storage.
User prompt
Reset all persistent data
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x. Make sure the "Cost: " text is hidden once the shop gui is closed. Make sure the money upgrade total is removed from the players total and updated in persistent storage. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x. Make sure the new text is hidden once the shop gui is closed. Make sure the money upgrade total is removed from the players total and updated in persistent storage. ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250 and subtract it in the money amount. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x.
User prompt
Can you reset the value of persistent storage for all players please
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toFixed')' in or related to this line: 'var costText = new Text2('Cost: $' + upgradeCost.toFixed(2), {' Line Number: 185
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250 and subtract it in the money amount. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x.
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250 and subtract it in the money amount. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x.
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 2x each time and decrease that price increase number by .05 until it hits 1.1x. 550 pixels to the middle of the right of the money upgrade, add text which states "Cost: ". That text will state the cost of the upgrade and update it each time the upgrade is made. Make the max upgrade 50x.
User prompt
Make the starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade $250. Once it is purchased, increase the price by 1.25x each time it is purchased.
User prompt
Once the money value in "Money: " is over 9,999, start abbreviating it to a number with 2 10k values and 1 1k value.
User prompt
Make sure the moneytext value is set 2 decimal places to the right
User prompt
Make sure the " var currentMultiplierText = new Text2('Current: 1x', {" is not in affect anymore after the first upgrade is purchased and the currentMultiplierText.setText('Current: ' + moneyMultiplier.toFixed(1) + 'x'); // Update text becomes the default text used.
User prompt
Make sure the moneymultiplier current text is and it's value is stored in persistent data ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
User prompt
Add a new feature which multiplies the worth of each fish by the moneymultiplier asset value. The money multiplier asset value will start off on 1x and will increase by .1x every time it is upgraded. 550 pixels to the middle of the left of the money upgrade, add text which states "Current: 1x". The number in the "Current:" text will get changed each time the money upgrade button is pressed. Make sure the text is hidden when the shopgui is not open. Make sure the current text is updated each time the value is updated.
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: moneyMultiplierValue is not defined' in or related to this line: 'score += fishes[i].moneyValue * moneyMultiplierValue;' Line Number: 270
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -161,18 +161,31 @@
currentMultiplierText.x = moneyUpgrade.x - 550; // 550 pixels to the left of moneyUpgrade
currentMultiplierText.y = moneyUpgrade.y;
currentMultiplierText.visible = true; // Show the current multiplier text
+ // Add text to display the cost of the money multiplier upgrade
+ var costText = new Text2('Cost: $' + moneyUpgradeCost.toFixed(2), {
+ size: 80,
+ fill: 0x000000
+ });
+ costText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
+ costText.x = moneyUpgrade.x + 550; // 550 pixels to the right of moneyUpgrade
+ costText.y = moneyUpgrade.y;
+ game.addChild(costText);
+ costText.visible = true; // Show the cost text
moneyUpgrade.down = function (x, y, obj) {
- if (score >= moneyUpgradeCost) {
- score -= moneyUpgradeCost; // Deduct the cost from the score
+ if (moneyMultiplier < 50) {
+ // Check if max upgrade is not reached
moneyMultiplier += 0.1; // Increase multiplier by 0.1x
- moneyUpgradeCost *= 1.25; // Increase the cost by 1.25x
currentMultiplierText.setText('Current: ' + moneyMultiplier.toFixed(1) + 'x'); // Update text
storage.moneyMultiplier = moneyMultiplier; // Persist updated multiplier
- storage.moneyUpgradeCost = moneyUpgradeCost; // Persist updated cost
- storage.moneyTotal = score; // Persist updated score
- scoreTxt.setText('Money: $' + score.toFixed(2)); // Update score text
+ // Update the cost for the next upgrade
+ moneyUpgradeCost *= priceIncreaseFactor;
+ costText.setText('Cost: $' + moneyUpgradeCost.toFixed(2)); // Update cost text
+ // Decrease the price increase factor by 0.05 until it hits 1.1x
+ if (priceIncreaseFactor > 1.1) {
+ priceIncreaseFactor -= 0.05;
+ }
self.visible = false; // Make the fishingnet invisible when the shopgui is open
@@ -188,11 +201,11 @@
* Game Code
-// Function to generate a random fish type based on the given percentages
-//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Initialize arrays and variables
+//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
+// Function to generate a random fish type based on the given percentages
function generateFishType() {
var rand = Math.random() * 100;
if (rand < 30) {
return 1;
@@ -218,9 +231,10 @@
var fishes = [];
var score = storage.moneyTotal || 0;
var moneyMultiplier = storage.moneyMultiplier || 1.0; // Initialize money multiplier from storage
-var moneyUpgradeCost = storage.moneyUpgradeCost || 250; // Initialize money upgrade cost from storage or set to $250
+var moneyUpgradeCost = 250; // Starting cost of the money multiplier upgrade
+var priceIncreaseFactor = 2.0; // Initial price increase factor
var scoreTxt = new Text2('Money: $0', {
size: 100,
fill: 0x000000
Water themed gui icon that has the text "Shop" on it. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Big red X button for a game gui. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit art style circular fishing net without a handle.. 8-bit art style
A bright green + symbol for a game GUI element. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. 8-bit art style