User prompt
increase the enemy speed
User prompt
centralize the spawn time and spawn time increment per score in a single place
User prompt
when the score increases, make the enemy spawn faster. for every point added to the score, decrease the spawn time by 0.5
User prompt
increase the enemy speed
User prompt
correlate the Score to the enemy spawn time. When the score is 0 start the spawn time at the current rate. decrease the spawn rate by 0.5 for each point added to the score
User prompt
when an emey is killed, it needs to generate the explosion asset at it's center. it starts from a single pixel and extends to it's full asset size over a period of 300 miliseconds. any enemy that touches this explosion is also destroyed and generates a simialr explosion in turn, effectivelly generarting a chain reaction if multiple enemies are hit
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
make enemies spawn faster
User prompt
reverse the way of showing bullets. right now you show the ammo UI vertically, where the bottom most bullet is the one that is depleted or refilled. this should be reversed, so the top most bullet is the one from which you start deducting. So imagine you have a sequence of numbers going from 1 to 10, where 1 is the top msot bullet and 10 is the last one. Right now, the 10th bullet is the one that's at the bottom of the ammo array, and you deduct them from 10 going to one. it should be the other way around, and be deducted from 1 to 10. basically, flip it by 180 degrees
User prompt
reverse the way of showing bullets. right now you show the ammo UI vertically, where the bottom most bullet is the one that is depleted or refilled. this should be reversed, so the top most bullet is the one from which you start deducting. So imagine you have a sequence of numbers going from 1 to 10, where 1 is the top msot bullet and 10 is the last one. Right now, the 10th bullet is the one that's at the bottom of the ammo array, and you deduct them from 10 going to one. it should be the other way around, and be deducted from 1 to 10
User prompt
when collecting a new ammo fro mthe screen, esnure it follows the intened array logic and replenishes the last used ammo fro mthe UI, right now the sequence is broken
User prompt
the ammo UI works correctly until a new ammo is collected then the sequence breaks, fix this
User prompt
the ammo UI is bugged, fix it. ensure it works correctly
User prompt
reverse the way of showing bullets. right now you show the ammo UI vertically, where the bottom most bullet is the one that is depleted or refilled. this should be reversed, so the top most bullet is the one from which you start deducting. So imagine you have a sequence of numbers going from 1 to 10, where 1 is the top msot bullet and 10 is the last one. Right now, the 10th bullet is the one that's at the bottom of the ammo array, and you deduct them from 10 going to one. it should be the other way around, and be deducted from 1 to 10
User prompt
reverse the way of showing bullets. right now you show the ammo UI vertically, where the bottom most bullet is the one that is depleted or refilled. this should be reversed, so the top most bullet is the one from which you start deducting. So imagine you have a sequence of numbers going from 1 to 10, where 1 is the top msot bullet and 10 is the last one. Right now, the 10th bullet is the one that's at the bottom of the ammo array, and you deduct them from 10 going to one. it should be the other way around, and be deducted from 1 to 10
User prompt
reverse the way of showing bullets. right now you show the ammo UI vertically, where the bottom most bullet is the one that is depleted or refilled. this should be reversed, so the top most bullet is the one from which you start deducting
User prompt
there's a bug where the last collected bullet is not added correctly in sequence, instead 1 bullet is skipped, effectively creating an empy gap in the ammo UI
User prompt
the UI ammo is broken, sometimes bullets are displayed horizontally. remove any old or redundant code and ensure there's a single vertical aray that displayes the available ammo
User prompt
instead of placing the UI ammo right to the other, place it one above the other so it stacks vertically instead of horizontally
User prompt
there's a bug where sometimes a bullet is not fired even though I have enough ammo
User prompt
add a padding for the Ammo creation on the screen, so that ammo items are spawned closer to the center of the screen. make this padding 200 pixels further from all 4 sides of the screen
User prompt
the UI ammo has a bug where a bullet is missing from the sequence
User prompt
spawn enemies at a slower rate and make them move slower
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: foregroundContainer is not defined' in or related to this line: 'foregroundContainer.addChild(ammo);' Line Number: 144
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addChild')' in or related to this line: 'foregroundContainer.addChild(ammo);' Line Number: 144
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@
var ammoCount = 10;
var ammoDisplay = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ammoCount; i++) {
var ammo = new Ammo();
- ammo.x = 2048 - (i + 1) * 60; // Position to the right
- ammo.y = 50;
+ ammo.x = 2048 - 60; // Position to the right
+ ammo.y = 50 + i * 60; // Stack vertically
var midgroundContainer = game.addChild(new MidgroundContainer());
8-bit pixelated isometric cute watermelon with a rotor above. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit pixelated radial watermelon red juice explosion splash. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit pixelated isometric blueberry-shaped UFO with a cute fruit inside. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit pixelated isometric blueberry projectile. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-bit pixelated isometric blueberry projectile icon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Create a minimal and stylized 8-bit pixelated background of an alien village made of pineapple-shaped huts, viewed from a distance so the buildings appear small and occupy a small lower part of the background. The sky should be light blue and occupy the majority of the image, with the huts constructed from various fruits and having primitive shapes. Use a softer color palette to ensure the background does not distract from the main game elements, capturing the essence of classic 8-bit era video games. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.