User prompt
Curlinstones cannot cover other curlinstones in display order but they collision with each other.
User prompt
Add second stone to the map
User prompt
Ensure player has one movement with curlinstone and change turn to ai
User prompt
Change turn from player to computer when player pushed her curlingstone
User prompt
Change player to computer
User prompt
Ensure centerline cannot cover the texts in display order
User prompt
Ensure centerline is under the texts in the display order
User prompt
Ensure gamemodeasset is above centerline in display order
User prompt
Play crawl sound when the selected curling stone is moving
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: otherStone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.lastWasIntersecting = self.intersects(otherStone); // Update lastWasIntersecting after collision detection' Line Number: 55
User prompt
Add click event to the mobile phone by handling touch events
User prompt
Why cannot moving the stone? Repair this bug!
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: otherStone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.lastWasIntersecting = self.intersects(otherStone); // Update lastWasIntersecting after collision detection' Line Number: 55
User prompt
Hey! The stone is stopped moving! Fix this bug!
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: otherStone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.lastWasIntersecting = self.intersects(otherStone); // Update lastWasIntersecting after collision detection' Line Number: 55
User prompt
User prompt
Avoid removement of the selected curlingstone
User prompt
add computer controlled opponent to the map when the player selected stone stopped
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: otherStone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.lastWasIntersecting = self.intersects(otherStone); // Update lastWasIntersecting after collision detection' Line Number: 55
User prompt
Migrate the latest LK Engine
User prompt
remove the player start text from the map if the player has shot his stone
User prompt
update game logic
User prompt
remove the player start text from the map
User prompt
A player can only move his stone once in a turn. Next comes the opponent.
User prompt
The players turn is off when the her curling is stopped.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@
// Toggle back to player's turn
- isPlayerTurn = false; // Start with AI's turn
+ isPlayerTurn = true; // Switch back to player's turn after AI's turn
function isExactlyOneStoneBelowRedLine() {
var stones = [stone, stoneRed, stoneYellow, stoneGreen, stoneOrange, stonePink, stonePurple, stoneNeon];
var count = 0;
@@ -778,18 +778,8 @@
} else if (gameMode === 'playerVsAI' && isPlayerTurn) {
isPlayerTurn = false; // Switch to AI's turn
aiTakeTurn(); // Trigger AI's turn
- } else if (gameMode === 'playerVsAI' && !isPlayerTurn) {
- isPlayerTurn = true; // Switch back to player's turn
- // Load the player's stone
- var playerStone = stones.find(function (stone) {
- return stone.touched && stone.speed === 0;
- });
- if (playerStone) {
- playerStone.touched = true;
- game.addChild(playerStone);
- }
if (!isPlayerTurn && !selectedStone.touched) {
if (gameMode === 'playerVsAI') {
black curling stone with pink top, top view.
Black curlingstone with purple top, top view.
Black curlingstone with yellow top, top view.
Black curlingstone with orange top, top view.
black curlingstone with neongreen top, top view.
Black curlingstone with neonblue top, top view.
add a text to the center: "Player vs Player"
neongreen rectangle with rounded corners, transparent in the middle.
Red button with white start text.