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Create an empty Spawner class
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Code edit (7 edits merged)
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Add an update function to the hook class. If the hook's x position is less than the firewall's x position, destroy the hook
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after the `targetHook = closestHook;` line, check if the targethook is defined, if it is defined, add the highlight instance as a child to its highlightContainer, add the highlight as a child to the game instance, and hide it
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Inside the game.update function, iterate through the hookContainer's children and find the closest child to the frog within PLAYER_TONGUE_RANGE distance (use distance squared for comparison). The closest hook should be set as the targetHook, otherwise it should be set to undefined
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When a pickup is destroyed, play the pickupCaught sound
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Code edit (3 edits merged)
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In the interface's finalize function, round the score variable and save it using the LK engine
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: pickupContainer is undefined' in or related to this line: 'var pickup = pickupContainer.addChild(new Pickup({' Line Number: 439
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Add a pickup class, inheriting from ConfigContainer. It has the collectable asset with a random rotation, and an update function that checks for a collision with the frog instance, if so, it is destroyed and the interface score multiplier increased by 0.1
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Play the frogBounce sound in the lilypad's launch function
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: velocityY is not defined' in or related to this line: 'velocityY = -Math.abs(velocityY); // Example: reverse the Y velocity' Line Number: 53
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add an update statement to the lilypad class that checks for a collision with the frog instance and calls a new bounce function on the frog
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Code edit (4 edits merged)
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change the interface text colours to black
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
* x : Number || 0,
* y : Number || 0,
* rotation : Number || 0,
* }
var ConfigContainer = Container.expand(function (config) {
var self =;
config = config || {};
@@ -40,21 +40,16 @@
return self;
var Interface = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
- var scoreText = self.addChild(new Text2('0', {
- y: -50,
- size: 100,
- fill: "#000000",
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0
+ var scoreText = self.addChild(new BorderedText('0', {
+ y: -100,
+ size: 1.5 * TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE,
+ anchorX: 0.5
- var multiplierText = self.addChild(new Text2('1.0x', {
- y: 50,
- size: 50,
- fill: "#000000",
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0
+ var multiplierText = self.addChild(new BorderedText('1.0x', {
+ y: 0,
+ anchorX: 0.5
self.updateScore = function (score) {
@@ -154,18 +149,18 @@
if (hooked) {
hooked = false;
// Convert tangential velocity into new vx and vy
- velocityX = angularVelocity * hookLength * Math.cos(velocityAngle + Math.PI / 2) * PLAYER_RELEASE_MULTIPLIER;
- velocityY = angularVelocity * hookLength * Math.sin(velocityAngle + Math.PI / 2) * PLAYER_RELEASE_MULTIPLIER - PLAYER_RELEASE_VY_BONUS;
+ velocityX = angularVelocity * hookLength * Math.cos(velocityAngle + MATH_HALF_PI) * PLAYER_RELEASE_MULTIPLIER;
+ velocityY = angularVelocity * hookLength * Math.sin(velocityAngle + MATH_HALF_PI) * PLAYER_RELEASE_MULTIPLIER - PLAYER_RELEASE_VY_BONUS;
hookLength = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (!sitting) {
if (hooked) {
var hookAngle = Math.atan2(self.y - hookedObj.y, self.x - hookedObj.x);
- var perpendicularAcceleration = PLAYER_GRAVITY * Math.sin(hookAngle + Math.PI / 2);
+ var perpendicularAcceleration = PLAYER_GRAVITY * Math.sin(hookAngle + MATH_HALF_PI);
angularVelocity += perpendicularAcceleration / hookLength;
velocityAngle += angularVelocity;
velocityX = hookedObj.x + hookLength * Math.cos(velocityAngle) - self.x;
@@ -285,8 +280,75 @@
moon.scale.set(1 - MOON_SCALING + MOON_SCALING * self.zoom);
+* config {
+* x : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
+* y : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
+* rotation : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
+* anchorX : Number || 0,
+* anchorY : Number || 1,
+* size : Number || TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE,
+* weight : Number || TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT,
+* font : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_FONT,
+* fill : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL,
+* border : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER,
+* }
+var BorderedText = ConfigContainer.expand(function (text, config) {
+ var self =, config);
+ config = config || {};
+ ;
+ var anchorX = config.anchorX !== undefined ? config.anchorX : 0;
+ var anchorY = config.anchorY !== undefined ? config.anchorY : 1;
+ var size = config.size !== undefined ? config.size : TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE;
+ var weight = config.weight !== undefined ? config.weight : TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
+ var font = config.font !== undefined ? config.font : TEXT_DEFAULT_FONT;
+ var textFill = config.fill !== undefined ? config.fill : TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL;
+ var borderFill = config.border !== undefined ? config.border : TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER;
+ var textAssets = [];
+ var mainAsset;
+ ;
+ self.setText = setText;
+ self.setFill = setFill;
+ ;
+ function setText(newText) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < textAssets.length; i++) {
+ textAssets[i].setText(newText);
+ }
+ }
+ function setFill(newFill) {
+ textFill = newFill;
+ mainAsset.fill = newFill;
+ }
+ function buildTextAssets(newText) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < TEXT_OFFSETS.length; i++) {
+ var main = i === TEXT_OFFSETS.length - 1;
+ var fill = main ? textFill : borderFill;
+ var textAsset = textAssets[i];
+ if (textAsset) {
+ textAsset.destroy();
+ }
+ textAsset = self.addChild(new Text2(newText, {
+ fill: fill,
+ font: font,
+ size: size
+ }));
+ textAsset.anchor = {
+ x: anchorX,
+ y: anchorY
+ }; // NOTE: Cannot be set in config
+ textAsset.x = TEXT_OFFSETS[i][0] * weight; // NOTE: Cannot be set in config
+ textAsset.y = TEXT_OFFSETS[i][1] * weight; // NOTE: Cannot be set in config
+ textAssets[i] = textAsset;
+ }
+ mainAsset = textAssets[TEXT_OFFSETS.length - 1];
+ }
+ ;
+ buildTextAssets(text);
+ return self;
* Initialize Game
@@ -307,8 +369,22 @@
var GAME_TICKS = 60;
var GAME_WIDTH = 2048;
var GAME_HEIGHT = 2732;
+// Math Constants / Pre-calculations
+var MATH_4_PI = Math.PI * 4;
+var MATH_2_PI = Math.PI * 2;
+var MATH_HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2;
+var MATH_HALF_ROOT_3 = Math.sqrt(3) / 2; // Required by: TEXT_OFFSETS, BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
+// Text Settings
+var TEXT_OFFSETS = [[0, 1], [MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, 0.5], [MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, -0.5], [0, -1], [-MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, -0.5], [-MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, 0.5], [0, 0]]; // Required by: BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
+var TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 4; // Required by: BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
+var TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER = '#000000'; // Required by: BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
+var TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL = '#000000'; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
+var TEXT_DEFAULT_FONT = 'Courier'; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
+var TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE = 100; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
// Firewall Settings
var FIREWALL_SPEED = 0; // 2;
@@ -359,10 +435,14 @@
var moon = game.addChild(LK.getAsset('moon', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: GAME_WIDTH / 2,
- y: GAME_HEIGHT / 2 - 200
+ y: GAME_HEIGHT / 2 - 400
+var gameInterface = game.addChild(new Interface({
+ x: moon.x,
+ y: moon.y
var camera = game.addChild(new Camera({
x: GAME_WIDTH / 2,
@@ -391,9 +471,9 @@
var frog = forefrontContainer.addChild(new Frog({
- rotation: Math.PI / 2,
+ rotation: MATH_HALF_PI,
var firewall = forefrontContainer.addChild(new Firewall({
@@ -413,9 +493,8 @@
lillypadContainer.addChild(new Lilypad({
x: PLAYER_START_X + 100,
y: -300
-var gameInterface = moon.addChild(new Interface());
// Global events
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect