User prompt
when the pig eat the box it will bigger and move far
User prompt
the pig will eat the box
User prompt
make a pig rotate around glider
User prompt
make this box to eat another box
User prompt
make another box rotate around glider
User prompt
make the blue box to move
User prompt
make a blue box
User prompt
make a pig
User prompt
make a pig and move
User prompt
the pig will eat the box
User prompt
make a pig walk around the flower
User prompt
make a pig to eat the box
User prompt
make a new box walkaround and shoot the old box
User prompt
make a police to eat the box interval 1 second in the range of 500*500
User prompt
Create a person who can destroy 1 box every 1 second from a distance
User prompt
Continuously generate some boxes moving closer to the center from the outside of the scene.
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: stars is not defined' in or related to this line: 'stars.forEach(function (star, index) {' Line Number: 127
User prompt
Continuously generate some boxes moving closer to the center from the outside of the scene. Once you reach the center, the game is over
User prompt
Continuously generate some boxes around the flower, and slowly approach the flower from outside the scene. Once contacted, the game is over
User prompt
Create some boxes that move slowly from outside the scene towards the flowers, the game ends when they come into contact
User prompt
make glider to finde the food
User prompt
make glider to move
User prompt
get glider bring to top
User prompt
make 50 grass
User prompt
creat some flower
* Classes
// Flower class
var Flower = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var flowerGraphics = self.attachAsset('flower', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.grow = function () {
// Flower growth logic here
// Assets are automatically created based on usage in the code.
// Glider class
var Glider = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var gliderGraphics = self.attachAsset('glider', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.update = function () {
// Glider update logic here
// Obstacle class
var Obstacle = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var obstacleGraphics = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.move = function () {
// Obstacle movement logic here
// Star class
var Star = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var starGraphics = self.attachAsset('star', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.collect = function () {
// Star collection logic here
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Light blue background to represent the sky
* Game Code
var glider = game.addChild(new Glider());
var flower = game.addChild(new Flower());
flower.x = 1024; // Start in the middle of the screen horizontally
flower.y = 1366; // Start in the middle of the screen vertically
glider.x = 1024; // Start in the middle of the screen horizontally
glider.y = 1366; // Start in the middle of the screen vertically
var stars = []; // Array to hold star objects
var obstacles = []; // Array to hold obstacle objects
// Touch and drag to move the glider
var dragNode = null;
game.on('down', function (obj) {
dragNode = glider;
game.on('move', function (obj) {
if (dragNode) {
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
dragNode.x = pos.x;
game.on('up', function (obj) {
dragNode = null;
// Game tick event
LK.on('tick', function () {
// Update glider, stars, and obstacles
stars.forEach(function (star, index) {
// Remove star if collected or off-screen
obstacles.forEach(function (obstacle, index) {
// Check for collision with glider
if (glider.intersects(obstacle)) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
// Remove obstacle if off-screen
// Spawn stars and obstacles
if (LK.ticks % 120 == 0) {// Every 2 seconds
// Code to spawn stars
if (LK.ticks % 180 == 0) {// Every 3 seconds
// Code to spawn obstacles