User prompt
move click x2 a little up
User prompt
actually click should say +1 not x1
User prompt
click should be +1 and the updated to +2 and so on
User prompt
on game start there has to be one ball already
User prompt
on game start load current points, and if it is not empty, use it to replace the $0 placehodler
Code edit (3 edits merged)
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User prompt
in new levelballs will randomly spawn from the top or the bottom of the screen but not in a position where there is a brick
User prompt
can we have the grid centered in the y axis when loaded
User prompt
when balls are spawned either from the top or the bottom, make sure it ese even, so if there are 4 balls, two top and 2 bottom.
User prompt
close upgrades when player click on a brick
User prompt
upgrade button should be greyed out if player don't have enough money to buy upgrade
User prompt
Rename upgrade button for UPGRADES!
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
move welcome message 50 pixels down
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
upgrade button shoudl be greyed out if none of the powerups can be purachesd
User prompt
first notmal extra ball should cost 25
User prompt
update price of first ball to 25 in button
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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User prompt
normal ball should always double its prize
User prompt
when upgrades button is disabled also close powerups
User prompt
can we crate a frame arroudn the whole screen? it will be used to give the feel ing that balls are bouncing there
User prompt
frame shoudl use its own asset frame
User prompt
Frame is only covering the top left of the screen
User prompt
can we move thhe left and bottom frames closer to the center of the screen
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -362,48 +362,48 @@
var frameThickness = 10; // Thickness of the frame
// Top frame
var topFrame = new Container();
var topFrameGraphics = topFrame.attachAsset('frame', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5,
+ anchorX: 0,
+ anchorY: 0,
width: GAME_WIDTH,
height: frameThickness
-topFrame.x = GAME_WIDTH / 2;
-topFrame.y = frameThickness / 2;
+topFrame.x = 0;
+topFrame.y = 0;
// Bottom frame
var bottomFrame = new Container();
var bottomFrameGraphics = bottomFrame.attachAsset('frame', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5,
+ anchorX: 0,
+ anchorY: 0,
width: GAME_WIDTH,
height: frameThickness
-bottomFrame.x = GAME_WIDTH / 2;
-bottomFrame.y = GAME_HEIGHT - frameThickness / 2;
+bottomFrame.x = 0;
+bottomFrame.y = GAME_HEIGHT - frameThickness;
// Left frame
var leftFrame = new Container();
var leftFrameGraphics = leftFrame.attachAsset('frame', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5,
+ anchorX: 0,
+ anchorY: 0,
width: frameThickness,
-leftFrame.x = frameThickness / 2;
-leftFrame.y = GAME_HEIGHT / 2;
+leftFrame.x = 0;
+leftFrame.y = 0;
// Right frame
var rightFrame = new Container();
var rightFrameGraphics = rightFrame.attachAsset('frame', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5,
+ anchorX: 0,
+ anchorY: 0,
width: frameThickness,
-rightFrame.x = GAME_WIDTH - frameThickness / 2;
-rightFrame.y = GAME_HEIGHT / 2;
+rightFrame.x = GAME_WIDTH - frameThickness;
+rightFrame.y = 0;
var welcomeText = null;
function showEndScreen() {
game.isGameOver = true; // Set the flag to indicate the end screen is up