User prompt
Update with: if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === key) { // If already active, switch to auto UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = "auto"; game.showMessage("Auto color mode"); } else { // Otherwise activate this color UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key; game.showMessage( + " activated"); } // Fix indicators after toggling LK.setTimeout(function () { fixColorIndicators(); }, 50);
User prompt
Update with: // Change inside the hitContainer.down function in createUpgradeText // (Around line 3090, within the color upgrade section) if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel > 0) { // Toggle this color as active if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === key) { // If already active, switch to auto UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = "auto"; game.showMessage("Auto color mode"); costText.setText(cost + " BP"); // Reset to cost costText.setFill(0xFFFF00); // Reset to yellow } else { // Otherwise activate this color UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key; game.showMessage( + " activated"); costText.setText("ACTIVE"); // Change to active costText.setFill(0x00FF00); // Change to green } // No need to add a separate active indicator text return true; }
User prompt
Update with: // In refreshUpgradeTab function, replace the "ACTIVE" text creation logic // Around line 3028 in the provided code if (tabName === 'colors') { var activeColorKey = getActiveColorKey(); tabColumns[tabName].left.concat(tabColumns[tabName].right).forEach(function (upgrade) { var category = upgrade[0]; var key = upgrade[1]; var upgradeConfig = UPGRADE_CONFIG[category][key]; if (upgradeConfig.currentLevel > 0) { // Find the cost text for this upgrade tabContainers[tabName].children.forEach(function (child) { // Find the cost text (the text below the upgrade name) if (child.text && (child.text.includes("BP") || child.text === "SOLD OUT") && child.y > tabContainers[tabName].children.find(function (c) { return c.text ===; }).y) { // If this color is active, change cost text to "ACTIVE" if (activeColorKey === key || (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" && key === activeColorKey)) { child.setText("ACTIVE"); child.setFill(0x00FF00); // Green } else { // Otherwise show "SOLD OUT" or the BP cost if (upgradeConfig.currentLevel >= upgradeConfig.maxLevel) { child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.setFill(0x888888); // Gray } else { child.setText(getUpgradeCost(upgradeConfig) + " BP"); child.setFill(0xFFFF00); // Yellow } } } }); } }); }
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Script error.' in or related to this line: 'costText.setFill(0x00FF00); // Change to green' Line Number: 1682
User prompt
Update with: if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel > 0) { // Toggle this color as active if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === key) { // If already active, switch to auto UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = "auto"; game.showMessage("Auto color mode"); // Update color indicator refreshUpgradeTab('colors'); } else { // Otherwise activate this color UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key; game.showMessage( + " activated"); // Update color indicator refreshUpgradeTab('colors'); } return true; }
User prompt
Update with: // Add this for colors when they're first purchased: if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel === 1) { // If this is the first color purchased or auto is selected, make it active if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" || UPGRADE_CONFIG.colors[UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor].currentLevel === 0) { UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key; game.showMessage( + " activated"); } refreshUpgradeTab('colors'); return true; }
User prompt
Update as needed with: if (tabName === 'colors') { var activeColorKey = getActiveColorKey(); tabColumns[tabName].left.concat(tabColumns[tabName].right).forEach(function (upgrade) { var category = upgrade[0]; var key = upgrade[1]; var upgradeConfig = UPGRADE_CONFIG[category][key]; if (upgradeConfig.currentLevel > 0) { // Find the corresponding cost text for this upgrade tabContainers[tabName].children.forEach(function (child) { // Identify the cost text by its position below the name if (child.text && child.y > 0) { var nameText = tabContainers[tabName].children.find(function (c) { return c.text ===; }); if (nameText && child.y > nameText.y && child.y < nameText.y + 150) { // Check if this color is active if (activeColorKey === key || (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" && key === activeColorKey)) { child.setText("ACTIVE"); child.fill = 0x00FF00; // Green } else { // Otherwise show SOLD OUT if maxed if (upgradeConfig.currentLevel >= upgradeConfig.maxLevel) { child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.fill = 0x888888; // Gray } else { var cost = getUpgradeCost(upgradeConfig); child.setText(cost + " BP"); child.fill = 0xFFFF00; // Yellow } } } } }); } }); }
User prompt
Update with: var cost = getUpgradeCost(upgrade); var costText; // Check if this is an active color first var isActiveColor = false; if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel > 0) { var activeColorKey = getActiveColorKey(); if (key === activeColorKey || (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" && key === activeColorKey)) { isActiveColor = true; } } if (isActiveColor) { // Create "ACTIVE" text for active color costText = new Text2("ACTIVE", { size: 96, fill: 0x00FF00, // Green color stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); } else if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel >= upgrade.maxLevel) { // Create "SOLD OUT" text for maxed out color upgrades // (rest of the existing conditions stay the same) }
User prompt
Update with: if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel > 0) { // Toggle this color as active if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === key) { // If already active, switch to auto UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = "auto"; game.showMessage("Auto color mode"); } else { // Otherwise activate this color UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key; game.showMessage( + " activated"); } // Refresh the tab to update the text displays refreshUpgradeTab('colors'); return true; }
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'game.growingBubble.size')' in or related to this line: 'var extraSize = Math.max(game.MIN_SPAWN_SIZE, game.growingBubble.size * (0.6 + Math.random() * 0.2));' Line Number: 2119
User prompt
Update with: if (tabName === 'colors') { var activeColorKey = getActiveColorKey(); tabColumns[tabName].left.concat(tabColumns[tabName].right).forEach(function (upgrade) { var category = upgrade[0]; var key = upgrade[1]; var upgradeConfig = UPGRADE_CONFIG[category][key]; if (upgradeConfig.currentLevel > 0) { // Find the corresponding cost text for this upgrade tabContainers[tabName].children.forEach(function (child) { // Identify the cost text by its position below the name if (child.text && child.y > 0) { var nameText = tabContainers[tabName].children.find(function (c) { return c.text ===; }); if (nameText && child.y > nameText.y && child.y < nameText.y + 150) { // Check if this color is active if (activeColorKey === key || (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" && key === activeColorKey)) { child.setText("ACTIVE"); child.fill = 0x00FF00; // Green } else if (category === 'colors' && upgradeConfig.currentLevel >= upgradeConfig.maxLevel) { // Create "SOLD OUT" text for maxed out color upgrades child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.fill = 0x888888; // Gray } else { var cost = getUpgradeCost(upgradeConfig); child.setText(cost + " BP"); child.fill = 0xFFFF00; // Yellow } } } }); } }); }
User prompt
Update with: if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel === 1) { // If this is first color purchased or auto is selected with no active colors if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" || !UPGRADE_CONFIG.colors[UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor] || UPGRADE_CONFIG.colors[UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor].currentLevel === 0) { UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key; game.showMessage( + " activated"); } }
User prompt
Update with: // Create cost text var cost = getUpgradeCost(upgrade); var costText; // For colors, check active state first before any other states if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.currentLevel > 0) { var activeColorKey = getActiveColorKey(); if (key === activeColorKey || (UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor === "auto" && key === activeColorKey)) { // Active color - green "ACTIVE" text costText = new Text2("ACTIVE", { size: 96, fill: 0x00FF00, // Green color for active stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); } else if (upgrade.currentLevel >= upgrade.maxLevel) { // Maxed out color - gray "SOLD OUT" text costText = new Text2("SOLD OUT", { size: 96, fill: 0x888888, // Gray color stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); } else { // Purchased but not active or maxed - yellow cost text costText = new Text2(cost + " BP", { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFF00, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); } } else if (category === 'colors' && upgrade.requires) {
User prompt
Update with: // Add these checks before the purchase logic for clams if (category === 'machines') { var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; // Check if already at max clams if (totalClams >= 4) { // If trying to upgrade (e.g. basic to advanced) if (key === 'advancedClam' && UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount > 0) { // Replace a basic clam with advanced UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount--; upgrade.amount++; game.bp -= cost; bpText.setText(formatBP(game.bp) + " BP"); updateClamVisuals(); return true; } else if (key === 'premiumClam' && (UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount > 0 || UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount > 0)) { // Replace lower tier clam with premium if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount > 0) { UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount--; } else { UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount--; } upgrade.amount++; game.bp -= cost; bpText.setText(formatBP(game.bp) + " BP"); updateClamVisuals(); return true; } else { game.showError("Maximum of 4 clams reached!"); return true; } } }
User prompt
Update with: var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; if (totalClams >= 4 && key === 'basicClam') { child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.fill = 0x888888; // Gray color }
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Script error.' in or related to this line: 'child.setText("SOLD OUT");' Line Number: 1728
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Script error.' in or related to this line: 'if (key === 'basicClam' && child) {' Line Number: 1727
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: child is not defined' in or related to this line: 'child.setText("SOLD OUT");' Line Number: 1728
User prompt
update with: // Add this code in the hitContainer.down function for machines/clams // After the game.bp -= cost; line and before the return true; if (category === 'machines') { var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; // Check if we've reached max clams if (totalClams >= 4) { // Find all basic clam upgrade texts and update them tabContainers['clams'].children.forEach(function(child) { if (child.text && child.text.includes("BP")) { var nameText = tabContainers['clams'].children.find(function(c) { return c.text ===; }); if (nameText && child.y > nameText.y && child.y < nameText.y + 150) { child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.fill = 0x888888; // Gray color } } }); } }
User prompt
update with: // Add to the end of the updateClamVisuals() function: var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; if (totalClams >= 4) { refreshUpgradeTab('clams'); }
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
update with: // Add this to the refreshUpgradeTab function, after recreating the upgrade texts if (tabName === 'clams') { // Get total clams count var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; // Check if we've reached max clams if (totalClams >= 4) { // Find all basic clam upgrade texts and update them tabContainers[tabName].children.forEach(function(child) { if (child.text && child.text.includes("BP")) { // Find the name text for basic clam var nameText = tabContainers[tabName].children.find(function(c) { return c.text ===; }); // If this cost text is below the basic clam name text if (nameText && child.y > nameText.y && child.y < nameText.y + 150) { child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.fill = 0x888888; // Gray color } } }); } }
User prompt
update with: // In the createUpgradeText function where it creates the cost text if (category === 'machines' && key === 'basicClam') { var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; if (totalClams >= 4) { costText = new Text2("SOLD OUT", { size: 96, fill: 0x888888, // Gray color stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); } }
User prompt
update with: var totalClams = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.basicClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.advancedClam.amount + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines.premiumClam.amount; // Find the cost text for basic clam tabContainers['clams'].children.forEach(function(child) { if (child.text && (child.text.includes("BP") || child.text === "SOLD OUT")) { // Find corresponding name text var basicClamNameText = tabContainers['clams'].children.find(function(c) { return c.text ===; }); // Check if this is the cost text for basic clam if (basicClamNameText && child.y > basicClamNameText.y && child.y < basicClamNameText.y + 150) { // If we reached max clams, set to SOLD OUT if (totalClams >= 4) { child.setText("SOLD OUT"); child.fill = 0x888888; // Gray color console.log("Setting basic clam to SOLD OUT"); } } } });
User prompt
remove all console logs
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -1653,9 +1653,11 @@
// Otherwise activate this color
UPGRADE_CONFIG.gameSettings.activeColor = key;
game.showMessage( + " activated");
costText.setText("ACTIVE"); // Change to active
- costText.setFill(0x00FF00); // Change to green
+ if (costText && typeof costText.setFill === 'function') {
+ costText.setFill(0x00FF00); // Change to green
+ }
// No need to add a separate active indicator text
return true;
A treasure chest with gold coins. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden skull with diamonds for eyes. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden necklace with a ruby pendant. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A filled in white circle.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A yellow star. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
a game logo for a game called 'Bubble Blower Tycoon' about a happy purple pufferfish with yellow fins and spines that builds an underwater empire of bubbles. Cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
an SVG of the word 'Start'. word should be yellow and the font should look like its made out of bubbles. cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect