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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'var nbWords = mainListsList[i].length;' Line Number: 468
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'var nbWords = mainListsList[i].length;' Line Number: 468
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'resetGrid')' in or related to this line: 'mainGrid.resetGrid();' Line Number: 592
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: setHelpButtons is not defined' in or related to this line: 'setHelpButtons('ButtonHelp');' Line Number: 471
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: ticksDelay is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var image = createImageToSrollRescale(asset, xFrom, yFrom, {' Line Number: 924
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: periodic is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var mainListsList = [planetesNsatellites, usaStates, europeanCapitales, animals, periodic]; //Liste des listes de mots principales' Line Number: 349
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: oneCell is not defined' in or related to this line: 'nameGrid.width = miniBackGrounds[i].width - 2 * oneCell.cellSize;' Line Number: 455
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined' in or related to this line: 'x += width;' Line Number: 451
* Classes
var Button = Container.expand(function (text, options) {
var self =;
var buttonGraphics = self.attachAsset(options.assetName || 'button', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.width = options.width || 200;
self.height = options.height || 100;
self.fill = options.fill || 0x00FF00;
self.text = new Text2(text, {
size: options.text && options.text.size || 50,
fill: options.text && options.text.fill || "#000000"
self.text.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
self.x = options.x || 0;
self.y = options.y || 0;
self.on('down', function () {
if (options.onClick) {
// Assets will be automatically created and loaded by the LK engine based on usage in the game code.
// GridCell class for individual letters in the grid
var GridCell = Container.expand(function (letter, assetName) {
var self =;
var cellGraphics = self.attachAsset(assetName, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.cellSize = cellGraphics.width;
self.clickable = true; //Indique si la cellule est cliquable
self.wordFrom = ''; //Mot d'origine de la lettre
self.letter = letter;
self.policeSize = policeSize;
var text = new Text2(letter.toUpperCase(), {
size: self.policeSize,
fill: "#000000"
self.texte = text;
self.texte.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
self.column = 0; //From 0 to gridColumns - 1
self.line = 0; //From 0 to gridLines - 1
self.columnFrom = 0; //Used in case of moving back to the main grid of a letter
self.lineFrom = 0;
self.setLetter = function (newLetter) {
self.letter = newLetter;
self.texte.x = -10;
self.texte.y = -10;
self.setColorToLetter = function (color) {
fill: color
self.onClickCell = function () {
//Fonction appelée lors du click sur la cellule
if (!self.clickable || self.letter == '') {
self.isClicked = true;
self.isClicked = false; //Indique si la cellule a été cliquée
// LettersGrid class for managing the grid of letters, same as WordGrid but with control of number of columns and lines
var LettersGrid = Container.expand(function (columns, lines, assetName) {
var self =;
self.gridColumns = columns;
self.gridLines = lines;
var oneCell = new GridCell('', assetName); //Taille de reference
self.width = oneCell.cellSize * self.gridColumns;
self.height = oneCell.cellSize + oneCell.cellSize * (self.gridLines - 1);
self.clickable = true; //Indique si la grille est cliquable
self.cells = [];
self.emptyCells = []; //Liste des cellules vides
self.words = []; //Liste des mots actuellement dans la grille
self.initializeGrid = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
self.cells[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
var cell = new GridCell('', assetName);
cell.x = j * cell.cellSize;
cell.y = i * cell.cellSize + cell.cellSize / 2;
self.cells[i][j] = cell;
cell.column = j;
cell.line = i;
cell.on('down', function () {
//Fonction appelée lors du click sur la cellule
cell.clickable = self.clickable;
}; //Fin de la fonction initializeGrid
self.resetGrid = function () {
//Réinitialise la grille : remove all cells and repositionnement de la grille
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
self.cells = [];
self.emptyCells = [];
self.gridColumns = 0;
self.gridLines = 0;
}; //Fin de la fonction resetGrid
self.addCell = function (letter, assetName) {
//Only when there is only one gridLine, add a cell to the grid with the given letter
var cell = null;
if (self.gridLines === 1) {
cell = new GridCell(letter, assetName);
cell.x = self.gridColumns * cell.cellSize;
cell.y = cell.cellSize / 2;
self.cells[0][self.gridColumns] = cell;
cell.column = self.gridColumns;
cell.line = 0;
cell.on('down', function () {
//Fonction appelée lors du click sur la cellule
cell.clickable = self.clickable;
if (letter === '') {
self.x -= cell.cellSize / 2; //Repositionnement de la grille
return cell;
}; //Fin de la fonction addCell
self.removeCell = function (index) {
//Only when there is only one gridLine, remove a cell from the grid at the given index
if (self.gridLines === 1 && index >= 0 && index < self.gridColumns) {
var cell = self.cells[0][index];
self.cells[0].splice(index, 1);
//Decale les cellules suivantes vers la gauche de une cellule
for (var i = index; i < self.gridColumns; i++) {
self.cells[0][i].x -= self.cells[0][i].cellSize;
self.cells[0][i].column = i;
self.x += cell.cellSize / 2; //Repositionnement de la grille
}; //Fin de la fonction removeCell
self.cellsPositions = function () {
//Return the absolutes positions of the cells in the game
var positions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
x: self.cells[i][j].x + self.x,
y: self.cells[i][j].y + self.y
return positions;
}; //Fin de la fonction cellsPositions
self.setLetter = function (column, line, letter) {
// Set a letter in the grid at (column, line)
if (column >= 0 && column < self.gridColumns && line >= 0 && line < self.gridLines) {
//Retrait de la cellule de la liste des cellules vides
if (self.emptyCells.includes(self.cells[line][column]) && letter !== '') {
self.emptyCells.splice(self.emptyCells.indexOf(self.cells[line][column]), 1);
} else if (!self.emptyCells.includes(self.cells[line][column]) && letter === '') {
}; //Fin de la fonction setLetter
self.addRandomLetter = function (letter) {
// Add a letter in a random empty cell using emptyCells list
var added = false;
if (self.emptyCells.length > 0) {
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * self.emptyCells.length);
var cell = self.emptyCells[randomIndex];
added = true;
//Retrait de la cellule de la liste des cellules vides
if (self.emptyCells.includes(cell)) {
self.emptyCells.splice(self.emptyCells.indexOf(cell), 1);
return added;
}; //Fin de la fonction addRandomLetter
self.removeLetter = function (column, line) {
// Remove a letter from the grid at (column, line)
if (column >= 0 && column < self.gridColumns && line >= 0 && line < self.gridLines) {
//Ajout de la cellule à la liste des cellules vides
if (!self.emptyCells.includes(self.cells[line][column])) {
}; //Fin de la fonction removeLetter
self.findNclickCell = function (letter) {
//Trouve et clique sur la première cellule contenant la lettre letter
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
if (self.cells[i][j].letter === letter) {
}; //Fin de la fonction findNclickCell
self.addWord = function (word) {
// Add a word in the list of words
}; //Fin de la fonction addWord
self.removeWord = function (word) {
// Remove a word from the list of words
if (self.words.includes(word)) {
self.words.splice(self.words.indexOf(word), 1);
}; //Fin de la fonction removeWord
self.firstWord = function () {
// Return the first word in the list of words
var word = '';
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridColumns; i++) {
word += self.cells[0][i].letter;
return word;
}; //Fin de la fonction firstWord
self.isFull = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
if (self.cells[i][j].letter === '') {
return false;
return true;
}; //Fin de la fonction isFull
self.isEmpty = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
if (self.cells[i][j].letter !== '') {
return false;
return true;
}; //Fin de la fonction isEmpty
self.colorWordCells = function (word, color) {
//Colorie les cellules du mot word en couleur color
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridLines; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k < self.gridColumns; k++) {
if (word.includes(self.cells[j][k].letter)) {
word = word.replace(self.cells[j][k].letter, '');
}; //Fin de la fonction colorWordCells
self.colorAllCells = function (color) {
for (var i = 0; i < self.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < self.gridColumns; j++) {
}; //Fin de la fonction colorAllCells
* Initialize Game
//Fin de la classe LettersGrid
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background
* Game Code
* Game Principle:
* -There is a board filled with letters, where the player selects letters from a partially filled grid.
* -With these letters, the player forms a word that appears below the grid, then validates their word.
* -If the word is among the main list, it is valid, and the player earns points.
* -The score obtained is proportional to the length of the word.
* -These letters move randomly within the grid to empty spaces.
* -If the word is not valid, the letters forming the word are returned to their original position in the grid.
* -A new word is selected from the main list, shuffled and randomly dispatched in the empty cells.
* -If there is no more space in the grid, the game is over.
* Game Areas:
* The screen is divided into 5 main zones in the following descending order:
1. Score area: displays the player's score.
2. The grid: the letter grid (main grid).
3. Word area: displays the word formed by the player (word grid).
4. Validation area: button to validate the word or erase letters.
5. Options area (or advertisement).
* Game Progression:
* At the beginning of the game, the grid is almost empty, containing one shuffled word.
* The player can choose a letter in the grid by clicking on it.
* The chosen letter is added to the word area.
* The player can validate the word or erase a letter by clicking on the letter in the word, which then returns to its place in the grid.
* When the player thinks he has formed a word, he can validate it with the validate button located below the word area.
* If the word is valid, the player earns points, and the score is updated.
* If the word is not valid, the letters forming the word are returned to their original position in the grid.
* A new word appears randomly within the grid to empty spaces.
* If there is no more space in the grid, the game is over.
// Button class for creating buttons in the game
var backGroundsList = ["BackGroundPlanetesNSatellites", "BackGroundUSAStates", "BackGroundEuropeanCapitales"]; //Liste des assets de fond
var mainListsList = [planetesNsatellites, usaStates, europeanCapitales]; //Liste des listes de mots principales
var wordsMainList = []; // Initialize wordsMainList to an empty array
var scoreTest = 0; // Define scoreTest variable
var isScoreUpdatable = false; // Autorise ou pas la mise à jour du score
var score = 50;
var clueWord = '';
var costForLetter = 10; //Coût pour l'indice de la première lettre
var costForWord = 5; //Coût pour l'indice du mot
var costForDrop = 10; //Coût pour l'indice drop letter
var rewardForLetter = 10;
var rewardForEmpty = 50;
* Game zones and backgrounds
var ScoreZone = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: game.width,
height: 200 * game.height / 2732
var MainZone = {
x: 0,
y: ScoreZone.height,
width: game.width,
height: game.height - 2 * ScoreZone.height
var OptionsZone = {
x: 0,
y: game.height - ScoreZone.height,
width: game.width,
height: 200 * game.height / 2732
var backGroundScoreZone = LK.getAsset('ScoreZoneBackGround', {
x: ScoreZone.x,
y: ScoreZone.y,
width: ScoreZone.width,
height: ScoreZone.height
var backGroundOptionsZone = LK.getAsset('OptionsZoneBackGround', {
x: OptionsZone.x,
y: OptionsZone.y,
width: OptionsZone.width,
height: OptionsZone.height
* Score
var scoreTestText = new Text2('0', {
size: 30,
fill: "#ffff00",
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0
var scoreText = new Text2(score, {
size: 100,
fill: "#00ff00",
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0
* Main zone foreground
var policeSize = 128;
var mainGrid = new LettersGrid(6, 6, 'cell');
var wordGrid = null;
var isGameStarted = false; //Indique si le jeu a commencé dans un thème
var isThemaSelected = false; //Indique si un thème a été sélectionné
var isMGRefillrequired = false; //Indique si le remplissage de la grille principale est nécessaire
var isWordValid = false; //Indique si le mot formé est valide
var isWordInMainList = false; //Indique si le mot formé est dans la liste principale
var validateButton = null;
var clueButtonLetter = null;
var clueButtonWord = null;
var clueButtonDrop = null;
var animatingImageOn = false; //Drapeau indiquant qu'une image est a scrollscaller
var imagesToScrollRescale = []; //Liste des images a scrollscaller
//initGameThema(planetesNsatellites, 'BackGroundPlanetesNSatellites');
//initGameThema(usaStates, 'BackGroundUSAStates');
//isThemaSelected = true;
//initGameThema(europeanCapitales, 'BackGroundEuropeanCapitales');
* Functions
//Fonction displayminiBackGrounds : permet d'afficher les miniatures des fonds et d'y associer un événement de click
//Les assets de fond sont stockés dans la liste backGroundsList
function displayminiBackGrounds() {
var miniBackGrounds = [];
var nbBoutons = backGroundsList.length;
var x = 0;
var width = game.width / nbBoutons;
for (var i = 0; i < backGroundsList.length; i++) {
miniBackGrounds[i] = new Button('', {
assetName: backGroundsList[i],
mainList: mainListsList[i],
x: x,
y: ScoreZone.height,
width: width,
height: MainZone.height / 2,
fill: "#00FF00",
text: {
size: 50,
fill: "#000000"
onClick: onClickMiniBackGround
x += width;
} //Fin de la fonction displayminiBackGrounds
//Fonction onClickMiniBackGround : permet de sélectionner un thème de jeu
function onClickMiniBackGround() {
var mainList = this.mainList || [];
if (!isThemaSelected) {
var mainList = this.mainList;
var backGround = this.assetName;
initGameThema(mainList, backGround);
mainList = mainList || [];
scoreTest = "Thema : " + this.assetName + "mainListSize : " + mainList.length;
isThemaSelected = true;
} //Fin de la fonction onClickMiniBackGround
//Fonction initGameThema : permet d'initialiser le thème du jeu (liste des mots et image de fond)
function initGameThema(mainList, backGround) {
isGameStarted = false;
isMGRefillrequired = false;
isWordValid = false;
mainGrid.x = game.width / 2 - mainGrid.width / 2 + mainGrid.width / (mainGrid.gridColumns + 2);
mainGrid.y = MainZone.height / 6;
} //Fin de la fonction initGameThema
function updateScoreTest(nouveauScore) {
} //fin updateScoreTest
function updateScore(nouveauScore) {
if (nouveauScore < 0) {
nouveauScore = 0;
score = 0;
} //fin updateScore
//Fonction setMainWordsList : permet de définir la liste principale des mots
function setMainWordsList(liste) {
wordsMainList = liste;
} //Fin de la fonction setMainWordsList
//Fonction setBackGroundImage : permet de définir l'image de fond du jeu
function setBackGroundImage(image) {
backGroundImage = LK.getAsset(image, {
x: MainZone.x,
y: MainZone.y,
width: MainZone.width,
height: MainZone.height
} //Fin de la fonction setBackGroundImage
//Fonction onClickValidateButton : permet de valider le mot formé par le joueur
function onClickValidateButton() {
var isValide = validateWord(mainGrid.words);
if (isValide) {
//On vide la grille des lettres formant le mot final apres x secondes
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var tableauFrom = wordGrid.cellsPositions();
for (var i = 0; i < tableauFrom.length; i++) {
var ticks = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30) + 40;
scrollCoins(1, 'RewardsCoin', tableauFrom[i].x, tableauFrom[i].y, ticks, rewardForLetter, 'SoundRewardCoin', game.width / 2, MainZone.y - scoreText.height / 2);
if (isWordInMainList) {
//Si le mot est dans la liste principale, on compense les lettres utilisées avec récompense
for (var i = 0; i < wordGrid.gridColumns; i++) {
mainGrid.setLetter(wordGrid.cells[0][i].columnFrom, wordGrid.cells[0][i].lineFrom, wordGrid.cells[0][i].letter);
var xAbsCell = wordGrid.cells[0][i].columnFrom * wordGrid.cells[0][i].cellSize + mainGrid.x + wordGrid.cells[0][i].cellSize / 2;
var yAbsCell = wordGrid.cells[0][i].lineFrom * wordGrid.cells[0][i].cellSize + mainGrid.y + wordGrid.cells[0][i].cellSize / 2;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
scrollCoins(1, 'RewardsCoin', xAbsCell, yAbsCell, 30, rewardForLetter, 'SoundRewardCoin', game.width / 2, MainZone.y - scoreText.height / 2);
}, 1000);
isWordInMainList = false;
}, 1000);
if (mainGrid.isEmpty()) {
scrollCoins(1, 'RewardsCoin', mainGrid.x + mainGrid.width / 2, mainGrid.y + mainGrid.height / 2, 30, rewardForEmpty, 'SoundEmptyGrid', game.width / 2, MainZone.y - scoreText.height / 2);
isMGRefillrequired = true;
} else {
//Le mot n'est pas valide, on remet les lettres dans la grille principale
LK.setTimeout(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < wordGrid.gridColumns; i++) {
mainGrid.setLetter(wordGrid.cells[0][i].columnFrom, wordGrid.cells[0][i].lineFrom, wordGrid.cells[0][i].letter);
isMGRefillrequired = true;
}, 1000);
} //Fin de la fonction onClickValidateButton
//Fonction setValidateButton : permet de définir le bouton de validation
function setValidateButton(asset) {
validateButton = new Button('', {
assetName: asset,
x: game.width / 2 + 50,
y: wordGrid.y + wordGrid.height + 350,
width: 300,
height: 300,
fill: "#00FF00",
text: {
size: 50,
fill: "#000000"
onClick: onClickValidateButton
} //Fin de la fonction setValidateButton
//Fonction onClickClueButtonLetter : permet de donner un indice au joueur
function onClickClueButtonLetter() {
if (!wordGrid.isEmpty()) {
//Si le joueur a déjà commencé à former un mot, on ne donne pas d'indice
if (mainGrid.words.length >= 1) {
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * mainGrid.words.length);
var word = mainGrid.words[randomIndex];
var firstLetter = word[0];
var line = -1;
var col = -1;
var isFound = false;
for (var i = 0; i < mainGrid.gridLines && !isFound; i++) {
//On colorie la première lettre du mot pendant 2 secondes
for (var j = 0; j < mainGrid.gridColumns && !isFound; j++) {
if (mainGrid.cells[i][j].letter == firstLetter) {
line = i;
col = j;
isFound = true;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
if (mainGrid.cells[line] && mainGrid.cells[line][col]) {
if (score >= costForLetter) {
scrollCostCoins(clueButtonLetter.x, clueButtonLetter.y, 1, costForLetter);
} else {
score -= costForLetter;
}, 3000);
} //Fin de la fonction onClickClueButtonLetter
//Fonction setClueButtonFirstLetter : permet de définir le bouton d'indice
function setClueButtonFirstLetter(asset) {
clueButtonLetter = new Button('', {
assetName: asset,
x: game.width / 2 - 350,
y: 150,
// Set a default y position
width: 200,
height: 200,
fill: "#00FF00",
text: {
size: 50,
fill: "#000000"
onClick: onClickClueButtonLetter
clueButtonLetter.x = game.width - clueButtonLetter.width; // Adjust x position after initialization
clueButtonLetter.y = mainGrid.y + clueButtonLetter.height; // Adjust y position after initialization
} //Fin de la fonction setClueButtonFirstLetter
//Fonction onClickClueButtonWord : permet de donner un indice au joueur (change la couleur des lettres d'un des mots au hasard)
function onClickClueButtonWord() {
if (!wordGrid.isEmpty()) {
//Si le joueur a déjà commencé à former un mot, on ne donne pas d'indice
//On change la couleur des lettres d'un des mots au hasard de mainGrid.words
if (mainGrid.words.length >= 1) {
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * mainGrid.words.length);
var word = mainGrid.words[randomIndex];
var randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16); //On choisit une couleur au hasard parmi 16777215 couleurs
mainGrid.colorWordCells(word, "#" + randomColor);
LK.setTimeout(function () {
mainGrid.colorWordCells(word, "#000000");
scrollCostCoins(clueButtonWord.x, clueButtonWord.y, word.length, costForWord);
}, 5000);
} //Fin de la fonction onClickClueButtonWord
//Fonction setClueButtonWord : permet de définir le bouton d'indice focus word
function setClueButtonWord(asset) {
clueButtonWord = new Button('', {
assetName: asset,
x: game.width / 2 - 350,
y: mainGrid.y,
// Set a default y position
width: 200,
height: 200,
fill: "#00FF00",
text: {
size: 50,
fill: "#000000"
onClick: onClickClueButtonWord
clueButtonWord.x = game.width - clueButtonWord.width; // Adjust x position after initialization
clueButtonWord.y = mainGrid.y + 2 * clueButtonWord.height; // Adjust y position after initialization
} //Fin de la fonction setClueButtonWord
//Fonction onClickClueButtonDrop : permet de donner un indice au joueur (drop letter)
function onClickClueButtonDrop() {
if (wordGrid.isEmpty() && clueWord == '') {
//On prend un mot au hasard dans la liste principale et on clique sur les deux premières lettres
if (mainGrid.words.length > 0) {
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * mainGrid.words.length);
var word = mainGrid.words[randomIndex];
clueWord = word; //On garde le mot pour le prochain indice
var firstLetter = word[0];
var secondLetter = word[1];
LK.setTimeout(function () {
scrollCostCoins(clueButtonDrop.x, clueButtonDrop.y, 2, costForDrop);
}, 100);
} else if (!wordGrid.isEmpty() && clueWord != '') {
//On reconstitue le mot contenu dans wordGrid
var word = wordGrid.firstWord();
var letterRank = wordGrid.gridColumns;
if (word == clueWord.substring(0, letterRank)) {
var letter = clueWord[letterRank];
//On descend la suite du mot
if (word != clueWord) {
scrollCostCoins(clueButtonDrop.x, clueButtonDrop.y, 1, letterRank * costForDrop);
} else if (word == clueWord && word != '') {
clueWord = '';
} else {
//On réinitialise les parametres de l'indice drop letter
clueWord = '';
} //Fin de la fonction onClickClueButtonDrop
//Fonction setClueButtonDrop : permet de définir le bouton d'indice drop letter
function setClueButtonDrop(asset) {
clueButtonDrop = new Button('', {
assetName: asset,
x: game.width / 2 - 350,
y: mainGrid.y,
// Set a default y position
width: 200,
height: 200,
fill: "#00FF00",
text: {
size: 50,
fill: "#000000"
onClick: onClickClueButtonDrop
clueButtonDrop.x = game.width - clueButtonDrop.width; // Adjust x position after initialization
clueButtonDrop.y = mainGrid.y + 3 * clueButtonDrop.height; // Adjust y position after initialization
} //Fin de la fonction setClueButtonDrop
//Fonction initWordGrid : permet d'initialiser la grille des lettres formant le mot
function initWordGrid() {
//Initialise la grille des lettres formant le mot
wordGrid = game.addChild(new LettersGrid(0, 1, 'cellWord'));
wordGrid.x = game.width / 2 + 100;
wordGrid.y = ScoreZone.height + mainGrid.height + 300;
} //Fin de la fonction initWordGrid
//Fonction pickAndShakeSingleWord : permet de choisir un mot dans la liste des mots et de le mélanger
function pickAndShakeSingleWord() {
if (wordsMainList.length == 0) {
return {
word: '',
wordShuffled: ''
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * wordsMainList.length);
var word = wordsMainList[randomIndex];
if (!word) {
return {
word: '',
wordShuffled: ''
var wordShuffled = word.split('').sort(function () {
return 0.5 - Math.random();
wordsMainList.splice(randomIndex, 1); //Retire le mot de la liste principale pour ne pas le reprendre
return {
word: word,
wordShuffled: wordShuffled
} //Fin de la fonction pickAndShakeSingleWord
//Fonction pickAndShakeWords : permet de choisir plusieurs mots dans la liste des mots et de les mélanger
function pickAndShakeWords(numberOfWords) {
var words = [];
var wordsShuffeled = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++) {
var wordSingle = pickAndShakeSingleWord();
var word = wordSingle.word;
var shuffledWord = wordSingle.wordShuffled;
return {
words: words,
wordsShuffeled: wordsShuffeled
} //Fin de la fonction pickAndShakeWords
//Fonction putRandomShuffledWordInGrid : permet de mettre un mot mélangé dans la grille principale
function putRandomShuffledWordInGrid() {
var word = pickAndShakeSingleWord().word;
var isPossibleToAddletter = true; //Indique si le mot peut être ajouté dans la grille principale
for (var i = 0; i < word.length && isPossibleToAddletter; i++) {
isPossibleToAddletter = mainGrid.addRandomLetter(word[i]);
if (isPossibleToAddletter && word != '') {
return isPossibleToAddletter;
} //Fin de la fonction putRandomShuffledWordInGrid
//Fonction addCellLetterToWord : permet d'ajouter une cellule à la liste des lettres formant le mot situé sous la grille
function addCellLetterToWord(letter) {
var cellLetter = wordGrid.addCell(letter, 'cellWord');
return cellLetter;
} //Fin de la fonction addCellLetterToWord
//Fonction validateWord : permet de valider le mot formé par le joueur dans une liste de mots
function validateWord(liste) {
var word = wordGrid.firstWord();
if (liste.includes(word)) {
wordGrid.addWord(word); //Archive les mots trouves
mainGrid.removeWord(word); //Retire le mot de la grille principale
isWordValid = true;
} else if (wordsMainList.includes(word)) {
isWordValid = true;
isWordInMainList = true;
wordsMainList.splice(wordsMainList.indexOf(word), 1); //Retire le mot de la liste principale
} else {
isWordValid = false;
wordGrid.colorAllCells(isWordValid ? "#00FF00" : "#FF0000");
return isWordValid;
} //Fin de la fonction validateWord
// Fonction pour créer une image à faire défiler et redimensionner
function createImageToSrollRescale(asset, xFrom, yFrom) {
var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};
//var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};
// Création d'une nouvelle instance de l'image asset
var assetToScrollRescale = LK.getAsset(asset, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: 1.0,
scaleY: 1.0,
x: xFrom,
y: yFrom
var imageToScrollRescale = {
animate: options.animate !== undefined ? options.animate : false,
image: options.image !== undefined ? options.image : assetToScrollRescale,
xToReach: options.xToReach !== undefined ? options.xToReach : 0,
yToReach: options.yToReach !== undefined ? options.yToReach : 0,
scaleToReach: options.scaleToReach !== undefined ? options.scaleToReach : 1.0,
nbTicksLeft: options.nbTicksLeft !== undefined ? options.nbTicksLeft : 0,
isDestroyedOnEnd: options.isDestroyedOnEnd !== undefined ? options.isDestroyedOnEnd : false,
valueToAddToScore: options.valueToAddToScore !== undefined ? options.valueToAddToScore : 0,
soundOnEnd: options.soundOnEnd !== undefined ? options.soundOnEnd : ''
return imageToScrollRescale;
} //fin createImageToSrollRescale
//Fonction createImages : permet de créer plusieurs images à scrollrescaler avec les même parametres
//Chaque image est crée à l'emplacement donnée dans le tableauFrom composé de (x, y)
function createImages(asset, tableauFrom, options) {
for (var i = 0; i < tableauFrom.length; i++) {
var image = createImageToSrollRescale(asset, tableauFrom[i].x, tableauFrom[i].y, options);
} //fin createImages
//Fonction scrollCostCoins : permet de faire défiler des pièces de monnaie
function scrollCostCoins(xTo, yTo, nbCoins, valueToTakeFromScore) {
for (var i = 0; i < nbCoins; i++) {
var image = createImageToSrollRescale('CostCoin', game.width / 2, MainZone.y - scoreText.height / 2, {
xToReach: xTo,
yToReach: yTo,
nbTicksLeft: 30 + i * 2,
valueToAddToScore: -valueToTakeFromScore,
soundOnEnd: 'SoundCostCoin',
isDestroyedOnEnd: true,
animate: true
} //fin scrollCostCoins
//Fonction scrollCoins : permet de faire défiler des pièces de monnaie
function scrollCoins(nbCoins, asset, xFrom, yFrom, ticksLeft, valueToAddToScore, soundOnEnd, xTo, yTo) {
for (var i = 0; i < nbCoins; i++) {
var image = createImageToSrollRescale(asset, xFrom, yFrom, {
xToReach: xTo,
yToReach: yTo,
nbTicksLeft: ticksLeft,
valueToAddToScore: valueToAddToScore,
soundOnEnd: soundOnEnd,
isDestroyedOnEnd: true,
animate: true
} //fin scrollCoins
//Fonction scrollRescaleImages permettant de faire défiler et redimensionner des images
function scrollRescaleImages() {
for (var i = 0; i < imagesToScrollRescale.length; i++) {
if (imagesToScrollRescale[i].animate) {
if (imagesToScrollRescale[i].nbTicksLeft == 0) {
//On joue un son si soundOnEnd est défini
if (imagesToScrollRescale[i].soundOnEnd != '') {
//On ajoute la valeur à ajouter au score si valueToAddToScore est défini
if (imagesToScrollRescale[i].valueToAddToScore != 0) {
score += imagesToScrollRescale[i].valueToAddToScore;
isScoreUpdatable = true;
//On détruit l'image si isDestroyedOnEnd est vrai
var imageToDestroy = null;
if (imagesToScrollRescale[i].isDestroyedOnEnd) {
imageToDestroy = imagesToScrollRescale[i].image;
//On retire l'image du tableau si le nombre de ticks est nul
imagesToScrollRescale.splice(i, 1);
if (imageToDestroy) {
} else {
var x = imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.x;
var y = imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.y;
var scale = imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.scale.x;
var xToReach = imagesToScrollRescale[i].xToReach;
var yToReach = imagesToScrollRescale[i].yToReach;
var scaleToReach = imagesToScrollRescale[i].scaleToReach;
var nbTicksLeft = imagesToScrollRescale[i].nbTicksLeft;
var dx = (xToReach - x) / nbTicksLeft;
var dy = (yToReach - y) / nbTicksLeft;
var dscale = (scaleToReach - scale) / nbTicksLeft;
imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.x += dx;
imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.y += dy;
imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.scale.x += dscale;
imagesToScrollRescale[i].image.scale.y += dscale;
imagesToScrollRescale[i].nbTicksLeft -= 1;
} //fin scrollRescaleImages
//Fonction longuestWord : permet de trouver le mot le plus long dans une liste de mots et de donner sa longueur
function longuestWord(liste) {
var longuest = '';
for (var i = 0; i < liste.length; i++) {
if (liste[i].length > longuest.length) {
longuest = liste[i];
return longuest.length;
} //Fin de la fonction longuestWord
* Main loop
game.update = function () {
//Choix du thème
if (!isThemaSelected) {
//Mise à jour score
if (isScoreUpdatable) {
isScoreUpdatable = false;
//Animation des images
//Recherche de la lettre cliquée dans la mainGrid et ajout de la lettre à la liste des lettres formant le mot
for (var i = 0; i < mainGrid.gridLines; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < mainGrid.gridColumns; j++) {
if (mainGrid.cells[i][j].isClicked) {
var newCell = addCellLetterToWord(mainGrid.cells[i][j].letter);
if (newCell) {
newCell.columnFrom = j;
newCell.lineFrom = i;
mainGrid.cells[i][j].isClicked = false;
//Recherche de la lettre cliquée dans la wordGrid et retour de la lettre à la mainGrid
var indexCellToRemove = -1;
for (var j = 0; j < wordGrid.gridColumns; j++) {
if (wordGrid.cells[0][j].isClicked) {
//Retour de la lettre à la grille principale
var columnBack = wordGrid.cells[0][j].columnFrom;
var lineBack = wordGrid.cells[0][j].lineFrom;
mainGrid.setLetter(columnBack, lineBack, wordGrid.cells[0][j].letter);
//Retrait de la lettre cliquée du mot
wordGrid.cells[0][j].isClicked = false;
indexCellToRemove = j;
if (indexCellToRemove >= 0) {
indexCellToRemove = -1;
//Affichage ou pas du bouton de validation
if (validateButton) {
if (wordGrid.isEmpty()) {
validateButton.visible = false;
} else {
validateButton.visible = true;
//Affichage ou pas des boutons d'indices
if (!wordGrid.isEmpty()) {
clueButtonLetter.visible = false;
} else {
clueButtonLetter.visible = true;
var notEnoughtMoneyForWord = longuestWord(mainGrid.words) * costForWord > score;
if (notEnoughtMoneyForWord || !wordGrid.isEmpty()) {
clueButtonWord.visible = false;
} else {
clueButtonWord.visible = true;
var word = wordGrid.firstWord();
var notEnoughtMoneyForDrop = longuestWord(mainGrid.words) * costForDrop > score;
if (notEnoughtMoneyForDrop || clueWord == '' && !wordGrid.isEmpty() || word == clueWord && word != '') {
clueButtonDrop.visible = false;
} else {
clueButtonDrop.visible = true;
if (wordGrid.isEmpty() && clueWord != '') {
//On réinitialise les parametres de l'indice drop letter
clueWord = '';
//Autres actions à effectuer sans urgence
if (LK.ticks % 10 == 0) {
//Chargement initiale de la grille principale si nécessaire (vide):
//mot(s) est choisi au hasard dans la liste principale,
//il est mélangé et les lettres sont directement ajoutées à la grille principale avec la fonction addRandomLetter
if (mainGrid.isEmpty() && !isGameStarted) {
var wordsToBegin = pickAndShakeWords(1).words;
for (var i = 0; i < wordsToBegin.length; i++) {
var isPossibleToAddletter = true;
for (var j = 0; j < wordsToBegin[i].length && isPossibleToAddletter; j++) {
isPossibleToAddletter = mainGrid.addRandomLetter(wordsToBegin[i][j]);
if (isPossibleToAddletter) {
isGameStarted = true;
isMGRefillrequired = false;
//Chargement d'un mot mélangé dans la grille principale si demandé (isMGRefillrequired = true) et fin de partie
if (isMGRefillrequired) {
if (!putRandomShuffledWordInGrid()) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
isMGRefillrequired = false;
}; //Fin de la fonction update
//Liste des mots en majuscule
An empty cell.
Drapeau national des USA en fond d'un patchwork des États américains.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Une jeton de scrabble sans lettre.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Un bouton arrondi suggérant une validation mais sans texte écrit dessus.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A round button with a cyan interrogation mark.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A round cyan button with a yellow lamp bulb.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Remove the white square and the red lines.
A patchwork of european countries with the european unio flag in back ground.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A yellow coin wher we can see '+10' written on it.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A red coin wher we can see '-10' written on it... Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Patchwork of heads of plenty animals.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
The periodic table of the elements.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Patchwork de mots sur un fond cyan.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Patchwork of scene extracted from video games.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
It is written "COOL QUIZZ".
A cyan circle button with a home silhouette in the center. The button means "go back to start window". Avoid white color.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.