User prompt
Update with: function updateClams() { if (!game.clamSpawnPoints) { return; } // Flag to track if any clam has spawned a bubble in this cycle let bubbleSpawned = false; game.clamSpawnPoints.forEach(function (spawnPoint) { var config = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines[spawnPoint.type]; // Calculate production time with speed upgrade var baseTime = config.production * 150; var speedMultiplier = Math.pow(1 - UPGRADE_EFFECTS.autoBubbleSpeed.decrementPercent / 100, UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.autoBubbleSpeed.currentLevel); var adjustedTime = Math.max(1, Math.floor(baseTime * speedMultiplier)); var qualityLevel = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.bubbleQuality.currentLevel; if (qualityLevel > 0) { // -10% production rate per level adjustedTime = Math.floor(adjustedTime * (1 + 0.1 * qualityLevel)); } if (LK.ticks % adjustedTime === 0) { // Find first available bubble in pool var bubble = game.bubblePool.find(function (b) { return !b.visible; }); if (bubble && game.activeBubbles.length < game.MAX_BUBBLES) { // Check if this is the first bubble spawned in this cycle if (!bubbleSpawned) { LK.playSound('bubblelow'); bubbleSpawned = true; } bubble.activate(spawnPoint.x, spawnPoint.y, config.bubbleSize, false); bubble.fromClam = true; if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.sizeVariance.currentLevel > 0) { var variance = UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.sizeVariance.currentLevel; var minIncrease = 0.1 * variance; var maxIncrease = 0.15 * variance; // Apply size variance var sizeMultiplier = 1 - minIncrease + Math.random() * (minIncrease + maxIncrease); bubble.size *= sizeMultiplier; } // Set initial velocities for clam bubbles bubble.verticalVelocity = 0; bubble.driftX = (spawnPoint.isRight ? -1 : 1) * (Math.random() * 1.5 + 2); game.activeBubbles.push(bubble); } } }); }
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: Can't find variable: bubbleSpawned' in or related to this line: 'if (!bubbleSpawned) {' Line Number: 1720
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: LK.playSound is not a function. (In 'LK.playSound('fishtank')', 'LK.playSound' is undefined)' in or related to this line: 'LK.playSound('fishtank');' Line Number: 1723
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Play the bell sound effect when an upgrade is purchased.
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make it slightly easier to hit the bubbles
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play the random bubble sound effect when bubbles autopop
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play one random bubble sound effect when a bubble autopops
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update as needed with: if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.autoPop.currentLevel > 0) { if (LK.ticks % Math.max(60, 660 - UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.autoPop.currentLevel * 120) === 0) { var fish = new Fish(); game.addChild(fish); // If menu is open, ensure fish is below menu if (menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(fish, game.getChildIndex(menuContainer) - 1); } } }
User prompt
update as needed with: // In game.addBP function, after adding the pointText game.addChild(pointText); // If menu is open, ensure popup is below menu if (menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(pointText, game.getChildIndex(menuContainer) - 1); } // Then continue with your existing tween tween(pointText, { y: pointText.y - 100, alpha: 0 }, { duration: 1200, onFinish: function onFinish() { pointText.destroy(); } }); βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
update as needed with: // At the top level of your game, add a sound cooldown tracker game.autoPopSoundCooldown = 0; game.AUTO_POP_SOUND_COOLDOWN = 5; // frames to wait between auto-pop sounds // Then modify the Bubble.autoPop method: self.autoPop = function () { // Only award points if bubble is on screen if (!self.autoPopDisplayed && self.y > -self.size) { var points = Math.floor(self.getBP() * 0.5); game.addBP(points, self.x, self.y, true); self.autoPopDisplayed = true; // Only play sound if cooldown is 0 if (game.autoPopSoundCooldown <= 0) { // Play a softer pop sound for auto-pops var bubbleSounds = ['bubble1', 'bubble2', 'bubble3', 'bubble4']; var randomSound = bubbleSounds[Math.floor(Math.random() * bubbleSounds.length)]; var sound = LK.getSound(randomSound); sound.volume = 0.3; // Lower volume for auto-pops; // Set cooldown game.autoPopSoundCooldown = game.AUTO_POP_SOUND_COOLDOWN; } } self.deactivate(); return; }; // Then in your game.update function, add this near the beginning: // Update sound cooldowns if (game.autoPopSoundCooldown > 0) { game.autoPopSoundCooldown--; }
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update with: function updateCostText(category, key, text, color) { if (game.upgradeRegistry[category] && game.upgradeRegistry[category][key] && game.upgradeRegistry[category][key].costText) { var costText = game.upgradeRegistry[category][key].costText; costText.setText(text); // Force the color to be applied directly to the text element property costText.fill = color; // For colors tab, always ensure ACTIVE is green regardless of other settings if (category === 'colors' && text === "ACTIVE") { costText.fill = 0x00FF00; // Ensure green for ACTIVE state } } }
User prompt
update with: // In updateCostTexts function, replace the color upgrade section with: if (category === 'colors') { var activeColorKey = getActiveColorKey(); var isCurrentlyActive = (key === activeColorKey) || (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" && key === activeColorKey); if (upgrade.currentLevel > 0) { if (isCurrentlyActive) { costText.setText("ACTIVE"); costText.fill = 0x00FF00; // Green // Force this to be the final state setTimeout(function() { costText.fill = 0x00FF00; }, 0); } else if (upgrade.currentLevel >= upgrade.maxLevel) { costText.setText("SOLD OUT"); costText.fill = 0x888888; } else { costText.setText(getUpgradeCost(upgrade) + " BP"); costText.fill = 0xFFFF00; } } // of the function remains the same }
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: setTimeout is not a function' in or related to this line: 'setTimeout(function () {' Line Number: 1569
User prompt
update with: // Handle decoration upgrades else if (category === 'decorations') { if (upgrade.amount >= upgrade.maxAmount) { costText.setText("SOLD OUT"); costText.fill = 0x888888; } else { costText.setText(getUpgradeCost(upgrade) + " BP"); costText.fill = 0xFFFF00; } }
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add this: // Add near the top of the game initialization game.faceTrackingEnabled = false;
User prompt
update with: // Find the pufferMask update function and replace it with this: self.update = function () { // Only use face tracking when enabled if (game.faceTrackingEnabled) { // Adjust scale based on face size if (facekit.leftEye && facekit.rightEye && facekit.mouthCenter) { var eyeDistance = Math.abs(facekit.rightEye.x - facekit.leftEye.x); var newScale = eyeDistance / 500; // Update rolling average scaleHistory[scaleIndex] = newScale; scaleIndex = (scaleIndex + 1) % scaleHistory.length; // Calculate average scale var avgScale = scaleHistory.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0) / scaleHistory.length; // More gentle smoothing sprite.scaleX = sprite.scaleX * 0.85 + avgScale * 0.15; sprite.scaleY = sprite.scaleY * 0.85 + avgScale * 0.15; } // Follow nose position for main face tracking if (facekit.noseTip) { targetX = facekit.noseTip.x; targetY = facekit.noseTip.y; // Initialize previous positions if not set if (prevX === null) { prevX = targetX; prevY = targetY; } // Weighted average between previous and target position var newX = prevX * (1 - smoothingFactor) + targetX * smoothingFactor; var newY = prevY * (1 - smoothingFactor) + targetY * smoothingFactor; self.x = newX; self.y = newY; // Update previous positions prevX = newX; prevY = newY; } if (facekit.leftEye && facekit.rightEye) { targetTilt = calculateFaceTilt() * tiltScaleFactor; // Scale down the tilt // Reduce max rotation to Β±15 degrees targetTilt = Math.max(-15, Math.min(15, targetTilt)); self.rotation += (targetTilt - self.rotation) * tiltSmoothingFactor; } } };
User prompt
update with: game.startGame = function () { // Remove title screen if (game.titleContainer) { game.titleContainer.destroy(); game.titleContainer = null; } // Exit title mode game.titleMode = false; // Initialize BP display bpText.visible = true; // Initialize pufferfish for animation (not visible yet) playerMask.visible = true; playerMask.scaleX = 0.2; playerMask.scaleY = 0.2; playerMask.alpha = 0.8; playerMask.x = game.width / 2; playerMask.y = game.height + 100; // Start animation sequence tween(playerMask, { x: game.width / 2, y: game.height / 2, scaleX: 0.8, scaleY: 0.8, alpha: 1 }, { duration: 1500, easing: tween.easeOutBack, onFinish: function() { // Enable face tracking after animation game.faceTrackingEnabled = true; // Make menu visible menuContainer.visible = true; // Update clam visuals updateClamVisuals(); updateTreasureDecorations(); // Start background music LK.playMusic('backgroundmusic', { fade: { start: 0, end: 0.5, duration: 2000 } }); } }); }; βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
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update with: if (game.tutorial && game.tutorial.stage === 2 && popped) { game.tutorial.poppedBubble = true; LK.setTimeout(function() { showTutorialPopup(3); }, 30); // Short delay to ensure pop animation completes return true; }
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reduce value of bubbles by 100 times
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -2141,11 +2141,13 @@
// Handle touch/mouse events for the game
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
- if (game.tutorial.stage === 2 && popped) {
+ if (game.tutorial && game.tutorial.stage === 2 && popped) {
game.tutorial.poppedBubble = true;
- showTutorialPopup(3);
+ LK.setTimeout(function () {
+ showTutorialPopup(3);
+ }, 30); // Short delay to ensure pop animation completes
return true;
if (game.titleMode) {
return false; // Let containers handle their own clicks
A treasure chest with gold coins. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden skull with diamonds for eyes. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden necklace with a ruby pendant. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A filled in white circle.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A yellow star. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
a game logo for a game called 'Bubble Blower Tycoon' about a happy purple pufferfish with yellow fins and spines that builds an underwater empire of bubbles. Cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
an SVG of the word 'Start'. word should be yellow and the font should look like its made out of bubbles. cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect