User prompt
update with: if (self.size > 60 && !self.justSplit) { var splitCount = 2 + UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.bubbleDurability.currentLevel; var newSize = Math.max(self.MIN_SPLIT_SIZE, self.size * 0.6); for (var i = 0; i < splitCount; i++) { var angle = i / splitCount * Math.PI * 2; // Reduce the direction multiplier to 0.5 to make movement more gentle spawnBubble(self.x, self.y, newSize, Math.cos(angle) * 0.5, false); } }
User prompt
update with: self.activate = function(x, y, size, isPlayerBlown = false) { self.x = x; self.y = y; self.size = size; self.lifetime = 0; self.hasSplit = false; self.splitHeight = null; self.justSplit = false; self.autoPopDisplayed = false; // For player bubbles, base lifetime on max possible size if (isPlayerBlown) { self.maxLifetime = Math.floor(Math.random() * 960 + 1440); // Use game.maxBubbleSize instead of initial size self.maxLifetime *= Math.min(1, game.maxBubbleSize / 100); } else { self.initLifetime(); } self.visible = true; // Reset velocities self.verticalVelocity = 0; self.driftX = (Math.random() * 20 - 10) / 60; self.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60; };
User prompt
update with: self.activate = function(x, y, size, isPlayerBlown = false) { self.x = x; self.y = y; self.size = size; self.lifetime = 0; self.hasSplit = false; self.splitHeight = null; self.justSplit = false; self.autoPopDisplayed = false; // For player bubbles, base lifetime on max possible size if (isPlayerBlown) { self.maxLifetime = Math.floor(Math.random() * 960 + 1440); // Use game.maxBubbleSize instead of initial size self.maxLifetime *= Math.min(1, game.maxBubbleSize / 100); self.floatSpeed = (50 * (120 / size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60) * 0.7; console.log('Player bubble lifetime:', self.maxLifetime); } else { self.initLifetime(); self.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60; } self.visible = true; self.verticalVelocity = 0; self.driftX = (Math.random() * 20 - 10) / 60; };
User prompt
update with: if (self.lifetime > self.maxLifetime) { console.log('Bubble dying - lifetime:', self.lifetime, 'maxLifetime:', self.maxLifetime); // rest of the code... }
User prompt
update with: self.activate = function(x, y, size, isPlayerBlown = false) { // Reset ALL state self.x = x; self.y = y; self.size = size; self.lifetime = 0; self.hasSplit = false; self.splitHeight = null; self.justSplit = false; self.autoPopDisplayed = false; self.lastPopTime = 0; self.verticalVelocity = 0; self.driftX = (Math.random() * 20 - 10) / 60; self.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60; self.initLifetime(); // Always get fresh lifetime self.visible = true; // Add some debug logs console.log('Activating bubble:', { size: self.size, maxLifetime: self.maxLifetime, isPlayerBlown: isPlayerBlown }); };
User prompt
update with: if (game.growingBubble) { if (facekit.mouthOpen) { game.growingBubble.x = playerMask.x; game.growingBubble.y = playerMask.y + playerMask.height * 0.15; game.growingBubble.size = Math.min(game.growingBubble.size + game.growthRate, game.maxBubbleSize); game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = 0; game.growingBubble.driftX = 0; } else { // Recalculate properties based on final size game.growingBubble.initLifetime(); game.growingBubble.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / game.growingBubble.size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60; game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = -12; game.growingBubble.driftX = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 2.5; game.growingBubble = null; game.mouthOpenDuration = 0; } } βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/facekit.v1
User prompt
update with: if (game.growingBubble) { // Recalculate float speed and lifetime based on final size game.growingBubble.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / game.growingBubble.size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60; game.growingBubble.initLifetime(); // Then apply the release velocity game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = -12; game.growingBubble.driftX = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 2.5; game.growingBubble = null; game.mouthOpenDuration = 0; }
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: game.bubbles is undefined' in or related to this line: 'if (game.bubbles.length < game.MAX_BUBBLES) {' Line Number: 453
User prompt
update with: // Replace the existing updateClams() function function updateClams() { if (!game.clamSpawnPoints) { return; } game.clamSpawnPoints.forEach(function(spawnPoint) { var config = UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines[spawnPoint.type]; // Calculate production time with speed upgrade var baseTime = config.production * 60; // Convert to frames var speedMultiplier = Math.pow(1 - UPGRADE_EFFECTS.autoBubbleSpeed.decrementPercent / 100, UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.autoBubbleSpeed.currentLevel); var adjustedTime = Math.max(1, Math.floor(baseTime * speedMultiplier)); if (LK.ticks % adjustedTime === 0) { // Find first available bubble in pool var bubble = game.bubblePool.find(b => !b.visible); if (bubble && game.activeBubbles.length < game.MAX_BUBBLES) { bubble.activate( spawnPoint.x, spawnPoint.y, config.bubbleSize, false // not player blown ); // Set initial velocities for clam bubbles bubble.verticalVelocity = -(Math.random() * 2 + 4); bubble.driftX = (spawnPoint.isRight ? -1 : 1) * (Math.random() * 1.5 + 2); game.activeBubbles.push(bubble); } } }); }
User prompt
update with: autoPop: { name: "Fish Friends", baseCost: 500, // Changed from 1000 costScale: 2.3, maxLevel: 3, // Changed from 5 currentLevel: 0 }
User prompt
update as needed with: var Fish = Container.expand(function() { var self =; // ... existing fish setup code ... self.speed = 8; // Changed from 4 self.update = function() { self.x += self.fromLeft ? self.speed : -self.speed; // Add bubble collision check game.activeBubbles.forEach(function(bubble) { if (bubble.visible) { var dx = self.x - bubble.x; var dy = self.y - bubble.y; var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (distance <= bubble.size/2 + 30) { // 30px collision radius var points = bubble.getBP(); game.addBP(points, bubble.x, bubble.y, false); // false = manual pop points bubble.deactivate(); } } }); // Remove when off screen if (self.fromLeft && self.x > game.width + 100 || !self.fromLeft && self.x < -100) { self.destroy(); } }; return self; });
User prompt
update with: // Inside game.update if (UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.autoPop.currentLevel > 0) { // 8 seconds (480 frames) base, reduced by 2 seconds (120 frames) per level if (LK.ticks % Math.max(120, 480 - UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.autoPop.currentLevel * 120) === 0) { var fish = new Fish(); game.addChild(fish); } }
User prompt
update with: } else if (upgrade.currentLevel < upgrade.maxLevel) { upgrade.currentLevel++; game.bp -= cost; // Add this section to update maxBubbleSize when lung capacity changes if (category === 'player' && key === 'lungCapacity') { const baseSize = UPGRADE_EFFECTS.lungCapacity.baseValue; const increasePercent = UPGRADE_EFFECTS.lungCapacity.incrementPercent; const multiplier = 1 + (increasePercent / 100 * upgrade.currentLevel); game.maxBubbleSize = baseSize * multiplier; } bpText.setText(formatBP(game.bp) + " BP"); costText.setText(getUpgradeCost(upgrade) + " BP"); }
User prompt
update with: self.update = function() { // Only increment lifetime if not being actively blown if (game.growingBubble !== self) { self.lifetime++; if (self.lifetime % 60 === 0) { self.driftX += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.3; } } // Rest of update method remains the same...
User prompt
update with: // Replace the fixed growth rate with: game.growthRate = UPGRADE_EFFECTS.quickBreath.baseValue * (1 + (UPGRADE_EFFECTS.quickBreath.incrementPercent/100) * UPGRADE_CONFIG.player.quickBreath.currentLevel);
User prompt
update with: // Inside the else if (upgrade.currentLevel < upgrade.maxLevel) block: upgrade.currentLevel++; game.bp -= cost; bpText.setText(formatBP(game.bp) + " BP"); costText.setText(getUpgradeCost(upgrade) + " BP"); // Add this: if (key === 'quickBreath') { game.growthRate = UPGRADE_EFFECTS.quickBreath.baseValue * (1 + (UPGRADE_EFFECTS.quickBreath.incrementPercent/100) * upgrade.currentLevel); }
User prompt
increase the X wandering of bubbles
User prompt
increase it more
User prompt
take away the intial downwards velocity for clams.
User prompt
Update with: if (!popped && distance <= bubble.size / 2 + 30 && bubble.down) { // increased from +10 to +30
User prompt
Increase the size of all clam bubbles by 25%
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User prompt
Increase bubble size for clams by 25%
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -967,24 +967,25 @@
game.blowCooldown = game.BLOW_COOLDOWN_TIME;
if (game.growingBubble) {
- if (facekit.mouthOpen) {
- game.growingBubble.x = playerMask.x;
- game.growingBubble.y = playerMask.y + playerMask.height * 0.15;
- game.growingBubble.size = Math.min(game.growingBubble.size + game.growthRate, game.maxBubbleSize);
- game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = 0;
- game.growingBubble.driftX = 0;
- } else {
- // Recalculate properties based on final size
- game.growingBubble.initLifetime();
- game.growingBubble.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / game.growingBubble.size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60;
- game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = -12;
- game.growingBubble.driftX = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 2.5;
- game.growingBubble = null;
- game.mouthOpenDuration = 0;
- }
+ game.growingBubble.x = playerMask.x;
+ game.growingBubble.y = playerMask.y + playerMask.height * 0.15;
+ game.growingBubble.size = Math.min(game.growingBubble.size + game.growthRate, game.maxBubbleSize);
+ game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = 0;
+ game.growingBubble.driftX = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (game.growingBubble) {
+ // Recalculate float speed and lifetime based on final size
+ game.growingBubble.floatSpeed = 50 * (120 / game.growingBubble.size * (0.9 + Math.random() * 0.2)) / 60;
+ game.growingBubble.initLifetime();
+ // Then apply the release velocity
+ game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = -12;
+ game.growingBubble.driftX = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 2.5;
+ game.growingBubble = null;
+ game.mouthOpenDuration = 0;
+ }
// Update cooldown timer
if (game.blowCooldown > 0) {
A treasure chest with gold coins. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden skull with diamonds for eyes. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden necklace with a ruby pendant. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A filled in white circle.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A yellow star. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
a game logo for a game called 'Bubble Blower Tycoon' about a happy purple pufferfish with yellow fins and spines that builds an underwater empire of bubbles. Cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
an SVG of the word 'Start'. word should be yellow and the font should look like its made out of bubbles. cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect