User prompt
Move the background initialization to before updateallupgrade texts
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Can't find variable: menuContainer' in or related to this line: 'menuContainer.addChild(tabContainer);' Line Number: 443
Code edit (6 edits merged)
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'upgradeTexts.forEach')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeTexts.forEach(function (text) {' Line Number: 398
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'upgradeTexts.forEach')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeTexts.forEach(function (text) {' Line Number: 398
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'upgradeSections.bubbles')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeSections.bubbles.visible = true; // Show default tab' Line Number: 403
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'upgradeSections.bubbles')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeSections.bubbles.visible = true; // Show default tab' Line Number: 397
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'upgradeSections.bubbles')' in or related to this line: 'upgradeSections.bubbles.visible = true; // Show default tab' Line Number: 397
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'menuTextContainer.addChild')' in or related to this line: 'menuTextContainer.addChild(section);' Line Number: 406
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'menuTextContainer.addChild')' in or related to this line: 'menuTextContainer.addChild(section);' Line Number: 406
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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User prompt
Update with: // Set up menus var currentTab = 'bubbles'; // Default tab var menuTabs = ['bubbles', 'clams', 'colors', 'decorations']; var tabButtons = {}; // Will hold references to tab buttons var menuOpen = false; // Create menu container var menuContainer = new Container(); menuContainer.x = game.width / 2; menuContainer.y = game.height; // Position at bottom initially // Create upgrade button (visible when menu closed) var upgradeTab = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 1, y: 0, scaleX: 3, scaleY: 0.8, alpha: 0.9 }); // Add button text var upgradeText = new Text2("Upgrades", { size: 70, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 3, font: "Impact" }); upgradeText.anchor = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; upgradeText.x = 0; upgradeText.y = -upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY / 2; upgradeTab.addChild(upgradeText); // Create main panel (full screen size minus margins) var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0, y: -upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY, // Position above the button scaleX: 2048 / 200, scaleY: (game.height - 2 * (upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY)) / 299, alpha: 0.9 }); // Add panel and button to container menuContainer.addChild(menuPanel); menuContainer.addChild(upgradeTab); // Create text container for upgrades var menuTextContainer = new Container(); menuTextContainer.y = -menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY / 2; // Center in panel menuContainer.addChild(menuTextContainer); // Create tab container at the bottom of the menu panel var tabContainer = new Container(); tabContainer.y = -menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY + 100; // Position at bottom of panel menuContainer.addChild(tabContainer); // Create upgrade sections var upgradeSections = { bubbles: new Container(), clams: new Container(), colors: new Container(), decorations: new Container() }; // Add sections to text container Object.values(upgradeSections).forEach(function(section) { menuTextContainer.addChild(section); section.visible = false; // Hide all initially }); // Add menu container to game game.addChild(menuContainer);
User prompt
Update with: // Inside game.down function // Check if upgrade tab was clicked var localX = x - menuContainer.x; var localY = y - menuContainer.y; if (localX >= -upgradeTab.width * upgradeTab.scaleX / 2 && localX <= upgradeTab.width * upgradeTab.scaleX / 2 && localY >= -upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY && localY <= 0) { menuOpen = !menuOpen; var targetY = menuOpen ? upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY : game.height; if (menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, game.children.length - 1); } tween(menuContainer, { y: targetY }, { duration: 300, easing: tween.easeOutBack, onFinish: function() { if (!menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, 1); } } }); return true; } βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
Update only as needed with: // Set up menus var currentTab = 'bubbles'; // Default tab var menuTabs = ['bubbles', 'clams', 'colors', 'decorations']; var tabButtons = {}; // Will hold references to tab buttons var menuOpen = false; // Create menu container var menuContainer = new Container(); menuContainer.x = game.width / 2; menuContainer.y = game.height; // Position at bottom initially // Create main panel first (taller to fill more screen space) var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 1, // Anchor at bottom y: 0, scaleX: game.width / 200, scaleY: game.height * 0.8 / 299, // Make it taller - 80% of screen height alpha: 0.9 }); menuContainer.addChild(menuPanel); // Create upgrade button at top of panel var upgradeTab = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 1, // Anchor at bottom y: -menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY, // Position at top of panel scaleX: 3, scaleY: 0.8, alpha: 0.9 }); menuContainer.addChild(upgradeTab); // Add upgrade text to button (correctly sized) var upgradeText = new Text2("Upgrades", { size: 70, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 3, font: "Impact" }); upgradeText.anchor = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; upgradeText.x = 0; upgradeText.y = -upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY / 2; upgradeTab.addChild(upgradeText); // Create text container for upgrades var menuTextContainer = new Container(); menuTextContainer.y = -menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY / 2; // Center in panel menuContainer.addChild(menuTextContainer); // Create upgrade sections var upgradeSections = { bubbles: new Container(), clams: new Container(), colors: new Container(), decorations: new Container() }; // Add sections to text container Object.values(upgradeSections).forEach(function(section) { menuTextContainer.addChild(section); section.visible = false; // Hide all initially }); // Create tab container at the BOTTOM of the menu panel var tabContainer = new Container(); tabContainer.y = -50; // Position near bottom of panel, adjust as needed menuContainer.addChild(tabContainer); function switchToTab(tabName) { if (currentTab === tabName) return; // Update current tab currentTab = tabName; // Highlight active tab highlightTab(tabName); // Hide all upgrade sections Object.values(upgradeSections).forEach(function(section) { section.visible = false; }); // Show selected section upgradeSections[tabName].visible = true; } function highlightTab(tabName) { // Reset all tabs Object.keys(tabButtons).forEach(function(tab) { tabButtons[tab].bg.alpha = 0.6; tabButtons[tab].text.fill = 0xFFFFFF; }); // Highlight selected tab tabButtons[tabName].bg.alpha = 1; tabButtons[tabName].text.fill = 0xFFFF00; } function initializeMenuTabs() { // Create tab buttons var tabWidth = menuPanel.width * menuPanel.scaleX / menuTabs.length; menuTabs.forEach(function(tabName, index) { // Create tab background var tabBg = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0.5, x: (index - 1.5) * tabWidth + tabWidth / 2, scaleX: tabWidth / 200, scaleY: 0.5, alpha: 0.6 }); // Tab text var tabText = new Text2(tabName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tabName.slice(1), { size: 60, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); tabText.anchor = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; tabText.x = (index - 1.5) * tabWidth + tabWidth / 2; // Add to tab container tabContainer.addChild(tabBg); tabContainer.addChild(tabText); // Store reference to tab button tabButtons[tabName] = { bg: tabBg, text: tabText }; // Add click handler tabBg.down = function() { switchToTab(tabName); return true; }; }); // Highlight default tab highlightTab(currentTab); // Show bubbles section by default upgradeSections.bubbles.visible = true; } // Add menu container to game game.addChild(menuContainer); initializeMenuTabs(); // Update click handling in game.down upgradeTab.down = function() { menuOpen = !menuOpen; var targetY = menuOpen ? menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY : game.height; if (menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, game.children.length - 1); } tween(menuContainer, { y: targetY }, { duration: 300, easing: tween.easeOutBack, onFinish: function() { if (!menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, 1); } } }); return true; }; βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
Update as needed with: // Set up menus var currentTab = 'bubbles'; // Default tab var menuTabs = ['bubbles', 'clams', 'colors', 'decorations']; var tabButtons = {}; // Will hold references to tab buttons var menuOpen = false; // Create menu container var menuContainer = new Container(); menuContainer.x = game.width / 2; menuContainer.y = game.height; // Position at bottom initially // Create main panel first (taller to fill more screen space) var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 1, // Anchor at bottom y: 0, scaleX: game.width / 200, scaleY: game.height * 0.8 / 299, // Make it taller - 80% of screen height alpha: 0.9 }); menuContainer.addChild(menuPanel); // Create upgrade button at top of panel var upgradeTab = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 1, // Anchor at bottom y: -menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY, // Position at top of panel scaleX: 3, scaleY: 0.8, alpha: 0.9 }); menuContainer.addChild(upgradeTab); // Add upgrade text to button (correctly sized) var upgradeText = new Text2("Upgrades", { size: 70, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 3, font: "Impact" }); upgradeText.anchor = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; upgradeText.x = 0; upgradeText.y = -upgradeTab.height * upgradeTab.scaleY / 2; upgradeTab.addChild(upgradeText); // Create text container for upgrades var menuTextContainer = new Container(); menuTextContainer.y = -menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY / 2; // Center in panel menuContainer.addChild(menuTextContainer); // Create upgrade sections var upgradeSections = { bubbles: new Container(), clams: new Container(), colors: new Container(), decorations: new Container() }; // Add sections to text container Object.values(upgradeSections).forEach(function(section) { menuTextContainer.addChild(section); section.visible = false; // Hide all initially }); // Create tab container at the BOTTOM of the menu panel var tabContainer = new Container(); tabContainer.y = -50; // Position near bottom of panel, adjust as needed menuContainer.addChild(tabContainer); function switchToTab(tabName) { if (currentTab === tabName) return; // Update current tab currentTab = tabName; // Highlight active tab highlightTab(tabName); // Hide all upgrade sections Object.values(upgradeSections).forEach(function(section) { section.visible = false; }); // Show selected section upgradeSections[tabName].visible = true; } function highlightTab(tabName) { // Reset all tabs Object.keys(tabButtons).forEach(function(tab) { tabButtons[tab].bg.alpha = 0.6; tabButtons[tab].text.fill = 0xFFFFFF; }); // Highlight selected tab tabButtons[tabName].bg.alpha = 1; tabButtons[tabName].text.fill = 0xFFFF00; } function initializeMenuTabs() { // Create tab buttons var tabWidth = menuPanel.width * menuPanel.scaleX / menuTabs.length; menuTabs.forEach(function(tabName, index) { // Create tab background var tabBg = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0.5, x: (index - 1.5) * tabWidth + tabWidth / 2, scaleX: tabWidth / 200, scaleY: 0.5, alpha: 0.6 }); // Tab text var tabText = new Text2(tabName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tabName.slice(1), { size: 60, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); tabText.anchor = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; tabText.x = (index - 1.5) * tabWidth + tabWidth / 2; // Add to tab container tabContainer.addChild(tabBg); tabContainer.addChild(tabText); // Store reference to tab button tabButtons[tabName] = { bg: tabBg, text: tabText }; // Add click handler tabBg.down = function() { switchToTab(tabName); return true; }; }); // Highlight default tab highlightTab(currentTab); // Show bubbles section by default upgradeSections.bubbles.visible = true; } // Add menu container to game game.addChild(menuContainer); initializeMenuTabs(); // Update click handling in game.down upgradeTab.down = function() { menuOpen = !menuOpen; var targetY = menuOpen ? menuPanel.height * menuPanel.scaleY : game.height; if (menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, game.children.length - 1); } tween(menuContainer, { y: targetY }, { duration: 300, easing: tween.easeOutBack, onFinish: function() { if (!menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, 1); } } }); return true; }; βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
Update with: // Update the tween function where menu is opened/closed tween(menuContainer, { y: targetY }, { duration: 300, easing: tween.easeOutBack, onUpdate: function(progress) { // Show tabs only when menu is fully open tabsContainer.visible = progress > 0.9 && menuOpen; }, onFinish: function() { tabsContainer.visible = menuOpen; if (!menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, 1); } } }); βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
Code edit (2 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Update with: Object.values(tabContainers).forEach(function(tabContainer) { tabContainer.children.forEach(function (child) { // ...existing code that finds and updates text elements }); });
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'menuTextContainer.addChild')' in or related to this line: 'menuTextContainer.addChild(contentContainer);' Line Number: 741
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Can't find variable: getTabForUpgrade' in or related to this line: 'var targetContainer = tabContainers[getTabForUpgrade(category, key)];' Line Number: 914
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'menuTextContainer.addChild')' in or related to this line: 'menuTextContainer.addChild(contentContainer);' Line Number: 741
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'menuTextContainer.addChild')' in or related to this line: 'menuTextContainer.addChild(contentContainer);' Line Number: 741
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -372,8 +372,18 @@
// Add decoration upgrades from the new plans
var decorationUpgrades = [
// Will add Bubble Coral and Sunken Treasures later
+var upgradeSections = {
+ bubbles: new Container(),
+ clams: new Container(),
+ colors: new Container(),
+ decorations: new Container()
+Object.values(upgradeSections).forEach(function (section) {
+ menuTextContainer.addChild(section);
+ section.visible = false; // Hide all initially
upgradeSections.bubbles.visible = true; // Show default tab
// Function to highlight the active tab
function highlightTab(tabName) {
// Reset all tabs
A treasure chest with gold coins. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden skull with diamonds for eyes. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden necklace with a ruby pendant. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A filled in white circle.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A yellow star. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
a game logo for a game called 'Bubble Blower Tycoon' about a happy purple pufferfish with yellow fins and spines that builds an underwater empire of bubbles. Cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
an SVG of the word 'Start'. word should be yellow and the font should look like its made out of bubbles. cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect