* Classes
var CoinButton = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
self.buttonGraphic = self.attachAsset('coinButton', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.on('down', function () {
playerCoins += 50; // Add 50 coins to the player's total
LK.effects.flashScreen(0x00ff00, 300);
var ShopItem = Container.expand(function (id, price, maxPurchase) {
var self = Container.call(this);
self.id = id;
self.price = price;
self.maxPurchase = maxPurchase;
self.purchaseCount = 0;
self.itemGraphic = self.attachAsset(id, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.priceText = new Text2(self.price.toString(), {
size: 50,
fill: '#ffffff'
self.updateAffordability = function (playerCoins) {
if (self.purchaseCount >= self.maxPurchase) {
self.priceText.fill = '#ff0000';
} else if (playerCoins >= self.price) {
self.priceText.fill = '#1eff00';
} else {
self.priceText.fill = '#ff0000';
self.itemFunction = function () {
// Add the item to the activated items display
self.on('down', function () {
if (playerCoins >= self.price && self.purchaseCount < self.maxPurchase) {
playerCoins -= self.price; // Subtract item cost from player's coins
LK.effects.flashScreen(0x00ff00, 300);
// Execute the function that belongs to this item
// This is a placeholder for the actual function
// Update the price text to N.A. if the item has been bought
if (self.purchaseCount >= self.maxPurchase) {
} else {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 300);
var Item1 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item1', 100, 1);
var Item2 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item2', 200, 1);
var Item3 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item3', 300, 1);
var Item4 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item4', 400, 1);
var Item5 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item5', 500, 1);
var Item6 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item6', 600, 1);
var Item7 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item7', 700, 1);
var Item8 = ShopItem.expand(function () {
var self = ShopItem.call(this, 'item8', 800, 1);
var ShopMenu = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
self.visible = false;
self.items = [];
self.background = self.attachAsset('shopBackground', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.toggleVisibility = function () {
self.visible = !self.visible;
self.background.visible = self.visible; // Show/hide background with the menu
self.addItem = function (item) {
self.updateItemsAffordability = function (playerCoins) {
self.items.forEach(function (item) {
var ActivatedItemDisplay = Container.expand(function () {
var self = Container.call(this);
self.items = [];
self.updateItems = function (activatedItems) {
// Remove all current item graphics
self.items.forEach(function (item) {
self.items = [];
// Add new activated item graphics
activatedItems.forEach(function (itemId, index) {
var itemGraphic = self.attachAsset(itemId, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: index * 150 + 75,
// Position items with a fixed offset
y: 50 // Position items at a fixed height from the bottom
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background
* Game Code
var activatedItemDisplay = game.addChild(new ActivatedItemDisplay());
activatedItemDisplay.y = 2732 - 100; // Position at the bottom of the screen
var activatedItems = []; // Array to keep track of activated items
var shopButton = game.addChild(LK.getAsset('shopIcon', {
anchorX: 1,
anchorY: 0,
x: 2048,
y: 0
var shopMenu = game.addChild(new ShopMenu());
shopMenu.x = 1024; // Center of the screen
shopMenu.y = 1366; // Middle of the screen
// Sample items for the shop
shopMenu.addItem(new Item1(100));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item2(200));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item3(300));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item4(400));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item5(500));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item6(600));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item7(700));
shopMenu.addItem(new Item8(800));
// Position shop items in rows of 3
var itemOffsetX = 200;
var itemOffsetY = 200;
var itemsPerRow = 3;
shopMenu.items.forEach(function (item, index) {
item.x = index % itemsPerRow * itemOffsetX - (itemsPerRow - 1) * itemOffsetX / 2;
item.y = Math.floor(index / itemsPerRow) * itemOffsetY - (shopMenu.items.length / itemsPerRow - 1) * itemOffsetY / 2;
var coinButton = game.addChild(new CoinButton());
coinButton.x = 1024; // Center of the screen horizontally
coinButton.y = 2732 - 150; // Near the bottom of the screen
// Player's coins
var playerCoins = 150; // Example starting coins
// Display player's coins
var coinDisplay = new Text2(playerCoins.toString(), {
size: 100,
fill: '#ffffff'
// Shop button event listener
shopButton.on('down', function () {
// Main game loop
LK.on('tick', function () {
// Game logic goes here
// For example, earning coins or spending them in the shop
// This is just a placeholder for the actual game logic
// Update coin display
// Hide the shop menu initially
shopMenu.visible = false;
// Update the shop menu's visibility based on the shop button
game.on('tick', function () {
shopMenu.visible = shopMenu.visible;