User prompt
okay, the words and their own costs have good vertical spacing, but the costs are on top of the name below them. their orientation is still too high on the Y axis, it kind of looks like the top of the text container is lined up with the top of the menu container, but it needs to go down another of its own container heights i think
User prompt
update as needed with: // First, adjust the starting Y position and spacing between upgrades var startY = 150; // Increase initial offset var upgradeSpacing = 250; // Increase space between upgrade groups Object.entries(UPGRADE_CONFIG).forEach(function(category, categoryIndex) { Object.entries(category[1]).forEach(function(upgrade, index) { // Name text stays the same var nameText = new Text2(upgrade[1].name, { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); var costText = new Text2(upgrade[1].baseCost + " BP", { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFF00, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); nameText.x = (categoryIndex * columnWidth) - 924; nameText.y = startY + (index * upgradeSpacing); // Use new spacing costText.x = (categoryIndex * columnWidth) - 924; costText.y = startY + (index * upgradeSpacing) + 100; nameText.upgrade = upgrade[0]; upgradeTexts.push(nameText); upgradeTexts.push(costText); menuTextContainer.addChild(nameText); menuTextContainer.addChild(costText); }); }); // Move the entire text container down by adjusting its Y position menuTextContainer.y = 0; // This should align it with the top of the panel instead of being above it
User prompt
update with: var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0, y: 0, // Changed from -menuTab.height alpha: 0.9, scaleX: 2048 / menuPanel.width, scaleY: game.height * 0.4 / 100.3 });
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'menuPanel is undefined' in or related to this line: 'var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', {' Line Number: 351
User prompt
update with: // First create the panel with basic settings var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0, y: 0, alpha: 0.9 }); // Then set its scale after creation menuPanel.scaleX = 2048 / 200; // 200 is the upgradetab width from asset definition menuPanel.scaleY = game.height * 0.4 / 100.3;
User prompt
update with: // First create menu tab var menuTab = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 1, // Bottom anchor y: 0, scaleX: 3, scaleY: 0.8, alpha: 0.9 }); // Then create panel that should touch the tab's top edge var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0, // Top anchor y: -menuTab.height * menuTab.scaleY, // Move up by tab's actual height alpha: 0.9 }); // Set panel scale after creation menuPanel.scaleX = 2048 / 200; menuPanel.scaleY = game.height * 0.4 / 100.3;
User prompt
update with: var targetY = menuOpen ? game.height - menuTab.height : game.height;
Code edit (8 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
fix the touch position of the menu tab to align with the tabs actual coordinates
User prompt
update with: var tabBounds = { x: -menuTab.width / 2, y: -menuTab.height * 2, // Move up by a full tab height width: menuTab.width, height: menuTab.height };
User prompt
update with: var tabBounds = { x: -menuTab.width / 2, y: 0, // Start at container's y position width: menuTab.width, height: menuTab.height };
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
move the touch area for the menu tab down one menutab height
User prompt
make the touch zone for the menu tab the same height as the menu tab height
User prompt
update with: var tabBounds = { x: -menuTab.width * menuTab.scaleX / 2, // Account for scale y: -menuTab.height * menuTab.scaleY, // Account for scale width: menuTab.width * menuTab.scaleX, // Account for scale height: menuTab.height * menuTab.scaleY // Account for scale };
User prompt
update as needed with: if (localX >= tabBounds.x && localX <= tabBounds.x + tabBounds.width && localY >= tabBounds.y && localY <= tabBounds.y + tabBounds.height) { menuOpen = !menuOpen; var targetY = menuOpen ? menuTab.height : game.height; // Move menu to top when opening if (menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, game.children.length - 1); } tween(menuContainer, { y: targetY }, { duration: 300, easing: tween.easeOutBack, onFinish: function() { // Move menu back down in z-index when closed if (!menuOpen) { game.setChildIndex(menuContainer, 1); // Above background } } }); return true; } βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
update with: game.update = function() { // Only allow bubble creation if menu is closed if (!menuOpen && facekit.mouthOpen) { // Calculate spawn position relative to pufferfish mask var spawnX = playerMask.x; var spawnY = playerMask.y + playerMask.height * 0.15; if (!game.growingBubble) { game.growingBubble = new Bubble(); game.growingBubble.size = 25; game.addChild(game.growingBubble); game.bubbles.push(game.growingBubble); } if (game.growingBubble) { game.growingBubble.x = spawnX; game.growingBubble.y = spawnY; game.growingBubble.size = Math.min(game.growingBubble.size + game.growthRate, game.maxBubbleSize); game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = 0; game.growingBubble.driftX = 0; } } else if (game.growingBubble) { // Release any growing bubble when menu opens game.growingBubble.verticalVelocity = -12; game.growingBubble.driftX = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 2.5; game.growingBubble = null; } // Rest of update function remains the same... βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/facekit.v1
User prompt
update with: // Add this in UPGRADE_CONFIG after the existing machine section: machines: { basicClam: { name: "Basic Clam", baseCost: 100, costScale: 1.15, amount: 0, production: 3, // seconds per bubble bubbleSize: 25 }, advancedClam: { name: "Advanced Clam", baseCost: 1000, costScale: 1.18, amount: 0, production: 2, bubbleSize: 35, unlockCost: 1000 }, premiumClam: { name: "Premium Clam", baseCost: 10000, costScale: 1.20, amount: 0, production: 1, bubbleSize: 50, unlockCost: 10000 } } // Rename machineSpeed to autoBubbleSpeed in the machine section: machine: { ... autoBubbleSpeed: { // Changed from machineSpeed name: "Auto-Bubble Speed", // Updated name baseCost: 150, costScale: 2.5, maxLevel: 10, currentLevel: 0 }, ... }
User prompt
update with: // Add near game.update function updateClams() { Object.entries(UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines).forEach(([type, machine]) => { if(machine.amount > 0 && (LK.ticks % (machine.production * 60)) === 0) { let speedMultiplier = Math.pow(0.9, UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.autoBubbleSpeed.currentLevel); let amount = machine.amount; for(let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if(game.bubbles.length < game.MAX_BUBBLES) { let x = Math.random() * (game.width - 200) + 100; spawnSplitBubble(x, game.height + 100, machine.bubbleSize, 0); } } } }); } // Add this line inside game.update: updateClams();
User prompt
update as needed with: var UPGRADE_CONFIG = { player: { lungCapacity: { name: "Lung Capacity", baseCost: 50, costScale: 2, maxLevel: 10, currentLevel: 0 }, quickBreath: { name: "Quick Breath", baseCost: 75, costScale: 2, maxLevel: 10, currentLevel: 0 } }, machines: { // Moved up before machine upgrades basicClam: { name: "Basic Clam", baseCost: 100, costScale: 1.15, amount: 0, production: 3, bubbleSize: 25 }, advancedClam: { name: "Advanced Clam", baseCost: 1000, costScale: 1.18, amount: 0, production: 2, bubbleSize: 35, unlockCost: 1000 }, premiumClam: { name: "Premium Clam", baseCost: 10000, costScale: 1.20, amount: 0, production: 1, bubbleSize: 50, unlockCost: 10000 } }, machine: { bubbleDurability: { name: "Bubble Durability", baseCost: 200, costScale: 3, maxLevel: 5, currentLevel: 0 }, autoBubbleSpeed: { name: "Auto-Bubble Speed", baseCost: 150, costScale: 2.5, maxLevel: 10, currentLevel: 0 }, autoPop: { name: "Auto-Pop", baseCost: 500, costScale: 2, maxLevel: 5, currentLevel: 0 } } }; // Add this helper function to calculate costs function getUpgradeCost(upgrade) { if (upgrade.amount !== undefined) { // For clams return Math.floor(upgrade.baseCost * Math.pow(upgrade.costScale, upgrade.amount)); } else { // For regular upgrades return Math.floor(upgrade.baseCost * Math.pow(upgrade.costScale, upgrade.currentLevel)); } } // Then update the cost text creation in the menu setup: Object.entries(UPGRADE_CONFIG).forEach(function(category, categoryIndex) { Object.entries(category[1]).forEach(function(upgrade, index) { // Create name text (unchanged) var nameText = new Text2(upgrade[1].name, { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); // Update cost text to use the helper function var cost = getUpgradeCost(upgrade[1]); var costText = new Text2(cost + " BP", { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFF00, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); // Rest of the positioning code remains the same nameText.x = categoryIndex * columnWidth - 924; nameText.y = startY + index * upgradeSpacing; costText.x = categoryIndex * columnWidth - 924; costText.y = startY + index * upgradeSpacing + 100; nameText.upgrade = upgrade[0]; upgradeTexts.push(nameText); upgradeTexts.push(costText); menuTextContainer.addChild(nameText); menuTextContainer.addChild(costText); }); });
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: can't convert undefined to object' in or related to this line: 'Object.entries(UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.machines).forEach(function (_ref) {' Line Number: 299
User prompt
update with: function updateClams() { Object.entries(UPGRADE_CONFIG.machines).forEach(([type, machine]) => { if(machine.amount > 0 && (LK.ticks % (machine.production * 60)) === 0) { let speedMultiplier = Math.pow(0.9, UPGRADE_CONFIG.machine.autoBubbleSpeed.currentLevel); let amount = machine.amount; for(let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if(game.bubbles.length < game.MAX_BUBBLES) { let x = Math.random() * (game.width - 200) + 100; spawnSplitBubble(x, game.height + 100, machine.bubbleSize, 0); } } } }); }
User prompt
update with: var startY = 150; var upgradeSpacing = 250; var columnWidth = 1024; // Create arrays to hold upgrade categories in desired order var leftColumnUpgrades = [ ['player', 'lungCapacity'], ['player', 'quickBreath'] ]; var rightColumnUpgrades = [ ['machines', 'basicClam'], ['machines', 'advancedClam'], ['machines', 'premiumClam'], ['machine', 'bubbleDurability'], ['machine', 'autoBubbleSpeed'], ['machine', 'autoPop'] ]; // Function to create upgrade text function createUpgradeText(category, key, index, isLeftColumn) { var upgrade = UPGRADE_CONFIG[category][key]; // Create name text var nameText = new Text2(, { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFFFF, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); // Create cost text var cost = getUpgradeCost(upgrade); var costText = new Text2(cost + " BP", { size: 96, fill: 0xFFFF00, stroke: 0x000000, strokeThickness: 2, font: "Impact" }); // Position texts var xOffset = isLeftColumn ? -924 : 100; // Adjust these values as needed nameText.x = xOffset; nameText.y = startY + index * upgradeSpacing; costText.x = xOffset; costText.y = startY + index * upgradeSpacing + 100; nameText.upgrade = key; nameText.category = category; upgradeTexts.push(nameText); upgradeTexts.push(costText); menuTextContainer.addChild(nameText); menuTextContainer.addChild(costText); } // Clear existing texts upgradeTexts.forEach(text => text.destroy()); upgradeTexts = []; // Create left column leftColumnUpgrades.forEach((upgrade, index) => { createUpgradeText(upgrade[0], upgrade[1], index, true); }); // Create right column rightColumnUpgrades.forEach((upgrade, index) => { createUpgradeText(upgrade[0], upgrade[1], index, false); });
User prompt
Updated as needed with: if (!menuOpen && facekit.mouthOpen && facekit.mouthCenter) { // Get vertical distance between top and bottom lip const mouthOpenness = Math.abs(facekit.mouthTop.y - facekit.mouthBottom.y); // Only spawn bubble if mouth is open beyond threshold // Adjust threshold value (20) to tune sensitivity if (mouthOpenness > 20) { // Calculate spawn position relative to pufferfish mask var spawnX = playerMask.x; var spawnY = playerMask.y + playerMask.height * 0.15; if (!game.growingBubble) { game.growingBubble = new Bubble(); game.growingBubble.size = 25; game.addChild(game.growingBubble); game.bubbles.push(game.growingBubble); } // Rest of bubble growth code... } } βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/facekit.v1
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'facekit.mouthTop.y')' in or related to this line: 'var mouthOpenness = Math.abs(facekit.mouthTop.y - facekit.mouthBottom.y);' Line Number: 752
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -331,25 +331,24 @@
// Menu panel should be below the tab in the container
var menuTab = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1,
- // Bottom anchor
+ // Change to bottom anchor
y: 0,
+ // Will be at container's position
scaleX: 3,
scaleY: 0.8,
alpha: 0.9
var menuPanel = LK.getAsset('upgradetab', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
- // Top anchor
- y: -menuTab.height * menuTab.scaleY,
- // Move up by tab's actual height
- alpha: 0.9
+ y: -menuTab.height,
+ alpha: 0.9,
+ scaleX: 2048 / 200,
+ // Use the width of the asset directly
+ scaleY: game.height * 0.4 / 100.3
-// Set panel scale after creation
-menuPanel.scaleX = 2048 / 200;
-menuPanel.scaleY = game.height * 0.4 / 100.3;
// Initialize menu structure
// Initialize menu container at the right position
var menuContainer = new Container();
menuContainer.x = game.width / 2;
@@ -600,11 +599,9 @@
height: menuTab.height
if (localX >= tabBounds.x && localX <= tabBounds.x + tabBounds.width && localY >= tabBounds.y && localY <= tabBounds.y + tabBounds.height) {
menuOpen = !menuOpen;
- var targetY = menuOpen ? menuTab.height :
- // Panel will stop at screen bottom
- game.height; // Hide panel
+ var targetY = menuOpen ? game.height - menuTab.height : game.height;
tween(menuContainer, {
y: targetY
}, {
duration: 300,
A treasure chest with gold coins. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden skull with diamonds for eyes. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A golden necklace with a ruby pendant. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A filled in white circle.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
A yellow star. Cartoon.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
a game logo for a game called 'Bubble Blower Tycoon' about a happy purple pufferfish with yellow fins and spines that builds an underwater empire of bubbles. Cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
an SVG of the word 'Start'. word should be yellow and the font should look like its made out of bubbles. cartoon. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect