GUI UPDATE (V0.4.0 Alfa) - Idle spinning rock
After a lot of stress and little sleep I was able to create a part of what would be the full version of the game. CODE IMPROVEMENTS: - Added containers for background, midground and foreground. - Added code to allow pages. GUI IMPLEMENTATION: - New medieval interface style. - 4 new buttons with their menus were added: - Page Upgrades: not functional - Shop page: not functional. - Cosmetics Page: Improved version of cosmetics (requirements removed) - Extras page: Credits and restart progress NEW COSMETICS: - The cosmetics were rearranged again. - Change in the design of some cosmetics (metallic) - 3 new magical cosmetics: Dragon Ball, Demon and Fairy - 2 new cosmetic characters: "Boly" and "Shiny Boly" MINOR CHANGES: - Meters are now displayed in kilometers - Every 1000 kilometers a trumpet sounds and you change zones - Subways no longer give out coins
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