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After the player has 6 points, start adding 100 pixles more for the next star y spawn position. This will be cumulative
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dot partcicles should take 1 whole second to dissapear
Code edit (7 edits merged)
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change dot particle effect to be a circular explosion where all the dots have the same distance between each other and the same speed
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when dot is destroyed bounce should be disabled
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add increaase and decrease size animation to star
Code edit (3 edits merged)
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decresase obstacle speed in half
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add more obstacles as score increases
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increase game dificulty every time score increases
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remove duplicate start
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obstacle should not rotate on its center
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Fix Bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x')' in or related to this line: 'firstObstacle.x = star.x;' Line Number: 154
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on game start add 1 obstacles orbiting arroung the first stra
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obstacles should orbit arround the star
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smallobstacle should move downards on tick in relation to dot like obstacles do
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small obstacle can havev a different asset as the obstacle
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small obstacles should appear also orbiting about the first start
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small obstacle should orbit arround the star
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every time a star is spawned add a orbit of smallobstacles around it
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small obstacle should make an orbit arround the start
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create a new smallobstacle class.
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@
stars.splice(j, 1);
var newStar = game.addChild(new Star());
newStar.x = 2048 / 2;
- var additionalYOffset = LK.getScore() > 6 ? (LK.getScore() - 6) * 100 : 0;
+ var additionalYOffset = LK.getScore() > 4 ? (LK.getScore() - 4) * 100 : 0;
newStar.y = oldStarY - 2500 - additionalYOffset;
// Add a cumulative number of CircularObstacles at random positions around the new star
var cumulativeObstacles = 1 + LK.getScore();