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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: rochers is not defined' in or related to this line: 'for (var i = 0; i < rochers.length; i++) {' Line Number: 956
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: scoreZone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'victoireText.y = scoreZone.height;' Line Number: 798
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: LK.getText is not a function' in or related to this line: 'var victoireText = game.addChild(LK.getText('Victoire', {' Line Number: 792
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: OrdiZone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'scoreOrdiText.x = OrdiZone.x + HumanZone.width / 2;' Line Number: 933
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: LK.Text2 is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var scoreHumainText = new LK.Text2('Score Humain: 0', {' Line Number: 912
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: updateScoreHumainText is not defined' in or related to this line: 'updateScoreHumainText.text = mettreAJourScore(scoreHumain);' Line Number: 960
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: LK.Text2 is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var scoreOrdiText = new LK.Text2('Score Ordi: 0', {' Line Number: 919
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: LK.Text2 is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var scoreHumainText = new LK.Text2('Score Humain: 0', {' Line Number: 911
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'pushedByOrdi')' in or related to this line: 'if ( == humanCamp && this.rocherDestination.pushedByHuman != this) {' Line Number: 655
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -45,8 +45,13 @@
- When a bulldozer pushes a large rock, the combined speed is V/8.
- When two bulldozers push a rock together, one behind the other, the pushing speeds are doubled compared to the speed of a single bulldozer.
- It is possible to push a rock that is being pushed by the opponent to block or slow down its movement.
- If a second Buldo is added in this situation, the rock will be pushed in the direction where there are fewer Buldos.
+- When a rock is blocked, it splits into smaller rocks depending of its size.
+- A large rock splits into a small and a medium one.
+- A medium rock splits into two small rocks.
+- A small rock is destroyed and disappears.
+- The splitted new rocks are thrown from the position of the blocked rock to a free ligne.
- The game ends when all rocks have been moved out of the RoadZone.
- The winner is the one with the highest score, based on the number and size of rocks successfully moved to the opposing zone (small rock is 1 point, medium rock is 2 points, large rock is 3 points).
- The goal for the human player is to move all the rocks to the ComputerZone while preventing the computer from doing the same.
- There is no time limit in this game, and players must use their judgment to determine the best way to move rocks and use their Buldos to win the game.
@@ -185,9 +190,9 @@
var nbRochers = 10; //nombre de rochers
var delta = 1;
-var vitesseBuldo = 4.0; //vitesse de déplacement des buldos a vide, vitesse/2 quand ils poussent un petit rocher, vitesse/4 pour un moyen, vitesse/8 pour un gros
+var vitesseBuldo = 8.0; //vitesse de déplacement des buldos a vide, vitesse/2 quand ils poussent un petit rocher, vitesse/4 pour un moyen, vitesse/8 pour un gros
var humanCamp = 1; //camp du joueur humain
var ordiCamp = -1; //camp du joueur ordinateur
var ancrageMedian = 0.5; //ancrage median des sprites
var buldoRockHotSpotX = 45; //hotspot X du sprite buldoRock, offset du sprite par rapport à l'ancrage
@@ -197,8 +202,9 @@
var buldoZerHotSpotX = 45; //hotspot X du sprite buldoZer, offset du sprite par rapport à l'ancrage
var buldoZerHotSpotY = 0; //hotspot Y du sprite buldoZer
var buldoZerBkHotSpotX = 45; //hotspot arriere du buldoZer
var buldoZerBkHotSpotY = 0;
+var ordonneesRestantes = []; //liste des ordonnees non encore utilisees pour le placement des rochers
var petitRocher = 2; //taille du rocher (2=petit, 4=moyen, 8=gros)
var petitRocherDxHotLeft = -25; //hotspot X du sprite petitRocher, offset du sprite par rapport à l'ancrage
var petitRocherDyHotLeft = 0; //hotspot Y du sprite petitRocher
var petitRocherDxHotRight = 25; //hotspot X du sprite petitRocher, offset du sprite par rapport à l'ancrage
@@ -336,20 +342,9 @@
//Si le buldo selectionne est trouve, on le deplace vers le sprite rocher
if (buldo != null && !buldo.isMoving) {
- x = == humanCamp ? x + this.dxHotLeftSpot : x + this.dxHotRightSpot;
- y = this.sprite.y;
- buldo.rocherDestination = this; //Le buldo a pour destination le sprite rocher cliqué
- var sens = buldo.sprite.y < y ? 1 : -1; //Test Calcul du sens de deplacement horizontale : 1=droite, -1=gauche
- sens = == humanCamp ? sens : -sens; //Test Si le Buldo est humain, il doit arriver horizontalement par la gauche (abscisse croissante), sinon par la droite (abscisse decroissante)
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, sens * 90, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeLigneVtoY, 0, y); //Test mouvement Buldo
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, -sens * 90, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeLigneHtoR, this, 0); //Test mouvement Buldo vers le rocher
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, 180, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeLigneHtoX, buldo.xBase + * buldo.dxAvHotSpot, 0); //Test mouvement Buldo vers la position de base
- buldo.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, -180, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
+ buldo.moveToRock(this); //On deplace le buldo vers le rocher
}; //fin onClickRocherBuldo
this.destroy = function () {
@@ -365,8 +360,10 @@
this.pushedByOrdi.rocherDestination = null;
this.pushedByOrdi.isPushing = false;
this.pushedByOrdi = null;
+ //On recupere l'ordonnee du rocher pour une potentielle reutilisation
+ ordonneesRestantes.push(this.sprite.y);
//Invisibilite du sprite rocher
this.sprite.visible = false;
}; //fin destroy
this.onOutRocher = function () {
@@ -738,8 +735,22 @@
}; // fin deplaceHtoR
+ this.moveToRock = function (rocher) {
+ x = == humanCamp ? x + rocher.dxHotLeftSpot : x + rocher.dxHotRightSpot;
+ y = rocher.sprite.y;
+ this.rocherDestination = rocher; //Le buldo a pour destination le sprite rocher cliqué
+ var sens = this.sprite.y < y ? 1 : -1; //Test Calcul du sens de deplacement horizontale : 1=droite, -1=gauche
+ sens = == humanCamp ? sens : -sens; //Test Si le Buldo est humain, il doit arriver horizontalement par la gauche (abscisse croissante), sinon par la droite (abscisse decroissante)
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, sens * 90, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeLigneVtoY, 0, y); //Test mouvement Buldo
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, -sens * 90, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeLigneHtoR, rocher, 0); //Test mouvement Buldo vers le rocher
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, 180, 0); //Test rotation Buldo
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeLigneHtoX, this.xBase + * this.dxAvHotSpot, 0); //Test mouvement Buldo vers la position de base
+ this.addMoveToStack(typeRotation, -180, 0); //Test rotation Buldo;
+ }; //fin moveToRock
}); //fin constructor
function sensRotation(angleDegres) {
//03/03/2024//entre 0 et 180: 1, entre 180 et 360: -1, 0:0
var sens = Math.sin(angleDegres * Math.PI / 180);
@@ -816,9 +827,9 @@
//On ajoute les evenements de clic sur les sprites rocher
for (var i = 0; i < rochers.length; i++) {
rochers[i].sprite.on('down', rochers[i].onClickRocherBuldo.bind(rochers[i], buldos));
- ;
+ ordonneesRestantes = ordonneesPossibles; //On stocke les ordonnees restantes pour une utilisations ulterieure
return rochers;
} //fin generateRandomRock
function createBuldos() {
//CREATION D'OBJETS A PARTIR DES SPRITES //constructor(x, y, camp)
@@ -881,8 +892,15 @@
return buldos;
} //fin de createBuldos
var buldos = createBuldos(); //Creation des Buldos
var rochers = generateRandomRock(nbRochers); //création des rochers
+// Création de l'objet de texte pour le score du camp humain
+var scoreHumainText = new Text2('Score Humain: 0', {
+ size: 50,
+ fill: "#ffffff",
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0
// Fonction de rappel pour le tick
function onGameTick() {
// Autres mises à jour du jeu ici en cours de test..
A small rock
a rock without any shadow and four time smaller than the original.
Blue color
a rock is being crunched so there is smoke and peaces of rocks viewed from top.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Un trophée de victoire sous forme d'une coupe d'où s'échappe un feu d'artifice.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Red bulldozer viewed strictly from top. Top view as if we are a drone.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Remove yellow lines.