User prompt
reduce the number of cubes by 40%
User prompt
make the explosion 20% slower
User prompt
make sure the orbs asset for the explosion animation grows in size whilst fading away
User prompt
make the explosion go from small to a little bigger then fade away with ease out timing
User prompt
change explosion animation to orbs asset instead of using the blue square
User prompt
Remove the score label text leaving just the number
User prompt
Reduce the number of allowed cubes my 30%
User prompt
Make it feel even more exciting when cubes explode by making them shatter to smaller pieces before disappearing
User prompt
Make sure the score text do not reappear except for the number
User prompt
Make the cubes rotate 30% slower
User prompt
Make this more exciting when a cube gets swiped . Maybe make it explode and respawn after a second later with some randomness to the timing of the respawn
User prompt
Remove the score font but still keep the number
User prompt
Remove the “Score: “ and only show the score numbers
User prompt
Reduce the amount of cubes by 50%
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'spinningSquares[i].squareGraphics.tint')' in or related to this line: 'if (spinningSquares[i].squareGraphics.tint == 0xFF0000) {' Line Number: 62
User prompt
Make each cube to be worth 1 points except for red. If red is hit reduce point by 2
User prompt
Make the score font 128 px
User prompt
Make the cubes colorful again
User prompt
Add a score system to the game. Each color represent a different score in multiples of 10
User prompt
Do not allow the cubes to spawn at the top 15% of the screen
User prompt
Add a black filter behind my score
User prompt
Add a black horizontal bar behind the score but in front of the cubes
User prompt
Add a black background behind the regions behind the score font to make it readable
User prompt
Make the score font bold and of 32 px in size
User prompt
Add a score bar at the top in the center
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.update = function () {
- if (explosionGraphics.scale.x < 1) {
+ if (explosionGraphics.scale.x < 2) {
explosionGraphics.scale.x += 0.05;
explosionGraphics.scale.y += 0.05;
- } else if (explosionGraphics.alpha > 0) {
explosionGraphics.alpha -= 0.05;
} else {