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in self.punch(), fix the setTimeout scopes problem
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: fasle is not defined' in or related to this line: 'if (fasle && isPlaying) {' Line Number: 211
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in handleHit, fix Head & torso back movement timout scope problem with
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in handleHit, when !defenser.isGuarding, flash the defenser in red
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in handleHit, if defenser isn't withinLimits, move the attacker back
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in handleHit, use the ring border properties to check if within borders
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in Ring class, replace the limits array, by properties : leftBorder, rightBorder, topBorder and bottomBorder
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now, in handleHit(), check if newX and newY are out of ring's limits
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store the following coordinates as ring limits properties in ring class : [300,200], [1800,200], [300,1750], [1800,1750]
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: target is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.targetX = target.x;' Line Number: 223
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factorize punch() function by using the deltas method
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
self.isPunching = false; // Indicates if the athlete is currently punching
self.isPlayer = isPlayer;
self.body = new Container();
- var punchDistance = 50; // Define punch distance for punching animation
+ var punchDistance = 60; // Define punch distance for punching animation
+ var attackDistance = 500;
self.targetX = self.targetX || 1024; // Default target X
self.targetY = self.targetY || 1366; // Default target Y
// Left Arm
self.leftForearm = self.body.attachAsset('forearm', {
@@ -85,9 +86,9 @@
var forearm = isLeft ? self.leftForearm : self.rightForearm;
var hand = isLeft ? self.leftHand : self.rightHand;
// Refactored punch animation logic using deltas method
self.isPunching = true;
- self.setPosture(idlePosture);
+ //self.setPosture(idlePosture);
var deltas = {
arm: {
height: punchDistance,
y: -punchDistance
@@ -121,9 +122,9 @@
applyDeltas(forearm, reverseDeltas(deltas.forearm));
applyDeltas(hand, reverseDeltas(deltas.hand));
applyDeltas(self.head, reverseDeltas(deltas.head));
self.isPunching = false;
- }, 300);
+ }, 200);
function applyDeltas(element, deltas) {
for (var key in deltas) {
element[key] += deltas[key];
@@ -204,22 +205,17 @@
self.mainMove = function () {
if (self.isPlayer) {
+ // AI Move
+ var target = player;
self.targetX = target.x;
self.targetY = target.y;
// Check if athlete has reached the target
var distanceToTarget = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(self.targetX - self.x, 2) + Math.pow(self.targetY - self.y, 2));
- if (distanceToTarget < 600) {
- // Define a new target within the ring
- /*
- var ringCenterX = 1024; // Center of the ring X
- var ringCenterY = 1366; // Center of the ring Y
- var movementRadius = Math.random() * 300 + 100; // Random radius within which the athlete can move
- var angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; // Generate a random angle for movement direction
- self.targetX = ringCenterX + Math.cos(angle) * movementRadius;
- self.targetY = ringCenterY + Math.sin(angle) * movementRadius;
- */
+ if (distanceToTarget < attackDistance) {
+ self.isInAttackRange = true;
+ self.aiFight();
} else {
// Progressively move to the target
var moveX = (self.targetX - self.x) / distanceToTarget * self.speed;
var moveY = (self.targetY - self.y) / distanceToTarget * self.speed;
@@ -296,8 +292,13 @@
self.rightHand.width = targetPosture.rightHand.w;
self.rightHand.height = targetPosture.rightHand.h;
self.rightHand.rotation = targetPosture.rightHand.r;
+ self.aiFight = function () {
+ if (LK.ticks % 200 == 0) {
+ self.punch(Math.random() < 0.5);
+ }
+ };
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************* GUARD BUTTON CLASS ********************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
@@ -483,24 +484,49 @@
opponent.y = game.height * 0.2; // Center vertically in the middle of the ring
opponent.rotation = Math.PI * 0.5;
/****************************************************************************************** */
+/************************************* GAME FUNCTIONS ************************************* */
+/****************************************************************************************** */
+function handleHit(attacker, defenser) {
+ if (defenser.isGuarding) {
+ LK.effects.flashScreen(attacker.isPlayer ? 0xaaaaaa : 0xaa0000, 10); // Flash the whole screen red for 0.5 seconds
+ return;
+ }
+ // Player hit reaction: head goes back, flash screen red
+ // Calculate defenser's current direction and move back accordingly
+ var defenserDirection = Math.atan2(defenser.y - attacker.y, defenser.x - attacker.x);
+ defenser.x += Math.cos(defenserDirection) * 50; // Move defenser back in the x direction of current movement
+ defenser.y += Math.sin(defenserDirection) * 50; // Move defenser back in the y direction of current movement
+ defenser.head.y -= 20; // Head returns to normal position
+ LK.effects.flashScreen(attacker.isPlayer ? 0xFFFFFF : 0xFF0000, 100); // Flash the whole screen red for 0.5 seconds
+ LK.setTimeout(function () {
+ defenser.head.y += 20; // Head returns to normal position
+ }, 500);
+/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** MAIN GAME LOOP ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
// Game update function
game.update = function () {
// This section has been removed to prevent redundant player movement handling.
// Check for collision between player's hand and opponent's head
if (player.isPunching && (player.leftHand.intersects(opponent.torso) || player.rightHand.intersects(opponent.torso))) {
+ handleHit(player, opponent);
+ /*
// Player hit reaction: head goes back, flash screen red
// Calculate opponent's current direction and move back accordingly
var opponentDirection = Math.atan2(opponent.y - player.y, opponent.x - player.x);
opponent.x += Math.cos(opponentDirection) * 50; // Move opponent back in the x direction of current movement
opponent.y += Math.sin(opponentDirection) * 50; // Move opponent back in the y direction of current movement
opponent.head.y -= 20; // Head returns to normal position
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xFFFFFF, 100); // Flash the whole screen red for 0.5 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
- opponent.head.y += 20; // Head returns to normal position
+ opponent.head.y += 20; // Head returns to normal position
}, 500);
+ */
+ if (opponent.isPunching && (opponent.leftHand.intersects(player.torso) || opponent.rightHand.intersects(player.torso))) {
+ handleHit(opponent, player);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
basic light gray convex round button with a red boxing glove icon. UI
Un gant de boxe bleu vu de dessus. video game
basic light round convex gray button with a raised blue shield icon.. UI
un éclair. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
a basic white heart.. game icon
A boxer has lost the match..
man boxer with red gloves is KO on the ring..