User prompt
Repair all bugs from the point 1 to 8 and ensure the multiplayer in this game.
User prompt
Fix turn switching logic for player vs AI mode
User prompt
but still not working the player vs computer and player vs player multiplayer mods... You should ensure change the turn for the opponent!
User prompt
run bug repair in this game
User prompt
Add multiplayer event to the game logic in player vs ai computer opponent mode
User prompt
Add multiplayer event to the game logic in both of mods
User prompt
Add multiplayer event to the game logic
User prompt
If the player clicked on the leftbutton then the player vs second player mode is selected. In this mode the second player can select an other curling stone an play with it in alternate turns
User prompt
Add computer controlled opponent curling stone to the map when the match is started
User prompt
When player made his turn then load the cumputer opponent to the map and trigger it to push her curling stone
User prompt
In one turn player can only one push and after it load the opponent
User prompt
Load opponent stone when the player's stone stops moving IN THE MATCH!
User prompt
The curling stone is stopped so load opponent stone
User prompt
Change the turn to the ai if player is done with her turn
User prompt
Add computer controlled opponent to the match start
User prompt
Do these points to make it work
User prompt
Change player to opponent if the stone stopped
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach')' in or related to this line: 'stones.forEach(function (otherStone) {' Line Number: 76
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lastWasIntersecting')' in or related to this line: 'stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone' Line Number: 367
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach')' in or related to this line: 'stones.forEach(function (otherStone) {' Line Number: 76
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lastWasIntersecting')' in or related to this line: 'stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone' Line Number: 367
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach')' in or related to this line: 'stones.forEach(function (otherStone) {' Line Number: 76
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lastWasIntersecting')' in or related to this line: 'stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone' Line Number: 367
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lastWasIntersecting')' in or related to this line: 'stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone' Line Number: 367
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lastWasIntersecting')' in or related to this line: 'stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone' Line Number: 367
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -66,21 +66,15 @@
self.speed = 0;
if (self.touched && isPlayerTurn) {
isPlayerTurn = false;
- // AI selects a stone of a different color
- var stones = [stone, stoneRed, stoneYellow, stoneGreen, stoneOrange, stonePink, stonePurple, stoneNeon];
- var aiSelectedStone = null;
- do {
- aiSelectedStone = stones[Math.floor(Math.random() * stones.length)];
- } while (aiSelectedStone === self || aiSelectedStone.touched || aiSelectedStone.speed > 0);
- // AI throws the stone with a random speed and direction
- if (aiSelectedStone) {
- var speed = Math.random() * 5 + 1; // Random speed between 1 and 6
- var direction = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; // Random direction
- aiSelectedStone["throw"](speed, direction);
- aiSelectedStone.touched = true; // Mark the stone as touched
- }
+ // Add opponent stone to the map
+ var opponentStone = new GreenStone();
+ opponentStone.x = 2048 / 2 + 100; // Slightly offset from the player's stone
+ opponentStone.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 400;
+ game.addChild(opponentStone);
+ } else if (!isPlayerTurn) {
+ isPlayerTurn = true; // Switch back to player's turn
self["throw"] = function (speed, direction) {
@@ -330,65 +324,13 @@
return count === 1;
-// Initialize stones array in the global scope to track all stones
-var stones = [stone, stoneRed, stoneYellow, stoneGreen, stoneOrange, stonePink, stonePurple, stoneNeon]; // Initialize with all stone objects
+// Initialize stones array to track all stones
+var stones = [new CurlingStone(), new RedStone(), new YellowStone(), new GreenStone(), new OrangeStone(), new PinkStone(), new PurpleStone(), new NeonStone()];
stones.forEach(function (stone) {
stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
- stone.lastX = stone.x; // Initialize lastX for each stone
- stone.lastY = stone.y; // Initialize lastY for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
- stone.lastX = stone.x; // Initialize lastX for each stone
- stone.lastY = stone.y; // Initialize lastY for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
- stone.lastX = stone.x; // Initialize lastX for each stone
- stone.lastY = stone.y; // Initialize lastY for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
- stone.lastX = stone.x; // Initialize lastX for each stone
- stone.lastY = stone.y; // Initialize lastY for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
- stone.lastX = stone.x; // Initialize lastX for each stone
- stone.lastY = stone.y; // Initialize lastY for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
-stones.forEach(function (stone) {
- stone.lastWasIntersecting = false; // Initialize lastWasIntersecting for each stone
var anotherObject = whiteCenter; // Define anotherObject for intersection checks
// Initialize startButton variable
var startButton = null;
// Function to check the visibility of the start button
@@ -593,9 +535,8 @@
var stoneSpacing = 200;
var totalStones = 8;
var startX = 2048 / 2 - stoneSpacing * (totalStones - 1) / 2;
var stone = game.addChild(new CurlingStone());
-stones.push(stone); // Add stone to the global stones array
stone.x = startX;
stone.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stone.interactive = true;
stone.on('down', function () {
@@ -615,9 +556,8 @@
// Logic for when stoneBlue is selected
console.log("stoneBlue selected");
var stoneRed = game.addChild(new RedStone());
-stones.push(stoneRed); // Add stoneRed to the global stones array
stoneRed.x = startX + stoneSpacing;
stoneRed.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stoneRed.interactive = true;
stoneRed.on('down', function () {
@@ -628,9 +568,8 @@
selectedStone = stoneRed;
var stoneYellow = game.addChild(new YellowStone());
-stones.push(stoneYellow); // Add stoneYellow to the global stones array
stoneYellow.x = startX + stoneSpacing * 2;
stoneYellow.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stoneYellow.interactive = true;
stoneYellow.on('down', function () {
@@ -641,9 +580,8 @@
selectedStone = stoneYellow;
var stoneGreen = game.addChild(new GreenStone());
-stones.push(stoneGreen); // Add stoneGreen to the global stones array
stoneGreen.x = startX + stoneSpacing * 3;
stoneGreen.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stoneGreen.interactive = true;
stoneGreen.on('down', function () {
@@ -654,9 +592,8 @@
selectedStone = stoneGreen;
var stoneOrange = game.addChild(new OrangeStone());
-stones.push(stoneOrange); // Add stoneOrange to the global stones array
stoneOrange.x = startX + stoneSpacing * 4;
stoneOrange.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stoneOrange.interactive = true;
stoneOrange.on('down', function () {
@@ -667,9 +604,8 @@
selectedStone = stoneOrange;
var stonePink = game.addChild(new PinkStone());
-stones.push(stonePink); // Add stonePink to the global stones array
stonePink.x = startX + stoneSpacing * 5;
stonePink.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stonePink.interactive = true;
stonePink.on('down', function () {
@@ -680,9 +616,8 @@
selectedStone = stonePink;
var stonePurple = game.addChild(new PurpleStone());
-stones.push(stonePurple); // Add stonePurple to the global stones array
stonePurple.x = startX + stoneSpacing * 6;
stonePurple.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stonePurple.interactive = true;
stonePurple.on('down', function () {
@@ -693,9 +628,8 @@
selectedStone = stonePurple;
var stoneNeon = game.addChild(new NeonStone());
-stones.push(stoneNeon); // Add stoneNeon to the global stones array
stoneNeon.x = startX + stoneSpacing * 7;
stoneNeon.y = 2732 * 0.75 + 500 - 350;
stoneNeon.interactive = true;
stoneNeon.on('down', function () {
black curling stone with pink top, top view.
Black curlingstone with purple top, top view.
Black curlingstone with yellow top, top view.
Black curlingstone with orange top, top view.
black curlingstone with neongreen top, top view.
Black curlingstone with neonblue top, top view.
add a text to the center: "Player vs Player"
neongreen rectangle with rounded corners, transparent in the middle.
Red button with white start text.