User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: projectiles is not defined' in or related to this line: 'for (var i = projectiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {' Line Number: 180
User prompt
Fucking have the poop on a stick or the meatball on a stick when he when he attacks it should shoot a projectile of you know a little circle at the direction that he created the attack
User prompt
She should try to move away from the player as the player approaches they should move fluidly not jittery as it currently are
User prompt
Make the the NPCs not move around so quickly in terms of shaking their location The more fluid movement would be preferred
User prompt
Make the NPCs move around more than they are currently when the player is not nearby they should be kind of randomly moving around the hole area of the play area of the map not just jiggling in a certain area not moving around very small distances
User prompt
NPCs move around randomly and longer sort of paths not just jiggling where they stand
User prompt
Remove the start screen
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: startScreen is not defined' in or related to this line: ';' Line Number: 158
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught LK.Game can only be initialized once' in or related to this line: 'var startScreen = new LK.Game({' Line Number: 152
User prompt
Game start screen so it should show the title of the game and then a start button when the user clicks to start button the game starts
User prompt
Set a title screen where it presents the name of the game which is " poop on a stick " and there will be a button that says reads start game when you click the start button it starts the game which is currently what we see right now that's the game
User prompt
NPC should move away as the person gets closer but as the player gets closer rather but they should still be within striking distance of the player when the player attacks so when the player attacks he should be able to reach the NPC provided his following them Also let's add a title screen that reads poop on a stick start game and then let's have yeah and they click the button and it starts the game and let's also have some music playing on the start stream as well as the playing screen
User prompt
Make the NPCs run around all the time not stay stay stationary but when they are chased or if I come with in proximity of the player comes with in proximity of the NPC let's have them again try to get out of the way of the NPC
User prompt
Migrate to the latest version of LK
User prompt
OK, my dude, I need you to switch out the the graphic for the player to the. to the one that's slightly bigger in terms of its width to accommodate the poop on a stick that he has out. He should only be switched when the user attacks or double clicks mouse or taps on the screen, double taps on the screen and Yeah, so it should extend the collision area for the the player is enough so that it will come in contact with the N. B. C. S to fill the NCC. Anyway, go ahead and try to do that. Dude. Again, we're going to flip back and forth between the the. non attacking and the attacking imag....d and try to do that. Alright. Thanks
User prompt
Remove the collision detection squares the red squares That make it visible so it'll be an invisible now same as it was just no red squares
User prompt
Only respawn NPC amounting to 25 total throughout the course of the game. Once the player defeats all 25 by touching them, the game is over and a game over you win screen appears.
User prompt
Increase collision detection area for a player when an attacking state to five times as large as the image itself.
User prompt
Increase the collision detection size of the player when in the attacking stage you three times as big as original.
User prompt
Please draw a visible box around the .... see where they're actually colliding
User prompt
Temporarily show a line around the box that is the collision detection range for both the NPC as well as the player.
User prompt
When the player is in the attacking state, the collision detection range or size. should be increased to twice as big as the character is, so that when the user attacks and. they the the collision detection space increases allowing the user to or player to successfully touch the enemy.
User prompt
Attacks are only successful when the player isn't the attacking state and the player comes in contact with the NPC. NPCS are not allowed or able to teleport from one side of the screen to another if they bump up against the edge of the screen. They must move slowly as they are elsewhere. Went on the map.
User prompt
When attacking, switch the player image to the attack image.
User prompt
Change the player rest to an image. to an image at AURL, then I may supply
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.playerAttack.visible = true;
- self.scaleX = 2; // Double the size of the player horizontally
- self.scaleY = 2; // Double the size of the player vertically
+ self.scaleX = 3; // Triple the size of the player horizontally
+ self.scaleY = 3; // Triple the size of the player vertically
// Draw a visible box around the player to show the collision detection range
var collisionRange = self.attachAsset('collisionRange', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,