User prompt
Do the same for laser hits for soldier clone
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Give soldier clones 4 hit points and only take 1 away per RaiderBullet hit. Only destroy at 0 hit points
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Make the soldier clone Y position 10% higher
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Temporarily make all power ups spawn as soldier clone. Do not remove exceptions for other power up chances so we can easily reverse this.
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We need a TVTurnOnEffect class for Soldier Clones that creates a retro CRT TV turn-on animation. Here are the specific requirements: 1. Start with a thin horizontal white line using the whitePixel asset: - Initial scaleX should be 1.0 (full width of clone) - Initial scaleY should be 0.1 - Position should match the clone's spawn position - Line should be centered on clone position using anchorX and anchorY of 0.5 2. The animation should happen in three phases over 45 frames: - Phase 1 (15 frames): The white line expands vertically (increase scaleY) while flickering - Phase 2 (15 frames): Add 3-4 horizontal scanlines that move upward through the expanding area - Phase 3 (15 frames): Fade out the white effects while fading in the soldier clone 3. Critical implementation details: - Must set scale on both Container AND graphics object (as we learned from BombBlast) - Must use separate scaleX and scaleY properties (not single scale property) - The soldier clone should start invisible (alpha 0) and fade in during Phase 3 - Use Math.sin for the flickering effect with a high frequency 4. The effect should match the clone's width (about 80-100 pixels based on the sprite) Remember to apply scaling to both the Container and its graphics object as documented in our animation implementation guide.
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All that I’m seeing is a blinking dot for the tv affect. Make the line much bigger and the have it compress down and the soldier clone should start completely compressed horizontally and stretch out to regular size.
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The animation did not work. All I saw was a blinking dot and no line stretching out from it. Also the soldier clone did not spawn.
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I didn’t see the tv affect when the soldier clone spawned. Also remember the clone should not move until the animation is complete.
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Let’s redo the tv affect a little bit. The effect should start basically as a dot that stretches into a horizontal line that’s twice as wide as the soldier clone asset. Then the line should compress to half its width and the soldier clone should stretch vertically from behind the line until it’s at all size. During this it should not move until animation is complete.
User prompt
The scanlines for the soldier clone spawn should be smaller, only twice the size of the soldier clone horizontally and the soldier clone should asset should start in a squished state behind the line until gradually stretching out to full size.
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Can you create a TVTurnOnEffect class that uses white scanlines and scaling to create a retro TV power-on animation? It should start as a thin horizontal line and expand vertically while showing scanline effects. This will be used when spawning Soldier Clones.
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Increase the time before Blaster begins laser sequence.
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Replace laser mechanic start sliding with this: LaserMechanic.prototype.startSliding = function () { this.isSliding = true; this.slideStartTime = LK.ticks; };
User prompt
Replace laser mechanic update firing with this: LaserMechanic.prototype.updateFiring = function () { if (!this.isFiring) return; var fireProgress = (LK.ticks - this.fireStartTime) / this.fireDuration; if (fireProgress <= 1) { // Add new segments quickly until desired length if (this.segments.length < 20 && LK.ticks % 2 === 0) { // Adjust segment count and speed var lastSegment = this.segments[this.segments.length - 1]; var segment = new LaserBeamSegment(); // Position new segment based on last one segment.x = lastSegment.x - Math.sin(this.rotation) * segment.height; segment.y = lastSegment.y + Math.cos(this.rotation) * segment.height; segment.rotation = this.rotation; game.addChild(segment); this.segments.push(segment); } } else { this.isFiring = false; this.startSliding(); } };
User prompt
Replace laser mechanic start firing with this: LaserMechanic.prototype.startFiring = function () { if (!this.origin || !this.targetX || !this.targetY || this.isFiring) { return; } this.isFiring = true; this.fireStartTime = LK.ticks; // Calculate direction var dirX = this.targetX - this.origin.x; var dirY = this.targetY - this.origin.y; this.rotation = Math.atan2(dirY, dirX) - Math.PI / 2; // Create array to hold segments this.segments = []; // Create initial segment var segment = new LaserBeamSegment(); segment.x = this.origin.x; segment.y = this.origin.y; segment.rotation = this.rotation; game.addChild(segment); this.segments.push(segment); };
User prompt
Add this class to the game:var LaserBeamSegment = Container.expand(function() { var self =; // Attach laser segment graphic var laserGraphics = self.attachAsset('LaserBeam', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0.5, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 // Each segment stays at normal scale }); // Handle own collision self.update = function() { if (CollisionManager.checkCollision(self, hero)) { if (hero.shielded) { hero.shieldLevel -= 1; if (hero.shieldLevel <= 0) { hero.shielded = false; if (hero.shieldGraphics) { hero.shieldGraphics.destroy(); hero.shieldGraphics = null; } } } else { LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000); LK.showGameOver(); } } // Check clone collisions for (var i = soldierClones.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var clone = soldierClones[i]; if (CollisionManager.checkCollision(self, clone)) { clone.destroy(); break; } } }; return self; });
User prompt
Add 30% to the slide duration for Blaster
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Reduce the time before blaster initial laser fire.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -398,8 +398,16 @@
} else {
enemy = new Drone();
+ case 'soldierClone':
+ enemy = new SoldierClone();
+ var tvEffect = new TVTurnOnEffect();
+ tvEffect.soldierClone = enemy;
+ tvEffect.x = enemy.x;
+ tvEffect.y = enemy.y;
+ backgroundContainer.addChild(tvEffect);
+ break;
case 'bruiser':
enemy = new Bruiser();
case 'blaster':
View of a futuristic soldier from directly overhead. White armor with blue glowing cyberpunk details. Holding weapon forward.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
The lights of a futuristic city in the dark at night. Very high above it looking straight down like from an airplane or a map. Background for an endlessly scrolling game.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A big button that say Play to start playing a game. Use neon cyberpunk style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Overhead view. A hovering robot with a tapered midsection with two bulky arms with claw like hands and a giant red “eye” on top of its body. Looking straight down. Cyberpunk, black with red glowing highlights.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Overhead view. A heavily armored attack robot. Two arms with large gauntlet type fists. Four large red glowing eyes. Three distinct parts, body and two arms. Symmetrical design. Birds Eye view above them looking down on their head. Simple shapes. Low detail. Cyberpunk, black with red glowing highlights.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A red glowing line. Bright red core with subtle outer glow. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A blue transparent dome type shield. Simple graphics. Low details. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A ring of nuclear fire seen from overhead. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A thin robot with goggles riding a hover-bike. Twin blaster guns mounted on front. Top down view. Birds Eye view. Cyberpunk with red glowing highlights... Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Battle drone, circular. White with blue glowing highlights. Birds Eye view from overhead. Cyberpunk. Simple shapes.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect