* Classes
// Bullet class
var Bullet = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('bullet', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 10;
self.target = null;
self.update = function () {
if (self.target) {
var dx = self.target.x - self.x;
var dy = self.target.y - self.y;
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (dist < self.speed) {
self.target.health -= 10;
if (self.target.health <= 0) {
} else {
self.x += dx / dist * self.speed;
self.y += dy / dist * self.speed;
} else {
// Enemy class
var Enemy = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
var enemyGraphics = self.attachAsset('enemy', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 2;
self.health = 100;
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
if (self.y > 2732) {
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Tower class
var Tower = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
var towerGraphics = self.attachAsset('tower', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.range = 300;
self.fireRate = 60;
self.fireCooldown = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (self.fireCooldown > 0) {
} else {
var target = findClosestEnemy(self);
if (target) {
fireBullet(self, target);
self.fireCooldown = self.fireRate;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 //Init game with black background
* Game Code
// Initialize arrays and variables
var towers = [];
var enemies = [];
var bullets = [];
var score = 0;
var baseHealth = 100;
// Create score text
var scoreTxt = new Text2('Score: 0', {
size: 50,
fill: "#ffffff"
scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
// Create base health text
var healthTxt = new Text2('Base Health: 100', {
size: 50,
fill: "#ffffff"
healthTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
// Function to find the closest enemy to a tower
function findClosestEnemy(tower) {
var closest = null;
var closestDist = tower.range;
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
var enemy = enemies[i];
var dx = enemy.x - tower.x;
var dy = enemy.y - tower.y;
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (dist < closestDist) {
closest = enemy;
closestDist = dist;
return closest;
// Function to fire a bullet from a tower to a target
function fireBullet(tower, target) {
var bullet = new Bullet();
bullet.x = tower.x;
bullet.y = tower.y;
bullet.target = target;
// Function to handle game over
function gameOver() {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
// Function to spawn enemies
function spawnEnemy() {
var enemy = new Enemy();
enemy.x = Math.random() * 2048;
enemy.y = -50;
// Game update function
game.update = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < towers.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) {
if (LK.ticks % 120 == 0) {
// Event listener for placing towers
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
var tower = new Tower();
tower.x = x;
tower.y = y;
create a tower in a tower defense game. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
GIF animation of arrows animation with a spark at the end of the sprite animation. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
SINGLE alien in BLUE color with GIF animation of arrows animation with a spark at the end of the sprite animation. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.