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Instead of calling `planet.update()` in the onTick callback, iterate through the planetMap object and update all planets
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add a global PLANT_DEAD_COLOUR variable which is a hex-tint for brown
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Create a new UprootButton class that has the same logic as the PlanterButton
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Duplicate the PlanterButton as UprootButton and PlanterButton classes
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Code edit (4 edits merged)
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When collecting a fruit, create a PopupEffect (adding it to the effectsList) above the player
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create a PopupEffect class inheriting from the ConfigContainer class and taking in a fruitName and config params. The class contains a SymbolText element which slowly increases it's y value and disappears after 1 second
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after performing the player collection check, fruit should fall towards the planet at a fixed rate, stopping when it reaches the planet's radius distance
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fruit should fall towards the planet at a fixed rate
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In the planterButtonCallback function, instead of setting the targetPoint to 0, set targetPoint to the angle between the planet and the self's positions
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When a fruit is collected, increment the cropsHarvested stat
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When the trader buttoncallback is called, increment the salesRejected stat if the accepted param is false, otherwise increment the salesDone stat if it was fully completed
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When an asteroid impacts the planet, increase the stats.asteroidImpacts value by 1
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Fix Bug: 'TypeError: trader.handleTradeCallback is not a function' in or related to this line: 'trader.handleTradeCallback(false);' Line Number: 1946
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -362,8 +362,9 @@
var Plant = ConfigContainer.expand(function (type, growthStage, potted, config) {
var self =, config);
var details = PLANT_DETAILS[type];
+ var scale = 1 + randomFloatInRange(-PLANT_SCALE_VARIANCE, PLANT_SCALE_VARIANCE);
self.update = update;
self.uproot = uproot;
self.action = action;
@@ -447,9 +448,10 @@
} = self.createAsset(self.type + self.growthStage, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1,
- scaleX: Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1
+ scaleX: scale * Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1,
+ scaleY: scale
function refreshCountdown() {
var baseTime = self.growthTime + Math.random() * self.growthVariance;
@@ -460,13 +462,15 @@
var PlantWeeds = Plant.expand(function (growthStage, potted, config) {
var self =, 'plantWeeds', growthStage, potted, config);
var baseUpdate = self.update;
+ var baseHarvest = self.harvest;
var baseUpdateStage = self.updateStage;
var spreadCountdown = 0;
self.update = update;
self.action = action;
+ self.harvest = harvest;
self.updateStage = updateStage;
self.strong = true;
self.actionable = !potted;
self.uprootable = potted;
@@ -495,15 +499,19 @@
function action() {
if (self.actionable) {
- stats.weedsPulled++;
return true;
return false;
+ function harvest(quantity) {
+ baseHarvest(quantity);
+ ;
+ stats.weedsPulled++;
+ }
function updateStage(newStage) {
if (newStage === self.growthStages) {
@@ -610,36 +618,99 @@
return self;
var PlantStalk = Plant.expand(function (growthStage, potted, config) {
var self =, 'plantStalk', growthStage, potted, config);
+ var baseUpdateStage = self.updateStage;
+ var yieldStage = 5;
+ var yieldPerStage = 3;
+ self.updateStage = updateStage;
self.skipFinalGrowth = true;
+ self.fruitOffsetMin = 200;
+ self.fruitOffsetMax = 300;
+ self.fruitRange = 30;
+ function updateStage(newStage) {
+ baseUpdateStage(newStage);
+ ;
+ if (newStage >= yieldStage) {
+ self.fruitCount += yieldPerStage;
+ }
+ if (newStage === self.growthStages) {
+ self.harvest();
+ self.parent.removePlant();
+ }
+ }
+ ;
return self;
var PlantEyeball = Plant.expand(function (growthStage, potted, config) {
var self =, 'plantEyeball', growthStage, potted, config);
+ var baseUpdateStage = self.updateStage;
+ var decorAmount = 3;
+ var decorScale = 0.5;
+ var fruitChance = 0.33;
+ var fruitChances = 20;
+ self.updateStage = updateStage;
self.skipFinalGrowth = true;
+ self.fruitOffsetMin = 80;
+ self.fruitOffsetMax = 140;
+ self.fruitRange = 20;
+ function updateStage(newStage) {
+ baseUpdateStage(newStage);
+ ;
+ if (newStage === self.growthStages) {
+ if (fruitChances-- > 0) {
+ if (Math.random() < fruitChance) {
+ self.harvest(self.fruitCount = 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.parent.removePlant();
+ }
+ } else if (newStage === self.growthStages - 1) {
+ createVisuals();
+ }
+ }
+ function createVisuals() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < decorAmount; i++) {
+ var decorOffset = randomFloatInRange(self.fruitOffsetMin, self.fruitOffsetMax);
+ var rangeRotation = Math.random() * MATH_2_PI;
+ var rangeDistance = Math.random() * self.fruitRange;
+ var decorX = self.x + Math.cos(rangeRotation) * rangeDistance;
+ var decorY = self.y - decorOffset + Math.sin(rangeRotation) * rangeDistance;
+ self.attachAsset(self.fruit, {
+ x: decorX,
+ y: decorY,
+ scaleX: decorScale,
+ scaleY: decorScale
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ;
return self;
var PlantFlower = Plant.expand(function (growthStage, potted, config) {
var self =, 'plantFlower', growthStage, potted, config);
var baseUpdateStage = self.updateStage;
- var yieldStages = 4;
+ var yieldStage = 4;
+ var fruitYFactor = 0.75;
var fruitCount = 4;
self.action = action;
self.updateStage = updateStage;
+ self.fruitRange = 50;
function action() {
if (self.actionable) {
+ return true;
+ return false;
function updateStage(newStage) {
@@ -648,23 +719,47 @@
self.fruitCount = Math.round(Math.random()); = PLANT_DEAD_COLOUR;
self.actionable = false;
self.uprootable = true;
- } else if (newStage >= self.growthStages - yieldStages) {
+ } else if (newStage >= yieldStage) {
// Harvestable plant/flower
self.fruitCount = fruitCount + Math.round(Math.random());
self.actionable = true;
+ self.fruitOffsetMin = * fruitYFactor;
+ self.fruitOffsetMax = * fruitYFactor;
return self;
var PlantDiamond = Plant.expand(function (growthStage, potted, config) {
var self =, 'plantDiamond', growthStage, potted, config);
+ var baseUpdateStage = self.updateStage;
+ self.action = action;
+ self.updateStage = updateStage;
self.strong = true;
+ self.fruitOffsetMin = 123;
+ self.fruitOffsetMax = 123;
+ function action() {
+ if (self.actionable) {
+ self.harvest();
+ self.parent.removePlant();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function updateStage(newStage) {
+ baseUpdateStage(newStage);
+ ;
+ if (newStage === self.growthStages) {
+ self.fruitCount = 1;
+ self.actionable = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
return self;
var Fruit = ConfigContainer.expand(function (fruitName, config) {
@@ -960,9 +1055,11 @@
function update(ticks) {
self.rotation += self.spin;
- updateList(fruitList);
+ if (planet === self) {
+ updateList(fruitList);
+ }
function createNodes() {
if (!self.barren) {
var defaultPlant = 'plantWeeds';
@@ -1594,11 +1691,12 @@
sellAmount = Math.round(buyAmount * value);
} else if (buyName === 'credits') {
// Player selling Fruit for Credits
+ var minSell = details.minSell || TRADER_MINIMUM_BUY;
var value = valueFactor * FRUIT_DETAILS[sellName].value;
var quantity = Math.max(1, inventory.getQuantity(sellName));
- sellAmount = Math.max(TRADER_MINIMUM_BUY, randomInt(quantity * TRADER_INVENTORY_MIN, quantity * TRADER_INVENTORY_MAX));
+ sellAmount = Math.max(minSell, randomInt(quantity * TRADER_INVENTORY_MIN, quantity * TRADER_INVENTORY_MAX));
buyAmount = Math.round(sellAmount * value);
} else {
// Fruit exchange
var multiplier = 1 + Math.random() * (TRADER_EXCHANGE_MULTIPLIER - 1);
@@ -1750,8 +1848,9 @@
var TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE = 50; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_MARGIN = 0; // Required by: SymbolText
// Game constants
+var GAME_TESTING = true;
var GAME_TICKS = 60;
var GAME_WIDTH = 2048;
var GAME_HEIGHT = 2732;
var GAME_SPEED = 0.1;
@@ -1848,9 +1947,10 @@
var GROW_WARNING_BARREN = 'Nothing grows on this planet';
var GROW_WARNING_GENERAL = 'This cannot grow on this planet';
var GROW_WARNING_DIAMOND = 'This cannot be planted, only sold';
var PLANT_DEAD_COLOUR = 0x964B00;
plantWeeds: {
blueprint: PlantWeeds,
@@ -1911,14 +2011,14 @@
type: 'red',
plant: 'plantStalk'
fruitEyeball: {
- value: 15,
+ value: 10,
type: 'red',
plant: 'plantEyeball'
fruitFlower: {
- value: 25,
+ value: 15,
type: 'blue',
plant: 'plantFlower'
fruitDiamondDust: {
@@ -1926,9 +2026,10 @@
type: 'omni',
plant: 'plantDiamond'
fruitDiamond: {
- value: 250
+ value: 500,
+ minSell: 1
// Planet & navigation settings
@@ -1944,27 +2045,27 @@
buy: ['credits', 'credits', 'fruitBush', 'fruitStalk'],
sell: ['credits', 'fruitWeeds', 'fruitBush']
planetRed: {
- cost: 100,
+ cost: 150,
radius: 300,
spin: -0.0002,
blueprint: PlanetRed,
plantTypes: ['green', 'red'],
buy: ['credits', 'credits', 'fruitStalk', 'fruitEyeball'],
sell: ['credits', 'fruitWeeds', 'fruitBush', 'fruitStalk', 'fruitEyeball']
planetBlue: {
- cost: 250,
+ cost: 500,
radius: 250,
spin: 0.001,
blueprint: PlanetBlue,
plantTypes: ['green', 'blue'],
buy: ['credits', 'credits', 'fruitFlower'],
sell: ['credits', 'fruitWeeds', 'fruitBush', 'fruitFlower']
planetOmni: {
- cost: 800,
+ cost: 2000,
radius: 350,
spin: -0.0005,
coarse: true,
blueprint: PlanetOmni,
@@ -1972,9 +2073,9 @@
buy: ['credits'],
sell: ['fruitStalk', 'fruitEyeball', 'fruitFlower', 'fruitDiamond', 'fruitDiamond']
planetGold: {
- cost: 3000,
+ cost: 8500,
radius: 150,
spin: -0.002,
barren: true,
blueprint: PlanetGold,
@@ -1987,9 +2088,9 @@
// Global variables
-var money = 10000;
+var money = 20;
var planetMap = {};
var asteroidList = [];
var effectsList = [];
var popupMap = {};
@@ -2052,8 +2153,19 @@
x: 0,
y: -100
planetMap[] = planet;
+// Adjustments made purely for testing purposes
+ money = 10000;
+ inventory.adjustItem('fruitWeeds', 10);
+ inventory.adjustItem('fruitBush', 10);
+ inventory.adjustItem('fruitStalk', 10);
+ inventory.adjustItem('fruitEyeball', 10);
+ inventory.adjustItem('fruitFlower', 10);
+ inventory.adjustItem('fruitDiamondDust', 10);
// Gameplay events
@@ -2068,9 +2180,11 @@
if (player) {
- planet.update();
+ for (var key in planetMap) {
+ planetMap[key].update();
+ }
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var trader = traders[i];
pixel art of a tiny planet. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a planet. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of an alien currency symbol. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a planet made of gold ore. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
plain black background with stars. 2d repeating Texture.
pixel art of a asteroid. Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a cute alien farmer, side view. Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a rocky explosion.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art flame particle. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a large white, empty, rectangular, speech bubble. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a red chevron. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Pixel art of yellow grapes. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.