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display the score at the top of the screen in big and with dropshadow
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in handleNinjaReachPlatform, log each platform x at function start and end
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add a different tint to each platform for debugging
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in game.update when isReturningToBase, move all objects until platformCurrent reaches basePlatformX
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in handleNinjaReachPlatform set isReturningToBase to true
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add a new global variable, isReturningToBase
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in handleNinjaReachPlatform, ensure that all objects move left until platformCurrent reached basePlatformX
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create a global variable basePlatformX = 300
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in createInitialPlatforms, ensure the minimal distance is repected between the borders of the platforms not their centers
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in handleNinjaReachPlatform store platformCurrent in a temporay variable to affect it back as platformNext
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handleNinjaAfterStick is called after the ninja passes the stick so he shouldn't continue
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refactore moveNinja: use a constant for the '-5' value, remove unused code
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in handleNinjaAfterStick separate code in dedicated functions
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in handleNinjaAfterStick, don't create a new platform, just move the old one
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in handleNinjaAfterStick, don't use game.removeChild()
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: ninja is undefined' in or related to this line: 'ninja.update();' Line Number: 318
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dans game.down, si isGameStarted est faux, passe le à vrai et appel startgame
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place le isGameStarted seulement apres un click
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -64,8 +64,56 @@
* Game Code
+function handleNinjaReachPlatform() {
+ isNinjaMoving = false;
+ // Remove the first platform from the game and the platforms array
+ platformCurrent.visible = false;
+ platformCurrent = platformTarget;
+ platformTarget = platformNext;
+ score++;
+ stick.length = 0;
+ stick.height = 0;
+ stick.rotation = 0;
+ stick.x = platformCurrent.x + platformCurrent.width / 2 - 30; // Set stick to the right edge of the current platform with an offset of -30
+ stick.y = platformCurrent.y - platformCurrent.height + 20; // Adjusted y-coordinate to ensure stick is on the platform with an offset of 20
+ // Create a new platform to the right of the screen only if there are less than two platforms
+ if (isNinjaMoving) {
+ var minDistance = 200;
+ var maxDistance = 1400;
+ var distance = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxDistance - minDistance + 1)) + minDistance;
+ platformNext.x = platformCurrent.x + platformCurrent.width / 2 + distance;
+ platformNext.y = 2732; // Adjusted y-coordinate to touch the ground
+ platformNext.width = Math.floor(Math.random() * (400 - 100 + 1)) + 100; // Randomize width between 100 and 400
+ platformNext.visible = true;
+ }
+function handleNinjaFall() {
+ // If the stick does not reach the next platform or exceeds it, make the ninja fall
+ ninja.y += 20;
+ if (ninja.runSoundPlaying) {
+ LK.getSound('runSound').stop();
+ ninja.runSoundPlaying = false;
+ }
+ ninja.ninjaStand.rotation = Math.PI; // Rotate the ninja by 180 degrees
+ if (!fallSoundPlayed) {
+ LK.getSound('fallSound').play();
+ fallSoundPlayed = true; // Set the flag to true after playing the sound
+ if (ninja.runSoundPlaying) {
+ LK.getSound('runSound').stop();
+ ninja.runSoundPlaying = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ninja.y > 2732 && isNinjaMoving) {
+ // If ninja falls off the screen
+ if (ninja.runSoundPlaying) {
+ LK.getSound('runSound').stop();
+ ninja.runSoundPlaying = false;
+ }
+ LK.showGameOver();
+ }
function handleNinjaAfterStick() {
console.log("Passed the stick", "Run= " + ninja.ninjaRun.visible, "Stand= " + ninja.ninjaStand.visible);
// If the ninja has walked to the end of the stick
if (platformTarget && isNinjaMoving) {
@@ -73,55 +121,13 @@
var ninjaMaxX = ninja.x + ninja.width / 2 - legsOffset;
var platformMinX = platformTarget.x - platformTarget.width / 2;
var platformMaxX = platformTarget.x + platformTarget.width / 2;
if (ninjaMaxX < platformMinX || ninjaMinX > platformMaxX && isNinjaMoving) {
- // If the stick does not reach the next platform or exceeds it, make the ninja fall
- ninja.y += 20;
- if (ninja.runSoundPlaying) {
- LK.getSound('runSound').stop();
- ninja.runSoundPlaying = false;
- }
- ninja.ninjaStand.rotation = Math.PI; // Rotate the ninja by 180 degrees
- if (!fallSoundPlayed) {
- LK.getSound('fallSound').play();
- fallSoundPlayed = true; // Set the flag to true after playing the sound
- if (ninja.runSoundPlaying) {
- LK.getSound('runSound').stop();
- ninja.runSoundPlaying = false;
- }
- }
- if (ninja.y > 2732 && isNinjaMoving) {
- // If ninja falls off the screen
- if (ninja.runSoundPlaying) {
- LK.getSound('runSound').stop();
- ninja.runSoundPlaying = false;
- }
- LK.showGameOver();
- }
+ handleNinjaFall();
} else {
// If the stick reaches the next platform, stop the ninja and reset the stick
if (platformTarget.x - platformTarget.width / 2 <= 300 && isNinjaMoving) {
- isNinjaMoving = false;
- // Remove the first platform from the game and the platforms array
- platformCurrent.visible = false;
- platformCurrent = platformTarget;
- platformTarget = platformNext;
- score++;
- stick.length = 0;
- stick.height = 0;
- stick.rotation = 0;
- stick.x = platformCurrent.x + platformCurrent.width / 2 - 30; // Set stick to the right edge of the current platform with an offset of -30
- stick.y = platformCurrent.y - platformCurrent.height + 20; // Adjusted y-coordinate to ensure stick is on the platform with an offset of 20
- // Create a new platform to the right of the screen only if there are less than two platforms
- if (isNinjaMoving) {
- var minDistance = 200;
- var maxDistance = 1400;
- var distance = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxDistance - minDistance + 1)) + minDistance;
- platformNext.x = platformCurrent.x + platformCurrent.width / 2 + distance;
- platformNext.y = 2732; // Adjusted y-coordinate to touch the ground
- platformNext.width = Math.floor(Math.random() * (400 - 100 + 1)) + 100; // Randomize width between 100 and 400
- platformNext.visible = true;
- }
+ handleNinjaReachPlatform();