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while the finger is held, slightly shake the player graphic. stop this animation as soon as the finger is released
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: setInterval is not a function' in or related to this line: 'self.vibrationInterval = setInterval(function () {' Line Number: 73
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while the finger is held, slightly vibrate the player graphic. stop this animation as soon as the finger is released
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instead of starting the life from the middle of the screen, always spawn it at the left edge of the screen
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move the life lower, and centralize all of it's properties in a single place, so that it's position for example is not defined in multiple places in the code, rather just one
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add the life at the top of the screen. the life bounces left and right between the left and right edges of the screen. the player can collect this
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when the tap is released and the player jumps, play the Jump sound
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while the finger is held to charge the jump, play the Charge sound. stop it as soon as the finger is released
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fix the player collision with the top edge of the screen. right now if the player's top edge hits the screen the game doesnt go to game over as it should
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fix the player collision with the top edge of the screen. right now if the player's top edge hits the screen the game doesnt go to game over as it should
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fix the player collision with the top edge of the screen. right now if the player's top edge hits the screen the game doesnt go to game over as it should
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move the player's starting position 100 pixels lower
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disable jumping while the player is in mid air. only allow jumping when the player is on the ground
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as soon as the top edge of the player touches the top part of the screen go to game over
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when ANY part of the player touches the top edge of the screen go to game over. right now this only triggers when the center of the player touches it, which is a bug
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holding the finger for just a fraction of a second should make the player jump a bit higher. there should be a minimum distance the player can jump
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
self.jumpCharge = Math.min(60, LK.ticks - self.jumpStartTime);
} else {
self.velocityY += 1; // Gravity
if (self.jumpCharge > 0) {
- self.velocityY = -self.jumpCharge * 2; // Multiply the jump charge by 2 to increase the jump height
+ self.velocityY = -Math.max(10, self.jumpCharge * 1.2); // Multiply the jump charge by 2 to increase the jump height, with a minimum jump height of 10
self.jumpCharge = 0;
self.y += self.velocityY;
pixelated 8-bit cute sitting frog seen from the front. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixelated 8-bit cute jumping frog seen from the front. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
background of a pond in the middle of the nature. pixelated 8-bit. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.