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in function checkInfiniteMode, if inifiniteMode is true do exactly the same as when buying GENERATORS.INFINITE_LOVE : enter isInfiniteMode, hide bigHeart and giftRain, hide rightBoard with anim, background.changeBackground(10); loveField = new LoveField(); middlegroundContainer.addChild(loveField);
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in checkProgress, if currentlevel >= 9 do exactly the same as when buying GENERATORS.INFINITE_LOVE : enter isInfiniteMode, hide bigHeart and giftRain, hide rightBoard with anim, background.changeBackground(10); loveField = new LoveField(); middlegroundContainer.addChild(loveField);
User prompt
play tada sound when entering infinitemode
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play pop sound for manualGeneration
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Please fix the bug: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'generatorButtons')' in or related to this line: 'rightBoard.generatorButtons[generatorId].config.cost = newCost;' Line Number: 1834
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'generatorButtons')' in or related to this line: 'rightBoard.generatorButtons[generatorId].config.cost = newCost;' Line Number: 1834
User prompt
after loading the stored generators re-calculate their price
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Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'highestScore')' in or related to this line: 'bigHeart.highestScore = storage.highestScore || 0; // Load highestScore from storage' Line Number: 1807
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also store highestScore
User prompt
formatGeneratorPrice don't display decimals
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if not isInfiniteMode play bgMusic
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store and load lastUpdateTime
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Please fix the bug: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')' in or related to this line: ' =;' Line Number: 1720
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when saving storage.generators, convert the object to array
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don't use reduce function but a simple for loop
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Please fix the bug: 'storedGenerators.reduce is not a function' in or related to this line: 'progressManager.generatorCounts = storedGenerators.reduce(function (acc, count, index) {' Line Number: 1772
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -685,9 +685,9 @@
// Create a class for Projections
var Projections = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
- var nbProjections = 5;
+ var nbProjections = 10;
var heartSpeed = 20;
var gravity = 0.5;
var initialScale = 0.25;
var scaleVariation = 0.5;
@@ -1123,9 +1123,9 @@
7: 999999999,
8: 9999999999,
9: 99999999999
-if (false && isDebug) {
+if (isDebug) {
0: 12,
1: 50,
2: 100,
@@ -1264,8 +1264,9 @@
var nbHearts = 10;
var tapCount;
var background;
var backgroundContainer;
+var giftsContainer;
var middlegroundContainer;
var foregroundContainer;
var giftRain;
var tapCountText;
@@ -1455,16 +1456,17 @@
self.manualGeneration = function () {
tapCount = addLargeNumbers(tapCount, self.tapMultiplier.toString()); = addLargeNumbers(, self.tapMultiplier.toString());
+ LK.getSound('pop').play(); // Play pop sound for manualGeneration
log("manualGeneration Tap count: ", tapCount); // Log the tap count
updateTapCountText(); // Update the text display
bigHeart.highestScore = Math.max(bigHeart.highestScore, parseInt(tapCount)); // Update highestScore
self.checkProgress(); // Check for level up immediately
self.checkProgress = function () {
- if (tapCount >= self.tapsPerLevel[self.currentLevel]) {
+ if (bigHeart.highestScore >= self.tapsPerLevel[self.currentLevel]) {
if (self.currentLevel < 9) {
// Ensure we don't exceed level 9
var previousLevel = self.currentLevel;
var previousFrames = bigHeart.heartFrames[previousLevel] || [];
@@ -1712,13 +1714,13 @@
log("Loaded isInfiniteMode from storage:", isInfiniteMode);
log("Loaded generators from storage:", storedGenerators);
bigHeart = new BigHeart();
backgroundContainer = new Container();
+ giftsContainer = new Container();
middlegroundContainer = new Container();
- middlegroundContainer.x = 0;
- middlegroundContainer.y = 0;
foregroundContainer = new Container();
+ game.addChild(giftsContainer);
background = new Background(); // Create a Background instance
backgroundContainer.addChild(background); // Add Background instance to the backgroundContainer
@@ -1751,9 +1753,9 @@
// Initialize gift rain with existing generator counts
giftRain = new GiftRain();
- middlegroundContainer.addChild(giftRain);
+ giftsContainer.addChild(giftRain);
for (var generatorId in progressManager.generatorCounts) {
var count = progressManager.generatorCounts[generatorId];
log("Initializing gifts for generator", generatorId, "count:", count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
a big lovely heart
a big stone heart
a big used copper heart
face view of a big bronze heart
face view of a big silver heart
Big shining gold heart verly slightly ornate. face view.
Big precious shiny porcelain heart slightly ornate. face view.
Large precious heart in mother-of-pearl, lightly ornate. Front view.
Large heart in precious ruby, very lightly decorated. Front view.
The most precious large heart in diamond, Front view.
clean pink enamel board witha very thin border