User prompt
Make it so an asset called "ShopGUI1" which is in the middle of the screen and which is the size of the screen is visible after the shop button is clicked. Make sure this is different from the ShopButton
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: shop is not defined' in or related to this line: 'if (fishingRod.y <= shop.y + 270) {' Line Number: 211
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'down')' in or related to this line: 'self.down = function (x, y, obj) {' Line Number: 217
User prompt
Make it so an asset called "ShopGUI1" which is in the middle of the screen and which is the size of the screen is visible when the shop button is clicked.
User prompt
Remove the extra spaces the , adds in the money text
User prompt
Make sure to add a comma in the number once the number hits the thousands
User prompt
Change the moneyValue system to the current money tracking system
User prompt
Change the money gained from collecting a fish from what it is now to moneyValue
User prompt
I will give you a number for each fish money value. This money value is the amount of money gained when the fish is collected. This money value can be altered in the future by shop upgrades, so keep this in mind. Here are the speeds for each fish. Fish1 2, Fish2 25, Fish3 5, Fish4 8, Fish5 8, Fish6 25, Fish7 3, Fish8 30, Fish9 4, Fish10 2,500. THIS CODE MUST BE SEPERATE FROM THE FISH SPEED CODE.
User prompt
Make sure the fish don't loop around to the start. Instead, destroy the fish at the right side of the game when it is not collected and spawn a new fish
User prompt
I will give you a number for each fish money value. This money value is the amount of money gained when the fish is collected. This money value can be altered in the future by shop upgrades, so keep this in mind. Here are the speeds for each fish. Fish1 2, Fish2 25, Fish3 5, Fish4 8, Fish5 8, Fish6 25, Fish7 3, Fish8 30, Fish9 4, Fish10 2,500.
User prompt
I will give you a number for each fish money value. This money value is the amount of money gained when the fish is collected. This money value can be altered in the future by shop upgrades, so keep this in mind. Here are the speeds for each fish. Fish1 2, Fish2 25, Fish3 5, Fish4 8, Fish5 8, Fish6 25, Fish7 3, Fish8 30, Fish9 4, Fish10 2,500.
User prompt
I will give you a number for each fish money value. This money value can be altered in the future by shop upgrades, so keep this in mind. Here are the speeds for each fish. Fish1 2, Fish2 25, Fish3 5, Fish4 8, Fish5 8, Fish6 25, Fish7 3, Fish8 30, Fish9 4, Fish10 2,500.
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: LK.pause is not a function' in or related to this line: 'LK.pause();' Line Number: 98
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: LK.pauseGame is not a function' in or related to this line: 'LK.pauseGame();' Line Number: 98
User prompt
Create a pause function which stops all movement of the game when the shop GUI button is clicked
User prompt
Make sure a random selection of fish are spawned when the game first starts
User prompt
Make it so the next is invisible when it is at 270 pixels below the Y position of the shop. Make sure it can become visible again when it is below the Y position of the shop
User prompt
Make it so the next is invisible when it is at the Y position of the shop. Make sure it can become visible again when it is below the Y position of the shop
User prompt
Make an exception for the speed change for Fish1. This fish can have a speed change from the base of 50%
User prompt
Now make it so each fish speed can be changed dynamically by 10% randomly
User prompt
I will give you a number for each fish speed. This can be altered in the future by shop upgrades, so keep this in mind. Here are the speeds for each fish. Fish1 1.5, Fish2 10, Fish3 2, Fish4 3, Fish5 3, Fish6 5, Fish7 2, Fish8 8, Fish9 3, Fish10 25.
User prompt
Make a easy to change base speed system and have all fish set to that system. This will be changed to have dynamic fish speeds for each type of fish. Do not add the dynamic system now. I will give you the speeds in the next prompt
User prompt
I will give you a spawning chart rate for each fish. This can be altered in the future by shop upgrades, so keep this in mind. Here are the percentages for each fish. Fish1 30%, Fish2 2%, Fish3 15%, Fish4 10%, Fish5 10%, Fish6 5%, Fish7 15%, Fish8 2.95%, Fish9 10%, Fish10 .05%.
User prompt
Make it so the net does not move to the top left of the screen when the player taps on the screen. Make sure all other functions of the net are retained.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -103,11 +103,10 @@
// Set initial position
self.x = 1024;
self.y = 1366;
- // Set visibility to false initially
+ // Initially set the visibility to false
self.visible = false;
- return self;
* Initialize Game
@@ -151,10 +150,15 @@
var scoreTxt = new Text2('Money: $0', {
size: 100,
fill: 0xFFFFFF
-// Create and add ShopGUI1 to the game
-var shop = game.addChild(new ShopGUI1());
+var shop = LK.getAsset('shop', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.0,
+ x: 1024,
+ y: 200
scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);;
// Create and add fishing rod to the game
var fishingRod = game.addChild(new FishingRod());
@@ -186,17 +190,19 @@
// Event handler for dragging the fishing rod
+// Create and add ShopGUI1 to the game
+var shopGUI1 = game.addChild(new ShopGUI1());
game.move = function (x, y, obj) {
fishingRod.x = x;
fishingRod.y = y;
if (fishingRod.y <= shop.y + 270) {
fishingRod.alpha = 0;
+ // Make the ShopGUI1 visible when the shop button is clicked
+ shopGUI1.visible = true;
} else {
fishingRod.alpha = 1;
+ // Hide the ShopGUI1 when the shop button is not clicked
+ shopGUI1.visible = false;
-game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
- // Toggle visibility of ShopGUI1 when shop button is clicked
- shopGUI1.visible = !shopGUI1.visible;
\ No newline at end of file
Water themed gui icon that has the text "Shop" on it. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Big red X button for a game gui. 8-bit art style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit art style circular fishing net without a handle.. 8-bit art style
A bright green + symbol for a game GUI element. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. 8-bit art style