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add more obstacles as score increases
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decresase obstacle speed in half
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add increaase and decrease size animation to star
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when dot is destroyed bounce should be disabled
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change dot particle effect to be a circular explosion where all the dots have the same distance between each other and the same speed
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dot partcicles should take 1 whole second to dissapear
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After the player has 6 points, start adding 100 pixles more for the next star y spawn position. This will be cumulative
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When obstacles are 2000 y offscreen destrpy them to increease performance
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When a obstacle is created, draw a dotted line of the onstacles orbit
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Add a very small dotted line marking the orbit of each new obstacle
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Fix Bug: 'TypeError: obstacles[i].move is not a function' in or related to this line: 'obstacles[i].move();' Line Number: 235
User prompt
When a star is destoyed show a text for 1 second where the star was that says "+1"
User prompt
When star is destroyed show a +1 message where the star was
User prompt
To display the "+1" text properly, the `ScorePopup` class should instantiate a `Text2` object and then add it to the container using the `addChild` method, which is the standard way to add display objects to containers in many game engines, including LK.
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User prompt
Center scorepop with star considering anchors
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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reduce obtacle speed in 30%
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add effect to scoretxt when it updates
User prompt
add transition effect for scoretxt when its updated
User prompt
when transition effect is done to scoretxt make sure scoretxt always keeps the original y position
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
self.starY = starY;
self.updatePosition = function () {
self.x = self.starX + Math.cos(self.angle) * self.radius;
self.y = self.starY + Math.sin(self.angle) * self.radius;
- self.angle += self.angleSpeed * 0.5;
- obstacleGraphics.rotation += self.angleSpeed * 0.5;
+ self.angle += self.angleSpeed * 0.35;
+ obstacleGraphics.rotation += self.angleSpeed * 0.35;
self.moveDown = function (distance) {
self.starY += distance * 2;