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the background music shoold loop infinitely
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add background music to the game
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improve the collision detection for both skaters and enemies
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when any enemy or skater touch each other, play the Bounce sound
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when a new round starts play the NewRound sound
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when a life refill play the Regen sound
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when en enemy dies, play the Hit sound
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when a ball is shot play the Snowball sound
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Migrate to the latest version of LK
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add an extr 50 pixels to the padding at the side of the screen
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I believe there's a 500 miliseconds delay check done before moving to the next level, remove that
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Check for Level Completion First: When a bubble hits the edge of the screen and is destroyed, the game should first check if all skaters are eliminated. If so, it should initiate the level-up process. Delay Game Over Check: The Game Over condition should be checked only after the level completion check is done.
User prompt
Check Bubble Edge Collision: The logic to check for bubble collision with the screen edge should remain intact. State Check after Bubble Edge Collision: After a bubble hits the edge and is destroyed, check if it's the last bubble. If so, then determine if the game should advance to the next level or go to the Game Over state.
User prompt
Consolidate Level Completion Logic: Ensure that there is only one place in the tick event where the level completion check is done, and thus only one place where self.levelUp() is called.
User prompt
Use Flags to Control Transitions: Utilize the levelTransitionInitiated and levelTransitionInProgress flags more effectively to control when the level transition can occur. This will prevent multiple calls to levelUp during a single level completion event.
User prompt
Remove Redundant Calls: The redundant self.levelUp() calls within the if (levelCompleted) {...} conditions should be removed. Retain only one call to self.levelUp() after setting the levelCompleted flag.
User prompt
If the level completion flag is not set and there are no lives or bubbles left, then proceed with the game over logic.
User prompt
If the level completion flag is set, initiate the level transition logic before checking for game over conditions
User prompt
Only after all bubbles have been processed and the level completion flag has been checked, perform the logic to determine if the game should transition to the next level or go to the game over state
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If no skaters remain, set a flag indicating that the level has been completed.
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After processing the movement and interactions of all bubbles, perform a check to see if any skaters remain.
User prompt
Modify the tick event handler to defer the game over and level transition checks until after all bubbles have been processed.
User prompt
Restrict spawnPenguins Calls: Ensure that spawnPenguins is only called once during the level transition. This can be managed by carefully setting and resetting the levelTransitionInitiated and levelTransitionInProgress flags. Adjust levelTransitionInitiated Flag: Set the levelTransitionInitiated flag to true immediately before calling spawnPenguins and set it to false immediately after spawnPenguins has executed. This prevents the function from being called again until the next level transition. Remove Redundant Calls: There might be multiple points in your code where spawnPenguins is called. Identify these points and ensure that the function is called only once per level transition. Check for Level Completion: Modify the logic to check for level completion (all penguins eliminated) and ensure that spawnPenguins is called only if the level is completed and the transition to the next level is initiated.
User prompt
Next Level State Logic Elimination of Penguins: The primary goal for the player is to eliminate all penguins on the board using bubbles. Bubble-Penguin Interaction: Each bubble can be used to target a penguin. When a penguin is hit, it is eliminated from the board. Checking State After Bubble Impact: The state of the game is checked only when a bubble hits the edge of the screen. Advancing to Next Level: If all penguins are eliminated, the game waits for a bubble to hit the screen edge before checking the state. The game advances to the next level after this check, regardless of the number of bubbles remaining. This rule applies even if the last penguin is eliminated with the last bubble.
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: Penguin is not defined' in this line: 'var penguin = self.addChild(new Penguin());' Line Number: 222
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -345,8 +345,11 @@
if (levelCompleted) {
+ if (levelCompleted) {
+ self.levelUp();
+ }
if (self.lives === 0 && bubbles.length === 0 && !isGameOver) {
gameOver = true;
if (gameOver) {
floor of an ice skating ring. top-view. seen from above. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated.8 bit. game background
snowboarder. top-view. gta 2. seen from above. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8 bit
snowball. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8 bit
frosty pipe tube. top-view. seen from above. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8-bit
dusty snow puff. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8 bit
green plus sign. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8 bit
frost circle arena. seen from above. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8 bit
angry penguin snowboarder wearing a red santa hat. top-view. gta 2. seen from above. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows. pixelated. 8 bit