* Assets
// Assets will be automatically created and loaded by the LK engine based on their usage in the code.
* Classes
// Class for Word Search Puzzle
var WordSearch = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
// Initialize word search grid and logic here
self.init = function () {
// Placeholder for initializing word search grid
self.update = function () {
// Placeholder for updating word search logic
// Class for Anagram Solver
var AnagramSolver = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
// Initialize anagram puzzle and logic here
self.init = function () {
// Placeholder for initializing anagram puzzle
self.update = function () {
// Placeholder for updating anagram logic
// Class for Crossword Puzzle
var CrosswordPuzzle = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
// Initialize crossword grid and logic here
self.init = function () {
// Placeholder for initializing crossword grid
self.update = function () {
// Placeholder for updating crossword logic
// Class for Word Links
var WordLinks = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
// Initialize word links puzzle and logic here
self.init = function () {
// Placeholder for initializing word links puzzle
self.update = function () {
// Placeholder for updating word links logic
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background
* Game Code
// Initialize game variables and arrays
var currentLevel = 0;
var levels = ['forest', 'castle', 'desert'];
var puzzles = [];
var score = 0;
var timer;
// Function to load a level
function loadLevel(levelIndex) {
// Clear previous puzzles
puzzles.forEach(function (puzzle) {
puzzles = [];
// Load new puzzles based on level
switch (levels[levelIndex]) {
case 'forest':
puzzles.push(new WordSearch());
case 'castle':
puzzles.push(new AnagramSolver());
case 'desert':
puzzles.push(new CrosswordPuzzle());
// Initialize puzzles
puzzles.forEach(function (puzzle) {
// Function to handle puzzle completion
function onPuzzleComplete() {
score += 10; // Increase score
currentLevel = (currentLevel + 1) % levels.length; // Move to next level
loadLevel(currentLevel); // Load next level
// Initialize first level
// Set up timer for time challenges
timer = LK.setInterval(function () {
// Placeholder for timer logic
}, 1000);
// Event listeners for game interactions
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
// Placeholder for handling touch down events
game.up = function (x, y, obj) {
// Placeholder for handling touch up events
game.update = function () {
// Update puzzles
puzzles.forEach(function (puzzle) {
// Check for puzzle completion
if (/* condition for puzzle completion */) {
// Daily challenges and multiplayer mode are not implemented in this version due to line constraints.