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when player clicks on streaktext, show a litttle window with this message: "Your streak increases with each successive correct guess, but is reset to 0 on a wrong guess. Extend your streak for better score multipliers." The window should also have a close button.
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: star is not defined' in or related to this line: 'star.alpha -= 1 / lifetime;' Line Number: 590
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: streakText is not defined' in or related to this line: 'streakText.setText("Streak: " + streak + streakBonus);' Line Number: 270
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Code edit (22 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: letter is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var blackboardText = new Text2(letter, {' Line Number: 61
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in function resetgamefornextlevel, make a few seconds long pause before displaylettersniline is called, and show a message to the player: next level
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Code edit (2 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: Lk is not defined' in or related to this line: 'Lk.getSound('correctWord').play();' Line Number: 114
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play the tap sound when a lettertile is tapped
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play the background music when the game starts, and let it repeat until gameover
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: submitButon is not defined' in or related to this line: 'submitButon.destroy();' Line Number: 293
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Code edit (16 edits merged)
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please implement function gameWon such that it displays a message 'Congratulations! You found all the worrd!' for a few seconds before calling KLshowGameOver.
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
* Classes
+var BlackboardPlaceholder = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ var bpGraphics = self.attachAsset('blackboardPlaceholder', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ return self;
var Cat = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var catGraphics = self.attachAsset('cat', {
anchorX: 0.5,
@@ -24,8 +32,25 @@
return self;
+var LetterOnBlackboard = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ self.letter = '';
+ var blackboardText = new Text2(self.letter, {
+ size: 120,
+ fill: "#ffffff",
+ stroke: "#000000",
+ strokeThickness: 10
+ });
+ blackboardText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ self.addChild(blackboardText);
+ self.setLetter = function (letter) {
+ self.letter = letter;
+ blackboardText.setText(letter);
+ };
+ return self;
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Class for Letter Tiles
var LetterTile = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
@@ -110,8 +135,9 @@
levels[currentLevel].words = levels[currentLevel].words.filter(function (word) {
return word !== currentWord;
+ streak += 1;
var scoreIncrement = currentWord.length;
LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + scoreIncrement);
scoreTxt.setText('Score: ' + LK.getScore());
// Create star explosion effect
@@ -135,10 +161,11 @@
} else {
+ streak = 0;
// Destroy the letters on the blackboard
- clearBlackBoard();
+ clearBlackBoard(false);
// Reset the letter tiles
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof LetterTile) {
child.alpha = 1;
@@ -172,13 +199,21 @@
* Game Code
function clearBlackBoard() {
+ var placeholdersToo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
blackBoardArr.forEach(function (child) {
blackBoardArr = [];
+ if (placeholdersToo) {
+ placeholderArr.forEach(function (child) {
+ child.destroy();
+ });
+ placeholderArr = [];
+ }
+var streak = 0;
var blackBoardArr = [];
var wholeBlackBoardArr = [];
var currentWord = "";
var levelTxt = new Text2('Level 1', {
@@ -201,17 +236,20 @@;
var blackboardOffsetX = 0;
var blackboardOffsetY = 0;
function writeLetterOnBlackboard(letter) {
+ /*
var blackboardText = new Text2(letter, {
size: 120,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 10
- blackboardText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ blackboardText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);*/
+ var blackboardText = new LetterOnBlackboard();
blackboardText.x = 400 + blackboardOffsetX;
blackboardText.y = 400 + blackboardOffsetY;
+ blackboardText.setLetter(letter);
blackboardOffsetX += 80; // Adjust the offset value as needed
@@ -266,9 +304,9 @@
blackboardOffsetXY = 0;
currentWord = "";
var nextLevelBackground = new NextLevelBackground();
nextLevelBackground.x = 0;
- nextLevelBackground.y = 1550;
+ nextLevelBackground.y = 1500;
var nextLevelText = new Text2('Level ' + (currentLevel + 1), {
size: 200,
fill: "#ffffff",
@@ -306,9 +344,33 @@
letterTile.y = y;
+ displayBlackboardPlaceholders();
+var placeholderArr = [];
+function displayBlackboardPlaceholders() {
+ console.log('ok');
+ var words = levels[currentLevel].words;
+ var offsetX = 0;
+ var offsetY = 60;
+ for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
+ console.log('ok i');
+ for (var j = 0; j < words[i].length; j++) {
+ console.log('ok j');
+ var p = new BlackboardPlaceholder();
+ p.x = 400 + offsetX;
+ p.y = 400 + offsetY;
+ game.addChild(p);
+ placeholderArr.push(p);
+ offsetX += 80;
+ if (j == words[i].length - 1) {
+ offsetX = 0;
+ offsetY += 118;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Function to advance to the next level
function advanceToNextLevel() {
if (currentLevel < levels.length - 1) {
A smooth, clean, blank and empty scrabble tile for a game.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A clean, warm and welcoming classroom in a school, facing the blackboard.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A small golden star. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.