Adding UI elements
I’m not sure if this is the appropriate upit to have this discussion, but I’m just curious: why is it so much harder to add UI elements to your game near the end of the development, or after a lot of code has been added, as opposed to before adding much of the other systems? What I mean by this is: it seems like when there is already a large amount of code that the engine times out trying to add what should be a simple element. For example if I was to enter the prompt “Add a weapon level display for the player that uses the WeaponPowerUpIcon with a number beside it that represents current level. Add it to the bottom left of the screen on the UI layer.” I can watch Ava find the game code section and then sloowwly select some lines of an existing UI element before finally timing out before she can finish the new code addition. On the other hand she seems to zip through adding entirely new classes, even when adding much more complicated code. Also noticed a big slow down when having to deal with any update loops. Now I don’t understand how it all works exactly, so perhaps the answer is obvious, but it makes adding some final elements frustrating. Developing entirely on mobile for context.
I'm having the same issue with most of my games.
Once the code gets past line 1500, it's starting to get increasingly and visibly slower.
Do you end up timing out at all? Sometimes it just takes so long that I get the “lost connection” message and everything Ava did up until that is lost.
Don't waste time to do repositioning the UI with text just add it the first time by text then go to it's code to move it where you want it by numbers, you will know the exact number after 2 or 3 tries.
Good tip. I’ve taken to just planning a little better and adding UI elements to the game first then going and repositioning later.
Copy. When I get a second I will do that. It’s the Binary Storm game btw. It would time out trying to add UI elements. Struggled just to add the shield indicator display, of which I wanted a more graphic asset oriented indicator.
Sorry I missed this. It was the exact prompt I had in my post.
“Add a weapon level display for the player that uses the WeaponPowerUpIcon with a number beside it that represents current level. Add it to the bottom left of the screen on the UI layer.”
I’ve been working on a new game without any of these problems. Could be an anomaly. I know my code ended up pretty messy after all the trials and failures I had along the way.