User prompt
play death sound when fairy is destroyed
User prompt
make fairy explosion bigger and with a lot of colors
User prompt
destroy fairy and make it explode with it collides with enemy or bullet. do not flash screen
User prompt
when fairy collides with an enemy or bullet, destroy fairy with a big explosion and wait for 2 seconds before showing game over
User prompt
allow fairy to move a little more up
User prompt
play letsgo sound one second after the game starts
User prompt
on game start play letsgo sound
User prompt
red from 4 should be a little stronger than 3
User prompt
replace 4 tint from green to a sofr red
User prompt
for hitpoints not 1 do not use yellow collor
User prompt
add a few more stars on the starfield
User prompt
make enemies colors for hitpoints between 4 and 12 different, not all variations of red. use sofr colors of the rainbow
User prompt
add colors for hitpoints on enemy class from 4 to 12 in the same pallet of colors as 1 to 3
Code edit (6 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
play nono sound when player can't purchase an upgrade for not enough diamonds
User prompt
play hooray sound when an upgrade is purchased
User prompt
update diamons cost for powerups to 5 for powerup1 5 for powerup2 and 10 for powerup3. make sure it is updated everyower in the game
User prompt
set initial dimaond count t 0
User prompt
powerups costst should be 5 5 and 10
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
Code edit (3 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
when boss speed increases, also increase its bullets speed
User prompt
bossbullets shoudl also increase speed when boss speed increases
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
bosses should move faster every 5 seconds, but reset when they are killed
* Classes
// Global counter for Boss spawns
var Boss = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
bossSpawnCount++; // Increment the counter each time a Boss is spawned
var bossGraphics = self.attachAsset('boss1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
// Removed tint for the boss
self.speed = 2 * bossSpawnCount;
self.hitpoints = 20 * bossSpawnCount; // High hitpoints for the boss
self.update = function () {
console.log("Boss hitpoints:", self.hitpoints);
self.x += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 30) * (5 + bossSpeedIncrement); // Sideways movement
self.y += Math.cos(LK.ticks / 50) * 3; // Top-down movement
self.x = Math.max(Math.min(self.x, 2048 - self.width / 2), self.width / 2); // Keep within screen bounds horizontally
self.y = Math.max(Math.min(self.y, 2732 * 0.4), self.height / 2); // Keep within top 40% of the screen
if (Math.sin(LK.ticks / 30) < 0) {
self.scale.x = -1; // Mirror image when moving left
} else {
self.scale.x = 1; // Normal image when moving right
// Logic to increase and decrease boss size
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
if (LK.ticks % 120 == 0) {
LK.getSound('bossbullet').play(); // Play bossbullet sound when Boss shoots BossBullet
// Shoot bullets every second
var newBullet = new BossBullet();
newBullet.x = self.x;
newBullet.y = self.y + self.height / 2;
// Global counter for Boss2 spawns
var Boss2 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
boss2SpawnCount++; // Increment the counter each time a Boss2 is spawned
var bossGraphics = self.attachAsset('boss2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 40 * boss2SpawnCount;
self.hitpoints = 1 * boss2SpawnCount; // Higher hitpoints for the second boss
self.update = function () {
console.log("Boss2 hitpoints:", self.hitpoints);
self.x += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 30) * (5 + bossSpeedIncrement); // Sideways movement
self.y += Math.cos(LK.ticks / 50) * 3; // Top-down movement
self.x = Math.max(Math.min(self.x, 2048 - self.width / 2), self.width / 2); // Keep within screen bounds horizontally
self.y = Math.max(Math.min(self.y, 2732 * 0.4), self.height / 2); // Keep within top 40% of the screen
if (Math.sin(LK.ticks / 30) < 0) {
self.scale.x = -1; // Mirror image when moving left
} else {
self.scale.x = 1; // Normal image when moving right
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
if (LK.ticks % 60 == 0) {
LK.getSound('bossbullet').play(); // Play bossbullet sound when Boss2 shoots BossBullet2
var newBullet = new BossBullet2();
newBullet.x = self.x;
newBullet.y = self.y + self.height / 2;
// Global counter for Boss3 spawns
var Boss3 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
boss3SpawnCount++; // Increment the counter each time a Boss3 is spawned
var bossGraphics = self.attachAsset('boss3', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 2 * boss3SpawnCount;
self.hitpoints = 60 * boss3SpawnCount; // Higher hitpoints for the third boss
self.update = function () {
console.log("Boss3 hitpoints:", self.hitpoints);
self.x += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 30) * (5 + bossSpeedIncrement); // Sideways movement
self.y += Math.cos(LK.ticks / 50) * 3; // Top-down movement
self.x = Math.max(Math.min(self.x, 2048 - self.width / 2), self.width / 2); // Keep within screen bounds horizontally
self.y = Math.max(Math.min(self.y, 2732 * 0.4), self.height / 2); // Keep within top 40% of the screen
if (Math.sin(LK.ticks / 30) < 0) {
self.scale.x = -1; // Mirror image when moving left
} else {
self.scale.x = 1; // Normal image when moving right
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
if (LK.ticks % 90 == 0) {
LK.getSound('bossbullet').play(); // Play bossbullet sound when Boss3 shoots BossBullet3
var newBullet = new BossBullet3();
newBullet.x = self.x;
newBullet.y = self.y + self.height / 2;
var BossBullet = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('bossbullet', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 5.5; // Increase speed by 10%
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
self.rotation += 0.1; // Add rotation to the boss bullet
// Logic to increase and decrease boss bullet size
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
var BossBullet2 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('bossbullet2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 5;
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
self.rotation += 0.1; // Add rotation to the boss bullet
// Logic to increase and decrease boss bullet size
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
var BossBullet3 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('boss3bullet', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 7;
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
self.rotation += 0.1; // Add rotation to the boss bullet
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
// Bullet class
var Bullet = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('bullet', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -5; // Default bullet speed, can be overridden
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
// Diamond class
var Diamond = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var diamondGraphics = self.attachAsset('diamond', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 4;
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
self.rotation += 0.05; // Add rotation animation
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.002;
self.scale.y += 0.002;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.002;
self.scale.y -= 0.002;
if (self.y > 2732) {
// Enemy class
var Enemy = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var enemyGraphics = self.attachAsset('block', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
tint: 0xffffff // Default tint, will be overridden by wave configuration
self.speed = 3.3; // Increase speed by 10%
self.hitpoints = 3; // Add hitpoints to enemies
self.update = function () {
// Update tint based on hitpoints
if (self.hitpoints === 3) {
self.children[0].tint = 0xff6666; // Red tint for 3 hitpoints
} else if (self.hitpoints === 2) {
self.children[0].tint = 0xcc66ff; // Purple tint for 2 hitpoints
} else if (self.hitpoints === 1) {
self.children[0].tint = 0xffe066; // Yellow tint for 1 hitpoint
self.y += self.speed;
// Logic to increase and decrease block sizes
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.002;
self.scale.y += 0.002;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.002;
self.scale.y -= 0.002;
// Create and update hitpoints display
if (!self.hitpointsDisplay) {
self.hitpointsDisplay = new Text2(self.hitpoints.toString(), {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
self.hitpointsDisplay.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
self.hitpointsDisplay.y = 0;
} else if (LK.ticks % 10 === 0) {
var Enemy2 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var enemyGraphics = self.attachAsset('enemy2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 4.4; // Increase speed by 10%
self.hitpoints = 5; // Different hitpoints for Enemy2
self.randomFactorX = Math.random() * 20 + 10; // Ensure a minimum value to reduce shakiness
self.randomFactorY = Math.random() * 10 + 5; // Ensure a minimum value to reduce shakiness
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
self.x += Math.sin(LK.ticks / (30 + self.randomFactorX)) * 5; // Add unique random sideways movement
// Ensure Enemy2 changes direction when touching the sides
if (self.x < self.width / 2) {
self.x = self.width / 2;
self.randomFactorX = Math.random() * 20 + 10; // Change direction smoothly
} else if (self.x > 2048 - self.width / 2) {
self.x = 2048 - self.width / 2;
self.randomFactorX = -self.randomFactorX; // Change direction
// Logic to increase and decrease size
if (LK.ticks % 120 < 60) {
self.scale.x += 0.001;
self.scale.y += 0.001;
} else {
self.scale.x -= 0.001;
self.scale.y -= 0.001;
self.x += Math.sin(LK.ticks / (60 + self.randomFactorX)) * 5; // Smooth sideways movement
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / (30 + self.randomFactorY)) * 2; // Smooth bouncy movement
if (self.y > 2732) {
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Fairy class
var Fairy = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var fairyGraphics = self.attachAsset('fairy', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
fairyGraphics.hitArea = new Rectangle(-fairyGraphics.width / 4, -fairyGraphics.height / 4, fairyGraphics.width / 2, fairyGraphics.height / 2); // Reduce hitbox area
self.speed = 5;
self.particles = [];
self.update = function () {
// Particle emitter logic
if (LK.ticks % 5 === 0) {
var particle = LK.getAsset('fairyemitter', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 1,
scaleX: 12,
scaleY: 12
particle.x = self.x + (self.scale.x === -1 ? 30 : -30);
particle.y = self.y + self.height / 2;
particle.speedX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2;
particle.speedY = Math.random() * 2 + 1; // Push particles downwards
particle.update = function () {
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
this.alpha -= 0.01;
if (this.alpha <= 0) {
// Update existing particles
for (var i = self.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (self.particles[i].alpha <= 0) {
self.particles.splice(i, 1);
// Fairy movement logic
var HeroBullet = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('bullet', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 0.8
self.speed = -5;
self.hitpoints = 1; // Add hitpoints property to HeroBullet
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
console.log("HeroBullet speed:", self.speed);
console.log("HeroBullet damage:", self.hitpoints);
var HeroBullet2 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('herobullet2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -5; // Different speed for HeroBullet2
self.hitpoints = 2; // Different hitpoints for HeroBullet2
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
console.log("HeroBullet2 speed:", self.speed);
console.log("HeroBullet2 damage:", self.hitpoints);
var HeroBullet3 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bulletGraphics = self.attachAsset('herobullet3', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -8; // Different speed for HeroBullet3
self.hitpoints = 1; // Set base damage for HeroBullet3 to 1
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
console.log("HeroBullet3 speed:", self.speed);
console.log("HeroBullet3 damage:", self.hitpoints);
// Powerup class
var Powerup = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var powerupGraphics = self.attachAsset('powerup', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 3;
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
if (self.y > 2732) {
var PowerupMenu = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var screenGraphics = self.attachAsset('menu', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
screenGraphics.width = 1024 * 1.5; // Increase width by 50%
screenGraphics.height = 1366 * 1.5; // Increase height by 50%
screenGraphics.alpha = 0.7;
screenGraphics.x = 2048 / 3 + 100;
screenGraphics.y = 2732 / 3 + 50;
var title = new Text2('', {
size: 150,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
title.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
title.x = screenGraphics.x;
title.y = screenGraphics.y - screenGraphics.height / 2 + 150;
self.x = 2048 / 2 - screenGraphics.width / 2 - 500;
self.y = 2732 / 2 - screenGraphics.height / 2 - 300;
var powerup1 = LK.getAsset('powerup1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
powerup1.x = screenGraphics.x - 300;
powerup1.y = screenGraphics.y - 400;
powerup1.down = function (x, y, obj) {
console.log("Powerup1 touched");
if (diamondCount >= powerupCosts.powerup1) {
diamondCount -= powerupCosts.powerup1;
heroFireRate = Math.max(5, heroFireRate - 5); // Increase fire rate when the first powerup is selected, but not less than 5
isUsingHeroBullet3 = true; // Switch to HeroBullet3
HeroBullet.prototype.speed -= 0.3; // Increase bullet speed by 1
isUsingHeroBullet2 = false; // Ensure HeroBullet2 is not used
HeroBullet2.prototype.speed = -8; // Reset HeroBullet2 speed
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
if (currentLevelIndex < levels.length - 1) {
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
} else {
currentLevelIndex = 0;
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
levels.forEach(function (level) {
level.waves.forEach(function (wave) {
wave.hitpoints = (hitpoint) {
return hitpoint * 2;
wave.speed = wave.speed ? wave.speed * 2 : 2; // Double the speed of enemies
bullets.forEach(function (bullet) {
bullet.speed *= 2; // Double the speed of bullets
currentLevel.currentWaveIndex = 0; // Reset the current wave index to start from the first wave
} else {
var message = new Text2("I need ".concat(powerupCosts.powerup1 - diamondCount, " more diamonds for this powerup!"), {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
message.anchor.set(0.5, 1.0);
message.x = 2048 / 2;
message.y = 2732 - 50;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
var powerup1DiamondIcon = LK.getAsset('diamond', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: 0.5,
scaleY: 0.5
powerup1DiamondIcon.x = powerup1.x;
powerup1DiamondIcon.y = powerup1.y + powerup1.height / 2 + 50;
var powerup1Cost = new Text2('10', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
powerup1Cost.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
powerup1Cost.x = powerup1.x;
powerup1Cost.y = powerup1DiamondIcon.y + powerup1DiamondIcon.height / 2 - 20;
var powerup2 = LK.getAsset('powerup2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
powerup2.x = screenGraphics.x;
powerup2.y = screenGraphics.y - 400;
powerup2.down = function (x, y, obj) {
console.log("Powerup2 touched");
if (diamondCount >= powerupCosts.powerup2) {
diamondCount -= powerupCosts.powerup2;
// Add action for powerup3
isUsingHeroBullet2 = true; // Switch to HeroBullet2
isUsingHeroBullet3 = false; // Ensure HeroBullet3 is not used
// HeroBullet.prototype.speed = -5; // Reset HeroBullet speed
heroFireRate = Math.max(5, heroFireRate - 5); // Increase fire rate when the second powerup is selected, but not less than 5
HeroBullet2.prototype.hitpoints *= 1.2; // Increase hit points by 20%
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
// Increase level when a powerup is selected
if (currentLevelIndex < levels.length - 1) {
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
} else {
currentLevelIndex = 0;
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
levels.forEach(function (level) {
level.waves.forEach(function (wave) {
wave.hitpoints = (hitpoint) {
return hitpoint * 1.2; // Increase hitpoints by 20%
wave.speed = wave.speed ? wave.speed * 1.5 : 1.5; // Increase speed by 50%
bullets.forEach(function (bullet) {
bullet.speed *= 1.5; // Increase bullet speed by 50%
} else {
var message = new Text2("I need ".concat(powerupCosts.powerup2 - diamondCount, " more diamonds for this powerup!"), {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
message.anchor.set(0.5, 1.0);
message.x = 2048 / 2;
message.y = 2732 - 50;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
var powerup2DiamondIcon = LK.getAsset('diamond', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: 0.5,
scaleY: 0.5
powerup2DiamondIcon.x = powerup2.x;
powerup2DiamondIcon.y = powerup2.y + powerup2.height / 2 + 50;
var powerup2Cost = new Text2('20', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
powerup2Cost.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
powerup2Cost.x = powerup2.x;
powerup2Cost.y = powerup2DiamondIcon.y + powerup2DiamondIcon.height / 2 - 20;
var powerup3 = LK.getAsset('powerup3', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
powerup3.x = screenGraphics.x + 300;
powerup3.y = screenGraphics.y - 400;
powerup3.down = function (x, y, obj) {
console.log("Powerup3 touched");
if (diamondCount >= powerupCosts.powerup3) {
diamondCount -= powerupCosts.powerup3;
// Add action for powerup3
shield = game.addChild(new Shield()); // Add shield only when powerup3 is selected
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
// Increase level when a powerup is selected
if (currentLevelIndex < levels.length - 1) {
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
} else {
currentLevelIndex = 0;
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
} else {
var message = new Text2("I need ".concat(powerupCosts.powerup3 - diamondCount, " more diamonds for this powerup!"), {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
message.anchor.set(0.5, 1.0);
message.x = 2048 / 2;
message.y = 2732 - 50;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
var powerup3DiamondIcon = LK.getAsset('diamond', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: 0.5,
scaleY: 0.5
powerup3DiamondIcon.x = powerup3.x;
powerup3DiamondIcon.y = powerup3.y + powerup3.height / 2 + 50;
var powerup3Cost = new Text2('30', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
powerup3Cost.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
powerup3Cost.x = powerup3.x;
powerup3Cost.y = powerup3DiamondIcon.y + powerup3DiamondIcon.height / 2 - 20;
var closeButton = new Text2('Not now!', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
closeButton.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
closeButton.x = screenGraphics.x;
closeButton.y = screenGraphics.y + screenGraphics.height / 2 - 300;
closeButton.down = function (x, y, obj) {
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
if (currentLevelIndex < levels.length - 1) {
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
} else {
// Reset to first level and double enemy hitpoints
currentLevelIndex = 0;
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
levels.forEach(function (level) {
level.waves.forEach(function (wave) {
wave.hitpoints = (hitpoint) {
return hitpoint * 2;
wave.speed = wave.speed ? wave.speed * 2 : 2; // Double the speed of enemies
bullets.forEach(function (bullet) {
bullet.speed *= 2; // Double the speed of bullets
self.down = function (x, y, obj) {
var localPos = self.toLocal(;
if (powerup1.intersects(self.toLocal( || powerup2.intersects(self.toLocal( || powerup3.intersects(self.toLocal( {
if (powerup1.intersects(self.toLocal( && diamondCount >= 10) {
console.log("Powerup1 touched");
diamondCount -= 10;
heroFireRate = Math.max(5, heroFireRate - 5); // Increase fire rate when the first powerup is selected, but not less than 5
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
} else if (powerup2.intersects(self.toLocal( && diamondCount >= 20) {
console.log("Powerup2 touched");
diamondCount -= 20;
// Add action for powerup2
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
} else if (powerup3.intersects(self.toLocal( && diamondCount >= 30) {
console.log("Powerup3 touched");
diamondCount -= 30;
// Add action for powerup3
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
} else {
var messageText = 'I need more shiny things!';
if (powerup1.intersects(self.toLocal( && diamondCount < 10) {
messageText = 'I need 10 diamonds for this powerup!';
} else if (powerup2.intersects(self.toLocal( && diamondCount < 20) {
messageText = 'I need 20 diamonds for this powerup!';
} else if (powerup3.intersects(self.toLocal( && diamondCount < 30) {
messageText = 'I need 30 diamonds for this powerup!';
var message = new Text2(messageText, {
size: 100,
fill: "#ff0000",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
message.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
message.x = 2048 / 2;
message.y = 2732 / 2;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
} else if (closeButton.intersects(self.toLocal( {
self.destroy(); // Close powerup menu
isPowerupScreenActive = false;
if (currentLevelIndex < levels.length) {
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
} else {
currentLevelIndex = 0;
currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
levels.forEach(function (level) {
level.waves.forEach(function (wave) {
wave.hitpoints = (hitpoint) {
return hitpoint * 2;
wave.speed = wave.speed ? wave.speed * 2 : 2; // Double the speed of enemies
bullets.forEach(function (bullet) {
bullet.speed *= 2; // Double the speed of bullets
currentLevel.currentWaveIndex = 0; // Reset the current wave index to start from the first wave
var Shield = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var shieldGraphics = self.attachAsset('shield', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 0.5
self.update = function () {
self.x = fairy.x;
self.y = fairy.y;
self.zIndex = fairy.zIndex + 1; // Ensure shield is rendered on top of fairy
// Star class
var Star = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var starGraphics = self.attachAsset('star', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 5;
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
if (self.y > 2732) {
self.y = -5;
self.x = Math.random() * 2048;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x800080 //Init game with purple background
* Game Code
// Configuration for powerup costs
var bossSpawnCount = 0;
var boss2SpawnCount = 0;
var boss3SpawnCount = 0;
var bossSpeedIncrement = 0; // Global variable to track boss speed increment
var powerupCosts = {
powerup1: 10,
powerup2: 20,
powerup3: 30
var Level = function Level(config, levelNumber) {
this.waves = config.waves;
this.currentWaveIndex = 0;
this.boss = config.boss;
this.levelNumber = levelNumber;
Level.prototype.getNextWave = function () {
if (this.currentWaveIndex < this.waves.length) {
return this.waves[this.currentWaveIndex++];
} else {
return null;
Level.prototype.hasBoss = function () {
return this.boss && this.currentWaveIndex >= this.waves.length;
var levels = [new Level({
waves: [{
enemies: 3,
hitpoints: [1],
tints: [0xffe066]
}, {
enemies: 6,
hitpoints: [2, 1],
tints: [0xcc66ff, 0xffe066]
}, {
enemies: 9,
hitpoints: [3, 2, 1],
tints: [0xcc66ff, 0xffe066]
}, {
enemies: 9,
hitpoints: [4, 3, 2],
tints: [0xcc66ff, 0xffe066]
boss: true
}, 1), new Level({
waves: [{
enemies: 6,
hitpoints: [4, 3],
tints: [0x66ff66]
}, {
enemies: 9,
hitpoints: [5, 4, 3],
tints: [0x66ccff, 0x66ff66]
}, {
enemies: 12,
hitpoints: [5, 4, 3, 2],
tints: [0x66ccff, 0x66ff66]
}, {
enemies: 12,
hitpoints: [6, 5, 4, 3],
tints: [0x66ccff, 0x66ff66]
boss: true
}, 2), new Level({
waves: [{
enemies: 3,
hitpoints: [1],
tints: [0xff9933]
}, {
enemies: 10,
hitpoints: [4, 3],
tints: [0xffcc00, 0xff9933]
}, {
enemies: 12,
hitpoints: [5, 4, 3],
tints: [0xff6600, 0xffcc00, 0xff9933]
boss: true
}, 3)];
var currentLevelIndex = 0;
var currentLevel = levels[currentLevelIndex];
// Initialize variables
var isUsingHeroBullet2 = false; // Flag to track if HeroBullet2 is being used
var isUsingHeroBullet3 = false; // Flag to track if HeroBullet3 is being used
var fairy;
var bullets = [];
var enemies = [];
var scoreTxt;
var score = 0;
var dragNode = null;
var heroFireRate = 30; // Default fire rate for hero bullets
var defaultHeroFireRate = 30; // Store the default fire rate
var diamondCount = 100; // Initialize diamond counter with 999 diamonds
var diamondCounterTxt; // Declare diamondCounterTxt variable
var isFairyHeld = false; // Track if the fairy is being held
var shield = null; // Initialize shield variable
var isPowerupScreenActive = false; // Track if the powerup screen is active
var waveCount = 0; // Track the wave count
var waveConfig = [{
enemies: 3,
hitpoints: [1],
tints: [0xffe066]
/**** , {
enemies: 6,
hitpoints: [2, 1],
tints: [0xcc66ff, 0xffe066]
, {
enemies: 9,
hitpoints: [3, 2, 1],
tints: [0xff6666, 0xcc66ff, 0xffe066]
// Add more wave configurations as needed
// Initialize game elements
function initGame() {
// Play background music on loop
var backgroundMusic = LK.getSound('backgroundmusic');
backgroundMusic.loop = true;;
// Create and position the fairy
fairy = game.addChild(new Fairy());
fairy.particles = [];
fairy.x = 2048 / 2;
fairy.y = 2732 - 400;
// Create score text
scoreTxt = new Text2('0', {
size: 200,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0); // Anchor to the top center
scoreTxt.x = 2048 / 2; // Position at the top center of the screen
scoreTxt.y = 20; // Position with a margin from the top
for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
var star = game.addChild(new Star());
star.x = Math.random() * 2048;
star.y = Math.random() * 2732;
scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
// Create coin counter text
// Create coin counter text
// Removed menu background from the top of the screen where score and diamonds are
var diamondCounterContainer = new Container();
var diamondIcon = LK.getAsset('diamond', {
anchorX: 1,
anchorY: 0,
alpha: 0.8,
scaleX: 1.4,
scaleY: 1.4
diamondIcon.x = 2048 - 100;
diamondIcon.y = 20;
diamondCounterTxt = new Text2('0', {
size: 120,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 5
diamondCounterTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
diamondCounterTxt.x = diamondIcon.x + diamondIcon.width / 2 - 230;
diamondCounterTxt.y = diamondIcon.y + diamondIcon.height / 2 + 15;
// Set up game event listeners
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
dragNode = fairy;
isFairyHeld = true; // Set isFairyHeld to true when the fairy is held
game.up = function (x, y, obj) {
dragNode = null;
isFairyHeld = false; // Set isFairyHeld to false when the fairy is released
game.move = handleMove;
// Update game every tick
game.update = updateGame;
// Handle move events
function handleMove(x, y, obj) {
if (dragNode) {
// Check if the fairy is moving to the right
if (x > dragNode.x) {
// Mirror the fairy image
dragNode.scale.x = -1;
} else {
// Reset the fairy image
dragNode.scale.x = 1;
// Create a ghost image of the fairy when it moves every other frame
if (LK.ticks % 4 === 0) {
var ghostFairy = LK.getAsset('fairy', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 0.3
ghostFairy.x = dragNode.x;
ghostFairy.y = dragNode.y;
if (dragNode.parent === game) {
game.addChildAt(ghostFairy, game.getChildIndex(dragNode));
} else {
if (dragNode.scale.x === -1) {
ghostFairy.scale.x = -1;
// Remove the ghost image after 0.5 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 250);
dragNode.x += (x - dragNode.x) * 0.1;
if (y > 2732 * 0.6) {
dragNode.y += (y - dragNode.y) * 0.1;
} else {
dragNode.y += (2732 * 0.6 - dragNode.y) * 0.1;
// Update game logic
function updateGame() {
// Check if background music is playing, if not, play it
var backgroundMusic = LK.getSound('backgroundmusic');
if (!backgroundMusic.isPlaying) {;
if (LK.ticks % 300 === 0) {
// Every 5 seconds (300 ticks at 60FPS)
bossSpeedIncrement += 1; // Increase boss speed increment
if (currentLevel) {
console.log("Current Level:", currentLevel.levelNumber);
} else {
console.log("Current Level: undefined");
// Update starfield
for (var i = game.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (game.children[i] instanceof Star) {
if (game.children[i] instanceof Diamond && game.children[i].intersects(fairy)) {
LK.getSound('diamondcollect').play(); // Play diamondcollect sound when a diamond is collected
// Update bullets
for (var i = bullets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (bullets[i] instanceof Bullet) {
if (bullets[i].y < -50) {
bullets.splice(i, 1);
for (var j = enemies.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (enemies[j].y > 2732 + 50) {
enemies.splice(j, 1);
if (shield && shield.intersects(enemies[j])) {
LK.getSound('boom').play(); // Play boom sound when shield is destroyed
shield = null;
enemies.splice(j, 1);
} else if (fairy.intersects(enemies[j])) {
var fairyX = fairy.x;
var fairyY = fairy.y;
// Create particle effect for fairy
for (var p = 0; p < 10; p++) {
var particle = LK.getAsset('star', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 1
particle.x = fairyX;
particle.y = fairyY;
particle.speedX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10;
particle.speedY = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10;
particle.update = function () {
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
this.alpha -= 0.02;
if (this.alpha <= 0) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
for (var k = bullets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
if ((bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet || bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet2 || bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet3) && bullets[k].intersects(enemies[j])) {
LK.getSound('hit').play(); // Play hit sound when HeroBullet, HeroBullet2, or HeroBullet3 is destroyed
bullets.splice(k, 1);
enemies[j].hitpoints -= bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet2 ? 2 : bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet3 ? 3 : 1;
if (enemies[j].hitpoints <= 0) {
var enemyX = enemies[j].x;
var enemyY = enemies[j].y;
// Create particle effect
for (var p = 0; p < 50; p++) {
var particle = LK.getAsset('star', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 1,
scaleX: 4,
scaleY: 4,
tint: enemies[j].children[0].tint
particle.x = enemyX;
particle.y = enemyY;
particle.speedX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 20;
particle.speedY = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 20;
particle.update = function () {
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
this.alpha -= 0.01;
if (this.alpha <= 0) {
if (enemies[j] instanceof Boss || enemies[j] instanceof Boss2 || enemies[j] instanceof Boss3) {
bossSpeedIncrement = 0; // Reset boss speed increment when a boss is killed
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000); // Flash screen red for 1 second
var powerupMenu = new PowerupMenu();
powerupMenu.x = 2048 / 2 - powerupMenu.width / 2;
powerupMenu.y = 2732 / 2 - powerupMenu.height / 2;
isPowerupScreenActive = true;
enemies.splice(j, 1);
if (enemies[j]) {
score += enemies[j].hitpoints * 10;
var dropChance = Math.random();
if (dropChance < 0.2) {
var newDiamond = new Diamond();
newDiamond.x = enemyX;
newDiamond.y = enemyY;
} else if (dropChance < 0.2) {
var newPowerup = new Powerup();
newPowerup.x = enemyX;
newPowerup.y = enemyY;
} else if ((bullets[k] instanceof BossBullet || bullets[k] instanceof BossBullet2 || bullets[k] instanceof BossBullet3) && bullets[k].intersects(fairy)) {
if (shield) {
LK.getSound('boom').play(); // Play boom sound when shield is destroyed
shield = null;
} else {
var fairyX = fairy.x;
var fairyY = fairy.y;
// Create particle effect for fairy
for (var p = 0; p < 10; p++) {
var particle = LK.getAsset('star', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 1
particle.x = fairyX;
particle.y = fairyY;
particle.speedX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10;
particle.speedY = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10;
particle.update = function () {
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
this.alpha -= 0.02;
if (this.alpha <= 0) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
bullets.splice(k, 1);
// Check for collisions
// Check for coin collection
for (var i = game.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (game.children[i] instanceof Diamond && game.children[i].intersects(fairy)) {
diamondCounterTxt.setText('Diamonds: ' + diamondCount);
for (var k = bullets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
for (var l = enemies.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
if ((bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet || bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet3) && bullets[k].intersects(enemies[l])) {
LK.getSound('hit').play(); // Play hit sound when HeroBullet or HeroBullet3 is destroyed
bullets.splice(k, 1);
enemies[l].hitpoints -= bullets[k] instanceof HeroBullet3 ? 3 : 1;
if (enemies[l].hitpoints <= 0) {
var enemyX = enemies[l].x;
var enemyY = enemies[l].y;
enemies.splice(l, 1);
if (enemies[l]) {
score += enemies[l].hitpoints * 10;
// Randomly drop coins or powerups
var dropChance = Math.random();
if (dropChance < 0.2) {
var newDiamond = new Diamond();
newDiamond.x = enemyX;
newDiamond.y = enemyY;
} else if (dropChance < 0.2) {
var newPowerup = new Powerup();
newPowerup.x = enemyX;
newPowerup.y = enemyY;
// Spawn new bullets
if (LK.ticks % heroFireRate == 0 && isFairyHeld) {
// Only spawn new bullets if the fairy is being held
var newBullet;
if (isUsingHeroBullet3) {
newBullet = new HeroBullet3();
newBullet.attachAsset('herobullet3', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
} else if (isUsingHeroBullet2) {
newBullet = new HeroBullet2();
newBullet.attachAsset('herobullet2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
} else {
newBullet = new HeroBullet();
newBullet.x = fairy.x;
newBullet.y = fairy.y - fairy.height / 2;
// Play shoot sound when a HeroBullet is shot
// Spawn new enemies in a line
if (LK.ticks % 600 == 0 && !isPowerupScreenActive) {
if (enemies.length === 0) {
if (currentLevel) {
var currentWave = currentLevel.getNextWave();
if (currentWave) {
var maxEnemiesPerLine = 3;
var enemySpacing = 2048 / (maxEnemiesPerLine + 1); // Adjust spacing to center enemies
var totalRows = Math.ceil(currentWave.enemies / maxEnemiesPerLine);
for (var i = 0; i < currentWave.enemies; i++) {
var newBlock = new Enemy();
var row = Math.floor(i / maxEnemiesPerLine);
newBlock.hitpoints = currentWave.hitpoints[row] || currentWave.hitpoints[currentWave.hitpoints.length - 1];
newBlock.x = i % maxEnemiesPerLine * enemySpacing + enemySpacing / 2 - newBlock.width / 2;
newBlock.y = row * 220 - 50; // Increase row spacing by 20 pixels
newBlock.children[0].tint = currentWave.tints[row] || currentWave.tints[currentWave.tints.length - 1];
// Spawn Enemy2 based on the level number after the wave with a delay of 5 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < currentLevel.levelNumber; i++) {
var newEnemy2 = new Enemy2();
newEnemy2.x = Math.random() * 2048;
newEnemy2.y = -newEnemy2.height;
}, 5000);
// Center the rows of enemies
var totalWidth = (Math.min(currentWave.enemies, maxEnemiesPerLine) - 1) * enemySpacing;
var offsetX = (2048 - totalWidth) / 2;
for (var j = 0; j < enemies.length; j++) {
enemies[j].x += offsetX - enemies[j].width / 2;
} else if (currentLevel.hasBoss() && enemies.length === 0) {
var boss;
if (currentLevel.levelNumber === 3) {
boss = new Boss3();
} else if (currentLevel.levelNumber === 2) {
boss = new Boss2();
} else {
boss = new Boss();
boss.x = 2048 / 2;
boss.y = -boss.height;
boss.hitpoints *= 1.5; // Increase boss hitpoints by 50%
boss.speed *= 1.5; // Increase boss speed by 50%
LK.getSound('bossappear').play(); // Play bossappear sound when Boss is spawned
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xffffff, 500); // Flash screen white for 500ms
LK.setTimeout(function () {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xffffff, 500); // Flash screen white again for 500ms
}, 600); // Delay the second flash by 600ms to allow a brief pause
// Initialize the game
8-bit. cartoon. white star.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
cartoon 8 bit fairy dust. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Cartoon, 8bit, fireball. Black border. Cicular.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
cartoon, 8 bit, shield. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8bit, cartoon, axe. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
dark electric ball, 8bit, cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
8bit, cartoon, treasure chest frame. very big empty center. only a fine border of chest. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect