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spash ball should make same dagame to bricks adjacent to the last one it touches
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Spash damage should not contactenate all bricks, only the ones that are witing 200 pixels from this brick
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spash damage, if adjacent cell has more hp than the one being hit, then damage it for the amount taken to the initially hit one
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And waht about the best way in the lk engine to handle the collision between balls and bricks, that currently have weird beavoiurs like overlaps or even balls going through bricks
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Balls should neve overlap with bricks
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can you draw the hitboxes of balls and bricks,to use as a reference
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: LK.Graphics is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var hitbox = new LK.Graphics();' Line Number: 181
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can you prevent tunneling from the balls
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Now all balls are just gathering up in the ccorner
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balls should be pushed fully outsied of the brick
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make the bounce angle be more when the balls trayectory is quire straign
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can we edit the text only for the Click x button. I want to make the Click x 1 text bigger
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nice, can we also move the click part of the text up, and the x 1 below it. cut it into two texts if necesary
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move click text up 50 pixels
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move click text 50 pixels up. but only do it for the click x 1 button, not the rest
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can you split the click x1 in two. put the text up and the x1 below it
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nice,now onlly increse the size of the x1 in that button
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move click x2 a little up
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actually click should say +1 not x1
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click should be +1 and the updated to +2 and so on
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on game start there has to be one ball already
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on game start load current points, and if it is not empty, use it to replace the $0 placehodler
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -893,13 +893,9 @@
var dx = adjBrick.x - brick.x;
var dy = adjBrick.y - brick.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance <= 200) {
- if ( > {
- adjBrick.hit(;
- } else {
- adjBrick.hit( > 0 ? : upgrades.splashPower);
- }
+ adjBrick.hit( > 0 ? : upgrades.splashPower);