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Please fix the bug: 'Script error.' in or related to this line: 'game.addChildAt(background, 1);' Line Number: 1989
Code edit (4 edits merged)
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Fade in the new background when changing background
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Make sure the background image is centered on the screen
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: game.contains is not a function. (In 'game.contains(background)', 'game.contains' is undefined)' in or related to this line: 'if (game.background && game.contains(background)) {' Line Number: 1965
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Upon mission complete change the background image
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Please fix the bug: 'Script error.' in or related to this line: 'if (!isDragoning && board && board.gems && board.gems.length > 0) {' Line Number: 1701
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When starting the game Show the sagamap for 5 second, then close the sagamap and begin the game as it does now
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Create visualization for the sagamap
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Keeping what exists.Create a new sagamap
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As the timer checks approaches zero, starting from 10, 9, 8 and so on, have a large text label overlaid on the screen counting down.
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The confetti from the mission complete, make it fly out of the middle of the screen on the y-axis.
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: requestAnimationFrame is not a function' in or related to this line: 'requestAnimationFrame(animateScale);' Line Number: 613
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When the Mission Complete modal appears, animate the scale of that container, the modal and the elements, to be more exciting.
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When the dragon grabs a gem, animate the scale of the gem upon grabbing.
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Implement a special row blaster gem that appears after matching more than three gems.
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x')' in or related to this line: 'var goalGemSpriteScale = currentGoalGemSprite.scale.x;' Line Number: 832
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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in fillemptyspaces when checking to create a new gem - ensure Only proceed if theres no gems in any position in the gems array which is above the empty space array position
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -1946,8 +1946,9 @@
LK.setTimeout(function () {
// After displaying the SagaMap, start the game as usual
// Add the game board background to the game
+ // Add the game board background to the game
var gameBoardBg = game.addChild(LK.getAsset('gameBoardBg', {
x: 0,
y: 0,
anchorX: 0,
@@ -1958,144 +1959,127 @@
gameBoardBg.x = (game.width - gameBoardBg.width) / 2;
gameBoardBg.y = (game.height - gameBoardBg.height) / 2 + 80;
gameBoardBg.alpha = 0.6; // Set the background transparency to make it slightly visible
// Initialize the board
+ // Define assets for the game
var board = new Board();
- animateGemsInWave(board);
-}, sagaMapDisplayTime);
-// Add the game board background to the game
-var gameBoardBg = game.addChild(LK.getAsset('gameBoardBg', {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- anchorX: 0,
- anchorY: 0
-gameBoardBg.width = game.width * 0.9;
-gameBoardBg.height = game.height * 0.9;
-gameBoardBg.x = (game.width - gameBoardBg.width) / 2;
-gameBoardBg.y = (game.height - gameBoardBg.height) / 2 + 80;
-gameBoardBg.alpha = 0.6; // Set the background transparency to make it slightly visible
-// Initialize the board
-// Define assets for the game
-var board = new Board();
-function animateGemsInWave(board) {
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
- var gem = board.gems[i * 6 + j];
- if (gem && typeof gem.scaleUpAndDown === 'function') {
- gem.scaleUpAndDown((i + j) * 50);
+ function animateGemsInWave(board) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ var gem = board.gems[i * 6 + j];
+ if (gem && typeof gem.scaleUpAndDown === 'function') {
+ gem.scaleUpAndDown((i + j) * 50);
+ }
-// Game logic
-LK.on('tick', function () {
- // Add game logic that needs to run every frame
- // For example, checking for matches, handling animations, etc.
-// Add a label with the same styling as the timer text, but with the opposite x-coordinate
-var goalTxt = new Text2('', {
- size: 100,
- weight: 500,
- fill: "#ffffff",
- x: 0,
- // Opposite x-coordinate
- y: 50,
- anchorX: 0,
- anchorY: 0,
- dropShadow: true,
- dropShadowColor: '#000000',
- shadowBlur: 4,
- shadowOffsetX: 2,
- shadowOffsetY: 2,
- strokeThickness: 7
-goalTxt.anchor.set(0, .5);
-goalTxt.y = 100;
-goalTxt.x = 450;
-// Add hourglass sprite next to the timer
-var goalBackground = LK.getAsset('goalBackgroundSprite', {
- x: 2048 - 100,
- // Position next to the timer
- y: 50,
- // Align with the timer's top margin
- anchorX: .5,
- // Anchor right for right alignment
- anchorY: .5 // Anchor top for top alignment
-goalBackground.y = goalTxt.y;
-goalBackground.x = goalTxt.x - 100; // Position next to the timer
-goalBackground.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); // Align with the timer's top margin
-goalBackground.alpha = .6;
-var timerTxt = new Text2(game.timer.toString(), {
- size: 100,
- // Made the text smaller
- weight: 500,
- fill: "#ffffff",
- x: 2048 - 200,
- y: 50,
- anchorX: 1,
- anchorY: 0,
- dropShadow: true,
- dropShadowColor: '#000000',
- shadowBlur: 4,
- shadowOffsetX: 2,
- shadowOffsetY: 2,
- strokeThickness: 7
-// Add hourglass sprite next to the timer
-var hourglassSprite = LK.getAsset('hourglass', {
- x: 2048 - 100,
- // Position next to the timer
- y: 50,
- // Align with the timer's top margin
- anchorX: .5,
- // Anchor right for right alignment
- anchorY: .5 // Anchor top for top alignment
-function stopTimer() {
- if (board.timerInterval) {
- LK.clearInterval(board.timerInterval);
- }
-function startTimer() {
- // Resume the game timer after the modal disappears
- stopTimer();
- board.timerInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
- game.timer -= 1;
- timerTxt.setText(game.timer.toString());
- if (game.timer <= 0) {
- LK.showGameOver('Final Score: ' + score);
+ animateGemsInWave(board);
+ // Game logic
+ LK.on('tick', function () {
+ // Add game logic that needs to run every frame
+ // For example, checking for matches, handling animations, etc.
+ });
+ // Add a label with the same styling as the timer text, but with the opposite x-coordinate
+ var goalTxt = new Text2('', {
+ size: 100,
+ weight: 500,
+ fill: "#ffffff",
+ x: 0,
+ // Opposite x-coordinate
+ y: 50,
+ anchorX: 0,
+ anchorY: 0,
+ dropShadow: true,
+ dropShadowColor: '#000000',
+ shadowBlur: 4,
+ shadowOffsetX: 2,
+ shadowOffsetY: 2,
+ strokeThickness: 7
+ });
+ board.addChild(goalTxt);
+ goalTxt.anchor.set(0, .5);
+ goalTxt.y = 100;
+ goalTxt.x = 450;
+ // Add hourglass sprite next to the timer
+ var goalBackground = LK.getAsset('goalBackgroundSprite', {
+ x: 2048 - 100,
+ // Position next to the timer
+ y: 50,
+ // Align with the timer's top margin
+ anchorX: .5,
+ // Anchor right for right alignment
+ anchorY: .5 // Anchor top for top alignment
+ });
+ goalBackground.y = goalTxt.y;
+ goalBackground.x = goalTxt.x - 100; // Position next to the timer
+ goalBackground.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); // Align with the timer's top margin
+ goalBackground.alpha = .6;
+ var timerTxt = new Text2(game.timer.toString(), {
+ size: 100,
+ // Made the text smaller
+ weight: 500,
+ fill: "#ffffff",
+ x: 2048 - 200,
+ y: 50,
+ anchorX: 1,
+ anchorY: 0,
+ dropShadow: true,
+ dropShadowColor: '#000000',
+ shadowBlur: 4,
+ shadowOffsetX: 2,
+ shadowOffsetY: 2,
+ strokeThickness: 7
+ });
+ // Add hourglass sprite next to the timer
+ var hourglassSprite = LK.getAsset('hourglass', {
+ x: 2048 - 100,
+ // Position next to the timer
+ y: 50,
+ // Align with the timer's top margin
+ anchorX: .5,
+ // Anchor right for right alignment
+ anchorY: .5 // Anchor top for top alignment
+ });
+ function stopTimer() {
+ if (board.timerInterval) {
+ LK.clearInterval(board.timerInterval);
- }, 1000);
-// Logic to spin the hourglass
-var spinHourglass = function spinHourglass() {
- var rotationDuration = 500; // Duration of the spin in milliseconds
- var startTime =;
- var spinStep = function spinStep() {
- var currentTime =;
- var progress = (currentTime - startTime) / rotationDuration;
- hourglassSprite.rotation = progress * 2 * Math.PI; // Complete rotation
- if (progress < 1) {
- LK.setTimeout(spinStep, 16); // Aim for roughly 60fps
- } else {
- hourglassSprite.rotation = 0;
- startTimer();
- }
+ }
+ function startTimer() {
+ // Resume the game timer after the modal disappears
+ stopTimer();
+ board.timerInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ game.timer -= 1;
+ timerTxt.setText(game.timer.toString());
+ if (game.timer <= 0) {
+ LK.showGameOver('Final Score: ' + score);
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ // Logic to spin the hourglass
+ var spinHourglass = function spinHourglass() {
+ var rotationDuration = 500; // Duration of the spin in milliseconds
+ var startTime =;
+ var spinStep = function spinStep() {
+ var currentTime =;
+ var progress = (currentTime - startTime) / rotationDuration;
+ hourglassSprite.rotation = progress * 2 * Math.PI; // Complete rotation
+ if (progress < 1) {
+ LK.setTimeout(spinStep, 16); // Aim for roughly 60fps
+ } else {
+ hourglassSprite.rotation = 0;
+ startTimer();
+ }
+ };
+ spinStep();
- spinStep();
-timerTxt.anchor.set(1, .5);
-timerTxt.y = 100;
-timerTxt.x = 2048 - 240;
-board.addChild(timerTxt); // Add timer display to the top GUI layer
-hourglassSprite.y = timerTxt.y;
-hourglassSprite.x = timerTxt.x + 70; // Position next to the timer
-hourglassSprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); // Align with the timer's top margin
\ No newline at end of file
+ board.addChild(hourglassSprite);
+ timerTxt.anchor.set(1, .5);
+ timerTxt.y = 100;
+ timerTxt.x = 2048 - 240;
+ board.addChild(timerTxt); // Add timer display to the top GUI layer
+ hourglassSprite.y = timerTxt.y;
+ hourglassSprite.x = timerTxt.x + 70; // Position next to the timer
+ hourglassSprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); // Align with the timer's top margin
+}, sagaMapDisplayTime);
\ No newline at end of file
a magical landscape of wonder and joy. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Magic, purple gem. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
glow. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Hourglass icon white. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Glow glare star. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Shiny red envelope bao, chinese new years. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Magic greem gem in odd shape. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Flying unicorn fullbody sideview. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Magic Orange Gem. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Magic Blue Drop Shaped Gem. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Brilliant Gold Checkmark. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Magic diamond. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Enchanted forest. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Celestial reAlm. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Mystic cavern. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.