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while reternuing to base the stick should be shorten progressively to 0 insteaf of disappearing
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insteaf of disappearing when reternuing to base the stick should be shorten progressively to 0
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insteaf of disappearing when reternuing to base the stick should be shorten to 0
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the first colum disapears (is moved) too early, it shoud pass totaly the left of the screen before moving
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in bumpInterval fix the scope problem
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fix game : can't play because stick start to grow then disapears
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fix growStick
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be coherent, currentStick is sometimes local and others global
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: currentStick is undefined' in or related to this line: 'if (!isNinjaMoving && currentStick.rotation >= Math.PI / 2) {' Line Number: 519
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continue the rework as the ninja doesn't move on the stick
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continue the rework as there global variable stick is still used
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: currentStick is undefined' in or related to this line: 'if (currentStick.length < 2048 - currentStick.x - 100) {' Line Number: 521
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change the logic of sticks, be creating each time a new stick and destroying them when their x < length
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rename animateScoreBump to updateScore and move score increase instruction in it
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refactor handleNinjaReachPlatform to 1 responsibility functions
Code edit (3 edits merged)
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when ninja reach platform, move it slowly to the center of the platform
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nextstick should be at the same z-index as stick
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nextStick should be created at the same time as stick but kept invisible until needed
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -347,9 +347,8 @@
nextStick.length = 0; // Set initial stick length to zero
nextStick.height = nextStick.length;
nextStick.x = platformTarget.x + platformTarget.width / 2 - 30; // Set nextStick to the right edge of the target platform with an offset of -30
nextStick.y = platformTarget.y - platformTarget.height + 30; // Adjusted y-coordinate to ensure nextStick is on the target platform with an offset of 20
- nextStick.visible = false; // Keep nextStick invisible until needed
game.addChildAt(nextStick, game.children.indexOf(stick));
// Add foreground images to create an infinite horizontal foreground
foreground1 = LK.getAsset('foreground', {
anchorX: 0.5,
@@ -406,18 +405,20 @@
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
if (nextStick) {
+ // Switch sticks
+ var tempStick = stick;
stick = nextStick;
- nextStick = null;
- stick.visible = true; // Make nextStick visible when it becomes the current stick
+ nextStick = tempStick;
+ } else {
+ stick.length = 0;
+ stick.height = 0;
+ stick.rotation = 0;
+ stick.fallen = false;
+ stick.x = platformCurrent.x + platformCurrent.width / 2 - 30; // Set stick to the right edge of the current platform with an offset of -30
+ stick.y = platformCurrent.y - platformCurrent.height + 30; // Adjusted y-coordinate to ensure stick is on the platform with an offset of 20
- stick.length = 0;
- stick.height = 0;
- stick.rotation = 0;
- stick.fallen = false;
- stick.x = platformCurrent.x + platformCurrent.width / 2 - 30; // Set stick to the right edge of the current platform with an offset of -30
- stick.y = platformCurrent.y - platformCurrent.height + 30; // Adjusted y-coordinate to ensure stick is on the platform with an offset of 20
log("stick.y set in handleNinjaReachPlatform:", stick.y, isNinjaMoving);
var minDistance = Math.max(100, 300 - level * 10); // Decrease minimum distance as level increases, with a minimum of 100
var maxDistance = Math.min(600, 400 + level * 20); // Increase maximum distance as level increases, with a maximum of 600
var distance = (Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxDistance - minDistance + 1)) + minDistance) * platformNext.speedRatio;