User prompt
If a Blaster gets killed while the laser is still firing the laser can get orphaned on screen and not slide off. Please fix this.
User prompt
Make these changes to start firing laser mechanic: var segment = new LaserBeamSegment(); segment.parentBlaster = this.origin; // Store reference to Blaster segment.x = this.origin.x; segment.y = this.origin.y + (this.origin.height * 0.1); segment.rotation = this.rotation; game.addChild(segment); this.segments.push(segment); };
User prompt
Replace update firing laser mechanic with this: LaserMechanic.prototype.updateFiring = function () { if (!this.isFiring) return; var fireProgress = (LK.ticks - this.fireStartTime) / this.fireDuration; if (fireProgress <= 1) { if (this.segments.length < 20 && LK.ticks % 2 === 0) { var lastSegment = this.segments[this.segments.length - 1]; var segment = new LaserBeamSegment(); segment.parentBlaster = this.origin; // Store reference to Blaster segment.x = lastSegment.x - Math.sin(this.rotation) * segment.height; segment.y = lastSegment.y + Math.cos(this.rotation) * segment.height; segment.rotation = this.rotation; game.addChild(segment); this.segments.push(segment); } } else { this.isFiring = false; this.startSliding(); } };
User prompt
Make updates to Blaster class using this code block as appropriate: var LaserBeamSegment = Container.expand(function() { var self =; self.parentBlaster = null; // Will store reference to Blaster self.isSliding = false; self.slideSpeed = null; var laserGraphics = self.attachAsset('LaserBeam', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }); self.update = function() { // If parent Blaster is gone and we're not sliding, start sliding if (!self.parentBlaster && !self.isSliding) { self.isSliding = true; // Get rotation from graphics if needed self.slideSpeed = { x: -Math.sin(self.rotation) * 20, y: Math.cos(self.rotation) * 20 }; } // Handle sliding movement if (self.isSliding) { self.x += self.slideSpeed.x; self.y += self.slideSpeed.y; // Self-destroy if off screen if (self.y < -100 || self.y > 2148 || self.x < -100 || self.x > 2148) { game.removeChild(self); return true; // Signal destruction } }
User prompt
Add a timer to laser segments during update firing class. If the laser segments have not started sliding after 1 second, start all sliding.
User prompt
Add a check during the firing phase of the laser mechanic, if the origin becomes null then set all laser segments to start sliding.
User prompt
Please use this code block to make the appropriate changes to the Blaster class: // In Blaster's destroy/destruction code if (this.laserMechanic) { if (this.laserMechanic.isFiring && this.laserMechanic.segments) { // Force firing phase to end and start sliding this.laserMechanic.isFiring = false; this.laserMechanic.startSliding(); } this.laserMechanic.origin = null; // Detach from Blaster }
User prompt
Add to later mechanic update sliding class: LaserMechanic.prototype.updateSliding = function () { if (!this.isSliding || !this.segments) return; // Remove destroyed segments for (var i = this.segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var segment = this.segments[i]; if (segment.update()) { // If returns true, it was destroyed this.segments.splice(i, 1); } } // If all segments gone, mark complete if (this.segments.length === 0) { this.isSliding = false; this.attackComplete = true; } };
User prompt
Update laser mechanic start sliding function with this code: LaserMechanic.prototype.startSliding = function () { this.isSliding = true; this.slideStartTime = LK.ticks; // Set all segments to sliding mode if (this.segments) { for (var i = 0; i < this.segments.length; i++) { var segment = this.segments[i]; segment.isSliding = true; segment.slideSpeed = { x: -Math.sin(this.rotation) * 20, y: Math.cos(this.rotation) * 20 }; } } };
User prompt
Add to update part of laser segment class: // If sliding, move regardless of parent laser mechanic if (self.isSliding) { self.x += self.slideSpeed.x; self.y += self.slideSpeed.y; // Self-destroy if off screen if (self.y < -100 || self.y > 2148 || self.x < -100 || self.x > 2148) { game.removeChild(self); return true; // Signal destruction } } return false; // Not destroyed };
User prompt
Add these to the laser beam segment class: self.isSliding = false; self.slideSpeed = null;
User prompt
Update laser segment class using this code block: var LaserBeamSegment = Container.expand(function() { var self =; self.isSliding = false; self.slideSpeed = null; var laserGraphics = self.attachAsset('LaserBeam', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }); self.update = function() { // Handle collision if (CollisionManager.checkCollision(self, hero)) { // ... existing collision code ... } // Handle clone collisions for (var i = soldierClones.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // ... existing clone collision code ... } // If sliding, move regardless of parent laser mechanic if (self.isSliding) { self.x += self.slideSpeed.x; self.y += self.slideSpeed.y; // Self-destroy if off screen if (self.y < -100 || self.y > 2148 || self.x < -100 || self.x > 2148) { game.removeChild(self); return true; // Signal destruction } } return false; // Not destroyed }; return self; });
User prompt
Update Blaster class as appropriate using this code block: // In Blaster class (where destruction occurs) if (this.laserMechanic && this.laserMechanic.segments) { // Force all existing segments to start sliding for (var i = 0; i < this.laserMechanic.segments.length; i++) { var segment = this.laserMechanic.segments[i]; segment.isSliding = true; segment.slideSpeed = { x: -Math.sin(this.laserMechanic.rotation) * 20, y: Math.cos(this.laserMechanic.rotation) * 20 }; } }
User prompt
Use tv effect off instead of destroying clones in the laser array collision check with clones
User prompt
Add 1 blaster to wave 1
User prompt
Update code as appropriate using this code block: // In your game update loop where activeLaserBeams are processed for (var l = activeLaserBeams.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) { var laser = activeLaserBeams[l]; if (laser.segments) { // Check if it has segments // If origin (Blaster) is gone and not sliding yet, start sliding if (!laser.origin && !laser.isSliding && laser.segments.length > 0) { laser.startSliding(); } laser.update(); // Clean up if complete or all segments are off screen if (laser.isAttackComplete() || laser.segments.length === 0) { // Final cleanup of any remaining segments if (laser.segments) { for (var i = laser.segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { game.removeChild(laser.segments[i]); } laser.segments = []; } activeLaserBeams.splice(l, 1); } } else { // No segments found, remove from active lasers activeLaserBeams.splice(l, 1); } }
User prompt
Update the code using this code block: / In SoldierClone update function self.update = function() { var index = soldierClones.indexOf(self); if (index !== -1) { var timeOffset = LK.ticks * 0.02; // Keep same oscillation speed var xOffset = Math.sin(timeOffset + (index * (Math.PI / 2))) * 400; // Doubled to 400 pixel spread // Target position is center (1024) plus wider offset var targetX = 1024 + xOffset; // Smooth movement towards target self.x += (targetX - self.x) * 0.1; // Keep same vertical spacing var targetY = hero.y - 200 - (index * 50); self.y += (targetY - self.y) * 0.1; } };
User prompt
Call tv turn off effect for soldier clones in raider bullet class and remove clone destroy call.
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Add a flickering effect to clone soldier that starts when its health drops below 3 and gets worse the closer to 0 it gets.
User prompt
Make sure clones are not destroyed before the tvturnoff class is called.
User prompt
Add appropriate behavior to the soldier clone based on this code: // In SoldierClone update function self.update = function() { // Calculate desired x position based on index var index = soldierClones.indexOf(self); if (index !== -1) { // Create an offset pattern that varies with time var timeOffset = LK.ticks * 0.02; // Slow oscillation var xOffset = Math.sin(timeOffset + (index * (Math.PI / 2))) * 200; // 200 pixel spread // Target position is center (1024) plus offset var targetX = 1024 + xOffset; // Smooth movement towards target self.x += (targetX - self.x) * 0.1; // Maintain vertical position ahead of hero var targetY = hero.y - 200 - (index * 50); // Stack vertically with gaps self.y += (targetY - self.y) * 0.1; } };
User prompt
Then we need to modify the SoldierClone class to handle hits and trigger the turn-off animation: ```javascript // In the SoldierClone class self.hitPoints = 3; // Or whatever value you've set // In the collision check with raider bullets and lasers if (self.hitPoints > 0) { self.hitPoints--; if (self.hitPoints <= 0) { // Play turn off effect before destroying var tvEffect = new TVTurnOffEffect(); tvEffect.soldierClone = self; backgroundContainer.addChild(tvEffect); // Note: actual destruction happens after animation completes } }
User prompt
Add this class: var TVTurnOffEffect = Container.expand(function () { var self =; self.startTime = LK.ticks; self.animationDuration = 40; var finalScaleX = 0.7; self.update = function () { var progress = (LK.ticks - self.startTime) / self.animationDuration; if (progress <= 1) { if (self.soldierClone) { if (progress <= 0.3) { // Quick shrink to line var shrinkProgress = progress / 0.3; self.soldierClone.alpha = 1; self.soldierClone.scaleX = finalScaleX; self.soldierClone.scaleY = finalScaleX * (1 - shrinkProgress) + 0.05; var graphics = self.soldierClone.getChildAt(0); if (graphics) { graphics.scale.x = finalScaleX; graphics.scale.y = self.soldierClone.scaleY; } } else { // Longer flickering line phase before disappearing self.soldierClone.alpha = 0.8 + Math.sin(progress * Math.PI * 10) * 0.2; self.soldierClone.scaleX = finalScaleX; self.soldierClone.scaleY = 0.05; var graphics = self.soldierClone.getChildAt(0); if (graphics) { graphics.scale.x = finalScaleX; graphics.scale.y = 0.05; } } } } else { // Remove clone from arrays and destroy if (self.soldierClone) { var index = soldierClones.indexOf(self.soldierClone); if (index !== -1) { soldierClones.splice(index, 1); } self.soldierClone.destroy(); } self.destroy(); } }; return self; });
User prompt
Do the same for laser hits for soldier clone
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
if (self.HitPoints <= 0) {
// Create blaster pieces upon destruction
generateEnemyPieces(self, BlasterPiece, ['BlasterBottomPiece', 'BlasterLeftPiece', 'BlasterRightPiece']);
// Check if there's an active laser beam
- if (self.laserMechanic) {
- if (self.laserMechanic.isFiring && self.laserMechanic.segments) {
- // Force firing phase to end and start sliding
- self.laserMechanic.isFiring = false;
- self.laserMechanic.startSliding();
+ if (self.laserMechanic && self.laserMechanic.segments) {
+ // Force all existing segments to start sliding
+ for (var i = 0; i < self.laserMechanic.segments.length; i++) {
+ var segment = self.laserMechanic.segments[i];
+ segment.isSliding = true;
+ segment.slideSpeed = {
+ x: -Math.sin(self.laserMechanic.rotation) * 20,
+ y: Math.cos(self.laserMechanic.rotation) * 20
+ };
- self.laserMechanic.origin = null; // Detach from Blaster
var index = enemies.indexOf(self);
if (index > -1) {
@@ -2113,8 +2116,12 @@
LaserMechanic.prototype.updateFiring = function () {
if (!this.isFiring) {
+ // Check if origin is null and start sliding if true
+ if (!this.origin && this.segments && this.segments.length > 0) {
+ this.startSliding();
+ }
var fireProgress = (LK.ticks - this.fireStartTime) / this.fireDuration;
if (fireProgress <= 1) {
// Add new segments quickly until desired length
if (this.segments.length < 20 && LK.ticks % 2 === 0) {
View of a futuristic soldier from directly overhead. White armor with blue glowing cyberpunk details. Holding weapon forward.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
The lights of a futuristic city in the dark at night. Very high above it looking straight down like from an airplane or a map. Background for an endlessly scrolling game.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A big button that say Play to start playing a game. Use neon cyberpunk style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Overhead view. A hovering robot with a tapered midsection with two bulky arms with claw like hands and a giant red “eye” on top of its body. Looking straight down. Cyberpunk, black with red glowing highlights.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Overhead view. A heavily armored attack robot. Two arms with large gauntlet type fists. Four large red glowing eyes. Three distinct parts, body and two arms. Symmetrical design. Birds Eye view above them looking down on their head. Simple shapes. Low detail. Cyberpunk, black with red glowing highlights.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A red glowing line. Bright red core with subtle outer glow. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A blue transparent dome type shield. Simple graphics. Low details. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A ring of nuclear fire seen from overhead. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A thin robot with goggles riding a hover-bike. Twin blaster guns mounted on front. Top down view. Birds Eye view. Cyberpunk with red glowing highlights... Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Battle drone, circular. White with blue glowing highlights. Birds Eye view from overhead. Cyberpunk. Simple shapes.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect