If text color all of a sudden all changed to black and asset scale sizes get bigger or smaller on already published games should we just assume there’s things going on behind the scenes? 🤔
Hey! Expect a fix today for the text fill that defaulted to black. However, for the scale sizes getting bigger or smaller - could you provide a game id to properly see what is going on?
The game is Binary Storm:
Specifically what was changed is that the explosion size is much bigger than originally set and the Clone Soldier is much smaller than originally set. I haven’t changed any of the math in the code from what it was.
@blackwidowink Can you provide a bit more clarity on the size issues.
1. Did you set the size manually or via AI?
2. Did the size change in the code or is the asset showing at the wrong size?
3. Does the size show correctly in the editor or is it broken everywhere?
1. As far as I can remember the size was set by AI, I do very little manual editing of the code. I have copy and pasted code that was written or debugged by other AI.
2. I don’t think that the size changed in the code, but because the size is a formula I can’t recall if it’s exactly the same. I certainly made no changes. Look at the Explosion class in Binary Storm for an example.
3. See above. I’m not too sure, sorry Chris.
2. For more clarity, the reason I noticed was that the asset was showing much differently in game. I haven’t made any changes to the code since I published.
I mean it’s no big provle., I can just readjust the code to give me what I want. I just left it that way in case there was any bug to be seen. I also wondered if it coincided with the tween plugin implementation since the text and scale issues happened around the same time.
Apparently I can’t fix the problem simply. I asked Ava to adjust the final scale of explosion, explosions disappeared altogether. I asked her to use tween for the animation but keep it the same size, explosions disappeared again. I left those as is and asked her to double the size of clone soldiers. No change to the scale and I started getting weird errors on the title screen with the road endless scrolling. One of the instances of the road refused to load and the an odd bug about the destruction of assets when they scroll off screen.
I reverted all the changes I made except for some slight balance changes to enemy numbers before publishing as I didn’t want to break the game.