User prompt
asteroids should starts spawning on level 5
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
Start moving method should have a 1 second pause before repositioning the platform
User prompt
When lander lands successfully, keep movingplatform in the same position of the impact for 1 second.
User prompt
Plaform asset should remain in its place for 1 second before respawn when lander lands
User prompt
Platform show always be placed in the 90% size center of x
User prompt
Hide lander for 1 second on respawn after succesfull landing
User prompt
When lander lands succesfully, leave platform asset in its curren position for a second before respawn
User prompt
Wait 1 second befor platfrom respawn
User prompt
Starting on level 2, platform should spawn on randmo x values
User prompt
Platform should start moving on level 5
User prompt
X speed needs to be betweem -1 and 1 for a succesful landing
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Move down thruater 10 pixels down
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Down thruster should also be hidden when not touching
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Left and right thruster should be hidden when not thruating
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Update x speed text with the x speed of lander
User prompt
Move gravity text below x speed text
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Show x speed below y speed
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Invert right and left thruster movements for lander
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Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: rightThruster is not defined' in this line: 'rightThruster.x = self.x + self.width / 2;' Line Number: 71
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: Thruster is not defined' in this line: 'var thruster = game.addChild(new Thruster());' Line Number: 379
User prompt
Add sideways movement with thruster for the lander. If player touches in the left 33% of the screen, left thruster will burn. If player touches 33% right, them right thruater will burn. Center 33% of the screen will burn down thruster
User prompt
Add truster in the left of the lander
User prompt
when lander lands wait for 2 ticks before it is moved to the top of the screen
User prompt
when lander is rested to initial position, it should first be invisible after 1 tick
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
crashedLander.x = lander.x;
crashedLander.y = lander.y;
if (levelManager.currentLevel <= 2) {
- var crashMessage = new Text2('Slow down cap!\nKeep Y speed below 2!\nAnd X below -1 and 1!', {
+ var crashMessage = new Text2('Slow down cap!\n(Keep Y speed below 2)\n(And X between -1 and 1)', {
size: 100,
fill: '#ffffff',
align: 'center'
@@ -510,9 +510,9 @@
// Asteroid spawning
- if (levelManager.currentLevel >= 3 && LK.ticks % (240 - Math.floor((levelManager.currentLevel - 1) / 2) * 20) == 0) {
+ if (levelManager.currentLevel >= 5 && LK.ticks % (240 - Math.floor((levelManager.currentLevel - 1) / 2) * 20) == 0) {
// Spawn an asteroid less frequently as levels progress
// Adjusted the rate of increase for asteroid spawn frequency
var newAsteroid = new Asteroid();
var safeZoneRadius = 400;