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log every time stick.y is set with the name of the function. use log() function
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log every time ninja.y is set with the name of the function. use log() function
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add an isDebug global variable
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Code edit (16 edits merged)
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for ninja run anim, use the following sequence : 1,2,1,3,4,3
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Code edit (6 edits merged)
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accelerate the run animation
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use ninjaRun, ninjaRun2 and ninjaRun3 to animate ninja running
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add ninjaRun2 and ninjaRun3 in Ninja class
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: clouds is not defined' in or related to this line: 'clouds.children.forEach(function (cloud) {' Line Number: 475
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add the paralax movement to the clouds too
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make clouds move slowly to the left the re-appear from the right
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add clouds at init time
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add a class clouds to the game
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extract the code of update when isReturningToBase to a separate method
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
self.runSoundPlaying = false;
self.update = function () {
if (isNinjaMoving && !isStickFalling && ninja.x + ninja.width / 2 < stick.x + stick.length) {
self.ninjaStand.visible = false;
- if (LK.ticks % 30 < 15) {
+ if (LK.ticks % 10 < 5) {
self.ninjaRun.visible = false;
self.ninjaRun1.visible = true;
} else {
self.ninjaRun1.visible = false;
@@ -238,8 +238,9 @@
* Game Code
// Initialize game variables
+var isDebug = false;
var clouds;
var platformMinWidth = 100;
var level = 1; // Initialize the level variable
var platformMaxWidth = 400;
@@ -377,12 +378,14 @@
}, 10000);
function handleNinjaReachPlatform() {
- console.log("Start of handleNinjaReachPlatform");
- console.log("platformCurrent.x:", platformCurrent.x);
- console.log("platformTarget.x:", platformTarget.x);
- console.log("platformNext.x:", platformNext.x);
+ if (isDebug) {
+ console.log("Start of handleNinjaReachPlatform");
+ console.log("platformCurrent.x:", platformCurrent.x);
+ console.log("platformTarget.x:", platformTarget.x);
+ console.log("platformNext.x:", platformNext.x);
+ }
isNinjaMoving = false;
isReturningToBase = true;
// Remove the first platform from the game and the platforms array
platformCurrent.visible = false;
@@ -406,12 +409,14 @@
platformNext.width = Math.floor(Math.random() * (platformMaxWidth - platformMinWidth + 1)) + platformMinWidth; // Randomize width between platformMinWidth and platformMaxWidth
level++; // Increment the level after each platform is reached
platformNext.visible = true;
platformNext.speedRatio = 1 + Math.random();
- console.log("End of handleNinjaReachPlatform");
- console.log("platformCurrent.x:", platformCurrent.x);
- console.log("platformTarget.x:", platformTarget.x);
- console.log("platformNext.x:", platformNext.x);
+ if (isDebug) {
+ console.log("End of handleNinjaReachPlatform");
+ console.log("platformCurrent.x:", platformCurrent.x);
+ console.log("platformTarget.x:", platformTarget.x);
+ console.log("platformNext.x:", platformNext.x);
+ }
function handleNinjaFall() {
// If the stick does not reach the next platform or exceeds it, make the ninja fall
ninja.y += 20;
@@ -437,9 +442,11 @@
function handleNinjaAfterStick() {
- console.log("Passed the stick", "Run= " + ninja.ninjaRun.visible, "Stand= " + ninja.ninjaStand.visible);
+ if (isDebug) {
+ console.log("Passed the stick", "Run= " + ninja.ninjaRun.visible, "Stand= " + ninja.ninjaStand.visible);
+ }
// If the ninja has walked to the end of the stick
if (platformTarget && isNinjaMoving) {
var ninjaMinX = ninja.x - ninja.width / 2 + legsOffset;
var ninjaMaxX = ninja.x + ninja.width / 2 - legsOffset;
@@ -452,9 +459,11 @@
function moveNinja() {
- console.log("Moving...", "ninja.x= " + ninja.x, "stick.x= " + (stick.x + stick.length));
+ if (isDebug) {
+ console.log("Moving...", "ninja.x= " + ninja.x, "stick.x= " + (stick.x + stick.length));
+ }
// Shift platforms, ninja, and stick to the left
if (isNinjaMoving) {
platformCurrent.x += NINJA_MOVEMENT_SPEED;