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add acceleration to the boat. reset it whenever it hits a screen edge
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actually recycle coins. after a coin is destroyed, insteadf of creating a new one, recycle one that has exited the screen, so tryo to minimize the amount of created coins, by recycling them with ones that have exited the screen
User prompt
the game starts lagging after a while, ensure the coins get destroyed after going off screen
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stretch the background across the entire screen. override the asset's properties
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ensure the background image is strectehed across teh entire screen. override the image's properties
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increase the player speed
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Determine the distance the player has moved from the starting position and use this distance to calculate the rotation angle. This calculation should ensure that the player completes a 360-degree rotation by the time it reaches the opposite edge of the screen. The rotation should be proportional to the distance moved.
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When the player starts moving from one edge (top or bottom), record the starting position and the direction of the movement (upwards or downwards).
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you didn't understand me correctly. when the player is moving from the top edge of the screen towards the bottom, it should do a complete 360 degreed clockwise rotation
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decrease the speed of the player
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when traveling from the top edge of the screen to the bottom one, the pklayer should do a full 360 clockwise rotation
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the player should stand still while touching an edge of the screen. it only needs to rotate while it's traveling either up or down
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when the player moves from top to bottom, it should rotate clockwise. do a complete 360 circular rotation around it's own axis. when moving upwards, it should do the same but coutnerclockwise
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when an enemy touches the player, don't destroy the enemy
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flip the x axis of enemies spawning from left. ensure the x axis is flipped in the game logic before spawning the enemy
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instead of adding a new enemy once every 10 points, add it once every 20 points
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after the last updates enemies stopped spawning alltogether which is a bug,. fix it
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: enemyGraphics is not defined' in or related to this line: 'enemyGraphics.scale.x = 1; // Keep the x axis as is' Line Number: 198
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flip the x axis of the enemies spawning from the left side of the screen
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the score bump only works when the player hits the edge of the screen, but it should work from collecting coins as well
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add a small bump to the score whenever it increments by 1
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add a small bump to the score whenever it increments
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
self.update = function () {
self.y += playerSpeed * self.gravity;
// Add rotation to the player only when it's not touching the edge
if (!self.touchingEdge) {
- playerGraphics.rotation += self.gravity == -1 ? -0.01 : 0.0174533; // 0.0174533 radians = 1 degree
+ playerGraphics.rotation += self.gravity == -1 ? -0.0174533 : 0.0174533; // 0.0174533 radians = 1 degree
// Prevent player from going out of bounds
if (self.y - playerGraphics.height / 2 <= 0) {
self.y = playerGraphics.height / 2;