User prompt
Add a new feature which multiplies the worth of each fish by the moneymultiplier asset value. The money multiplier asset value will start off on 1x and will increase by .1x every time it is upgraded. 550 pixels to the middle of the left of the money upgrade, add text which states "Current: 1x". The number in the "Current:" text will get changed each time the money upgrade button is pressed. Make sure the text is hidden when the shopgui is not open.
User prompt
Add a new feature which multiplies the worth of each fish by the moneymultiplier asset value. The money multiplier asset value will start off on 1x and will increase by .1x every time it is upgraded. 550 pixels to the middle of the left of the money upgrade, add text which states "Current: 1x". The number in the "Current:" text will get changed each time the money upgrade button is pressed.
User prompt
Move the moneyUpgrade 100 pixels up
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'hover')' in or related to this line: 'moneyUpgrade.hover = function () {' Line Number: 164
User prompt
When the moneyUpgrade asset using the hover function, 25 pixels below the middle of the shop gui have text saying "Multiples the worth of fish!"
User prompt
Make sure fish5 is always below the shopgui asset
User prompt
Move the moneyUpgrade 250 pixels below the money multiplier text
User prompt
Move the moneyUpgrade 50 pixels below the money multiplier text
User prompt
Make sure everything within the shopgui is hidden once it is closed.
User prompt
Create a new asset called "moneyUpgrade" which is 25 pixels below the Money Multiplier text. This asset is not text.
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'y')' in or related to this line: 'var moneyUpgrade = LK.getAsset('fishingRod', {' Line Number: 146
User prompt
Create a new asset called "moneyUpgrade" which is 25 pixels below the Money Multiplier text. This asset is not text. Make sure this asset is hidden when the shopgui is closed.
User prompt
Create a new asset called "moneyUpgrade" which is 25 pixels below the Money Multiplier text. This asset is not text.
User prompt
Create a new asset called "moneyUpgrade" which is 25 pixels below the Money Multiplier text
User prompt
Make sure everything within the shopgui is hidden once it is closed.
User prompt
Please add new text within the shopgui. This text will state "Money Multiplier". Please position this in the top middle within the shopgui. Offset the text from the Y position of the shopgui by 100 pixels. Make the text color black.
User prompt
Please add new text within the shopgui. This text will state "Money Multiplier". Please position this in the middle within the shopgui. Offset the text from the Y position of the shopgui by 100 pixels. Make the text color black.
User prompt
Please add new text within the shopgui. This text will state "Money Multiplier". Please position this in the middle top within the shopgui. Offset the text from the top of the shopgui by 100. Make the text color black.
User prompt
Please add new text within the shopgui. This text will state "Money Multiplier". Please position this in the middle top within the shopgui. Offset the text from the top of the shopgui by 100. Make the text color black.
User prompt
Change the color of the money text to black
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'stroke')' in or related to this line: ' = 0x000000; // Add black stroke' Line Number: 139
User prompt
When the shopgui is opened, add a black stroke of 10 money text. Make sure to include the fill of white also.
User prompt
When the shopgui is opened, add a black stroke of 10 money text. Make sure to include the fill of white also.
User prompt
add a stroke of 10 to the money text
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'stroke')' in or related to this line: ' = 0x000000; // Add black stroke' Line Number: 139
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -121,8 +121,17 @@
self.visible = true; // Make the fishingnet visible again when the shopgui is closed
shopGUI.visible = true;
+ // Add "Money Multiplier" text to the shopgui
+ var moneyMultiplierText = new Text2('Money Multiplier', {
+ size: 100,
+ fill: 0x000000
+ });
+ moneyMultiplierText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
+ moneyMultiplierText.x = 1024; // Centered horizontally within the shopgui
+ moneyMultiplierText.y = 1366 - 1250 + 100; // Offset by 100 pixels from the Y position of the shopgui
+ game.addChild(moneyMultiplierText);
// Create and position the 'moneyUpgrade' asset
var moneyUpgrade = LK.getAsset('fishingRod', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
Water themed gui icon that has the text "Shop" on it. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Big red X button for a game gui. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit art style circular fishing net without a handle.. 8-bit art style
A bright green + symbol for a game GUI element. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. 8-bit art style