User prompt
delete the destroy method on PointsText
User prompt
add a tick method to the PointsText class that fades out the text
User prompt
Rather than just creating a pointsText element, create a class for pointsText, with a text2 element inside of it
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'TypeError: textGraphics.setText is not a function. (In 'textGraphics.setText(text)', 'textGraphics.setText' is undefined)' in this line: 'textGraphics.setText(text);' Line Number: 8
User prompt
remove the startTimeout method on point text and don't call it
User prompt
Rather than just creating a pointsText element, create a class for pointsTexts
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: Can't find variable: pointsText' in this line: 'if (pointsText && pointsText.fadeOut) {' Line Number: 199
User prompt
animate pointsText out
User prompt
where you set scoreMultiplier to 0 set it to -1 instead
User prompt
where you set scoreMultiplier to 0 set it to -1 instead
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
remove the code that modified score multiplier in down
User prompt
move the code that updates self.score to before the connectedNeighbors.forEach statement
User prompt
in updateScoreMultiplier multiply multiplier by 3 inside the max statement
User prompt
when calculating pointsEarned multiply scoreMultiplier by 3 inside the max statement
User prompt
update score label text method such that it renders a x rather than +
User prompt
when calculating pointsEarned multiple with max of scoreMultiplier or 1
User prompt
In updateScoreMultiplier set the min value you can show to 1
User prompt
Where you currently set scoreMultiplier to 1 set it to zero
User prompt
Where you currently set scoreMultiplier to 1 set it to zero
User prompt
in processMergeAndGameOver, inside the self.mergeMode add 1 to scoreMultiplier and update label
User prompt
remove the code in mergeConnectedNeighbors that increases score multiplier
User prompt
remove the code in mergeConnectedNeighbors that updates score multiplier
User prompt
in processMergeAndGameOver if self.mergeMode is false, set score multiplier to 1 and update updateScoreMultiplier. do this after the self.mergeMode if
User prompt
in processMergeAndGameOver if self.mergeMode is false, set score multiplier to 1 and update updateScoreMultiplier. Do this before isAnyTileMoving is defined
function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) {
var i = Math.floor(h * 6), f = h * 6 - i, p = v * (1 - s), q = v * (1 - f * s), t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s), mod = i % 6, r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod], g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod], b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod];
return (r * 255 << 16) + (g * 255 << 8) + b * 255;
var ClockIndicator = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var indicatorGraphics = self.createAsset('clockIndicator', 'Clock Indicator Graphics', .5, .5);
return self;
var Tile = Container.expand(function (type) {
var self =;
var tileGraphics = self.createAsset('tile', 'Grid Tile', .5, .5);
tileGraphics.alpha = 0;
self.targetX = 0;
self.targetY = 0;
self.isMoving = false;
self.totalTypes = 3;
self.type = type || Math.floor(Math.random() * self.totalTypes);
var hue = self.type / self.totalTypes;
var color = hsvToRgb(hue, 0.5, 1);
tileGraphics.tint = color;
self.cells = [];
var cellWidth = 0;
var cellHeight = 0;
self.structure = [];
if (self.type === 0) {
self.structure = [[1, 1]];
var cell1 = new Cell();
var cell2 = new Cell();
cellWidth = cell1.width;
cellHeight = cell1.height;
} else if (self.type === 1) {
self.structure = [[1], [1]];
var cell1 = new Cell();
var cell2 = new Cell();
cellWidth = cell1.width;
cellHeight = cell1.height;
} else if (self.type === 2) {
self.structure = [[1]];
var cell1 = new Cell();
cellWidth = cell1.width;
cellHeight = cell1.height;
self.cells.forEach(function (cell, index) {
if (self.type === 0) {
cell.x = index === 0 ? self.x - cellWidth / 2 : self.x + cellWidth / 2;
cell.y = self.y;
} else if (self.type === 1) {
cell.x = self.x;
cell.y = index === 0 ? self.y - cellHeight / 2 : self.y + cellHeight / 2;
self.move = function (x, y, instant) {
self.targetX = x;
self.targetY = y;
if (instant) {
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.tick = function () {
var dx = self.targetX - self.x;
var dy = self.targetY - self.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance > 1) {
self.x += dx * 0.15;
self.y += dy * 0.15;
self.isMoving = true;
} else {
self.x = self.targetX;
self.y = self.targetY;
self.isMoving = false;
var GridBackgroundCell = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bgCellGraphics = self.createAsset('gridCell', 'Background Grid Cell', 0.5, 0.5);
bgCellGraphics.alpha = 0.5;
bgCellGraphics.x += 10;
bgCellGraphics.y += 15;
self.setAlphaAndTint = function (alpha, tint) {
bgCellGraphics.alpha = alpha;
bgCellGraphics.tint = tint;
var Cell = Container.expand(function (type) {
var self =;
var cellGraphics = self.createAsset('cell', 'Grid Cell', .5, .5);
var clockGraphics = self.createAsset('clock', 'Clock Graphics', .5, .5);
clockGraphics.y = -8;
clockGraphics.x = -4;
clockGraphics.blendMode = 2;
var indicatorAngles = [270, 330, 30, 90, 150, 210];
var indicatorDistance = 100;
indicatorAngles.forEach(function (angle) {
var radian = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
var indicatorX = clockGraphics.x + Math.cos(radian) * indicatorDistance;
var indicatorY = clockGraphics.y + Math.sin(radian) * indicatorDistance;
var indicator = self.addChild(new ClockIndicator());
indicator.x = indicatorX;
indicator.y = indicatorY;
indicator.rotation = radian;
self.targetX = 0;
self.targetY = 0;
self.targetAlpha = 1;
self.isMoving = false;
self.totalTypes = 6;
self.type = type !== undefined ? type : Math.floor(Math.random() * self.totalTypes);
self.realType = self.type;
self.currentHue = self.type / self.totalTypes;
self.targetHue = self.type / self.totalTypes;
self.targetRotation = self.type * (2 * Math.PI / self.totalTypes);
var color = hsvToRgb(self.targetHue, 0.25, 1);
cellGraphics.tint = color;
clockGraphics.rotation = self.targetRotation;
self.changeType = function (newType) {
self.type = newType % self.totalTypes;
self.realType = newType;
self.targetHue = self.realType / self.totalTypes;
self.targetRotation = self.realType * (2 * Math.PI / self.totalTypes);
self.move = function (x, y, instant) {
self.targetX = x;
self.targetY = y;
if (instant) {
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
} else {
var steps = 20;
self.speedX = (x - self.x) / steps;
self.speedY = (y - self.y) / steps;
self.tick = function (allNotMoving) {
if (allNotMoving) {
if (self.currentHue !== self.targetHue) {
var hueDifference = self.targetHue - self.currentHue;
var hueStep = hueDifference * 0.05;
self.currentHue += hueStep;
if (Math.abs(hueDifference) < 0.01) {
self.currentHue = self.targetHue;
var color = hsvToRgb(self.currentHue, 0.25, 1);
cellGraphics.tint = color;
var rotationDifference = self.targetRotation - clockGraphics.rotation;
if (Math.abs(rotationDifference) > 0.01) {
clockGraphics.rotation += rotationDifference * 0.05;
} else {
clockGraphics.rotation = self.targetRotation;
var alphaDifference = self.targetAlpha - self.alpha;
if (Math.abs(alphaDifference) > 0.01) {
self.alpha += alphaDifference * 0.1;
} else {
self.alpha = self.targetAlpha;
var acceleration = 1;
self.speedX = self.speedX || 0;
self.speedY = self.speedY || 0;
var threshold = 1;
var dx = self.targetX - self.x;
var dy = self.targetY - self.y;
if (Math.abs(dx) < threshold && Math.abs(dy) < threshold) {
self.x = self.targetX;
self.y = self.targetY;
self.isMoving = false;
self.speedX = 0;
self.speedY = 0;
} else {
var nextX = self.x + self.speedX;
var nextY = self.y + self.speedY;
if (self.speedX > 0 && nextX > self.targetX || self.speedX < 0 && nextX < self.targetX) {
nextX = self.targetX;
self.speedX = 0;
if (self.speedY > 0 && nextY > self.targetY || self.speedY < 0 && nextY < self.targetY) {
nextY = self.targetY;
self.speedY = 0;
self.x = nextX;
self.y = nextY;
self.isMoving = self.x !== self.targetX || self.y !== self.targetY;
var Game = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.processMergeAndGameOver = function (force) {
force = force || false;
if (!self.mergeMode) {
self.scoreMultiplier = 1;
var isAnyRowMoving = grid.some(row => row.some(cell => cell && cell.isMoving));
if (!isAnyRowMoving && !self.mergeMode || force) {
grid.forEach(function (row) {
row.forEach(function (cell) {
if (cell) {
var colRow = self.findCellColRow(cell);
var connectedNeighbors = self.findConnectedNeighbors(cell);
if (connectedNeighbors.length >= 3) {
if (self.mergeMode) {
grid.forEach(function (row) {
row.forEach(function (cell) {
if (cell && !toMerge.some(function (mergeGroup) {
return mergeGroup.includes(cell);
})) {
cell.targetAlpha = 0.4;
var isAnyTileMoving = bottomTiles.some(function (tile) {
return tile.isMoving;
isAnyRowMoving = grid.some(row => row.some(cell => cell && cell.isMoving));
if (!isAnyTileMoving && !self.canPlaceAnyTile() && !isAnyRowMoving && toDelete.length === 0 && !self.mergeMode) {
self.addAndHandleCell = function (targetCell) {
targetCell.on('down', function () {
if (self.mergeMode) {
self.mergeConnectedNeighbors = function (cell) {
var connectedNeighbors = self.findConnectedNeighbors(cell);
if (connectedNeighbors.length >= 3) {
var colRow = self.findCellColRow(cell);
var newType = cell.realType + 1;
var pointsEarned = connectedNeighbors.length * self.scoreMultiplier;
var pointsText = new Text2('+' + pointsEarned, {
size: 180,
fill: '#000000',
weight: '800',
align: 'center',
stroke: '#ffffff',
strokeThickness: 12
pointsText.anchor.set(.5, .5);
pointsText.x = cell.x;
pointsText.y = cell.y - 300;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
connectedNeighbors.forEach(function (neighborCell) {
var neighborColRow = self.findCellColRow(neighborCell);
if (neighborColRow) {
if (neighborCell === cell) {
grid[neighborColRow.col][neighborColRow.row] = null;
neighborCell.isMoving = true;
neighborCell.move(cell.x, cell.y);
self.score += self.scoreMultiplier;
}, this);
self.scoreMultiplier += 1;
var bottomTilesContainer = new Container();
self.setMergeMode = function (mode) {
self.mergeMode = mode;
bottomTilesContainer.alpha = mode ? 0.4 : 1;
if (!mode && self.mergeModeText) {
self.mergeModeText = null;
if (mode && !self.mergeModeTextShown) {
var mergeModeText = new Text2('Tap a tile to merge\nall tiles into it', {
size: 130,
fill: '#000000',
weight: '800',
align: 'center',
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: '#ffffff',
dropShadowBlur: 4,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
dropShadowDistance: 6
mergeModeText.anchor.set(0.5, 1);
mergeModeText.y = -75;
self.mergeModeText = mergeModeText;
self.mergeModeTextShown = true;
self.score = 0;
self.scoreMultiplier = 1;
var backgroundGraphics = self.createAsset('background', 'Background Graphics', .5, .5);
backgroundGraphics.x = 2048 / 2;
backgroundGraphics.y = 2732 / 2;
backgroundGraphics.alpha = 0.5;
var bottomTileBackground = self.createAsset('bottomTileBackground', 'Bottom Tile Background', .5, 1);
bottomTileBackground.x = 2048 / 2;
bottomTileBackground.y = 2732;
bottomTileBackground.alpha = 0.5;
self.findCellColRow = function (cell) {
for (var col = 0; col < gridWidth; col++) {
for (var row = 0; row < gridHeight; row++) {
if (grid[col][row] === cell) {
return {
col: col,
row: row
return null;
self.canPlaceAnyTile = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < bottomTiles.length; i++) {
var tile = bottomTiles[i];
for (var col = 0; col < gridWidth; col++) {
for (var row = 0; row < gridHeight; row++) {
if (self.canPlaceTile(tile, col, row)) {
return true;
return false;
self.canPlaceTile = function (tile, gridX, gridY) {
for (var row = 0; row < tile.structure.length; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < tile.structure[row].length; col++) {
if (tile.structure[row][col] === 1) {
var targetCol = gridX + col;
var targetRow = gridY + row;
if (targetCol < 0 || targetCol >= gridWidth || targetRow < 0 || targetRow >= gridHeight) {
return false;
if (grid[targetCol][targetRow]) {
return false;
return true;
self.toTest = [];
this.getOverlappingCells = function (tile) {
var overlappingCells = [];
var shouldReturnEmpty = false;
tile.cells.forEach(function (cell) {
var cellBounds = cell.getBounds();
for (var i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) {
var bgCell = bgGrid[i][j];
var bgCellBounds = bgCell.getBounds();
if (cellBounds.contains(bgCellBounds.x + bgCellBounds.width / 2, bgCellBounds.y + bgCellBounds.height / 2)) {
if (grid[i][j]) {
shouldReturnEmpty = true;
if (shouldReturnEmpty) {
if (shouldReturnEmpty) {
return [];
return overlappingCells;
self.resetBackgroundGridCells = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) {
var bgCell = bgGrid[i][j];
bgCell.setAlphaAndTint(0.5, 0xFFFFFF);
var gridWidth = 5;
var gridHeight = 5;
var gridSpacing = 2;
var tempTile = new Tile();
var tileWidth = tempTile.width;
var tileHeight = tempTile.height;
var tempCell = new Cell();
var cellWidth = 320;
var cellHeight = 320;
var gridContainer = new Container();
var totalGridWidth = gridWidth * (cellWidth + gridSpacing) - gridSpacing;
var totalGridHeight = gridHeight * (cellHeight + gridSpacing) - gridSpacing;
gridContainer.x = (2048 - totalGridWidth) / 2 + cellWidth / 2;
gridContainer.y = (2732 - totalGridHeight) / 2 + cellHeight / 2 - 290;
self.calculateTargetPosition = function (col, row) {
return {
x: col * (cellWidth + gridSpacing),
y: row * (cellHeight + gridSpacing)
self.findConnectedNeighbors = function (cell, connectedNeighbors) {
connectedNeighbors = connectedNeighbors || [];
if (!cell) return [];
var cellType = cell.type;
var cellColRow = self.findCellColRow(cell);
if (cellColRow) {
var directions = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]];
directions.forEach(function (dir) {
var newRow = cellColRow.row + dir[0];
var newCol = cellColRow.col + dir[1];
if (newRow >= 0 && newRow < gridHeight && newCol >= 0 && newCol < gridWidth) {
var neighborCell = grid[newCol][newRow];
if (neighborCell && neighborCell.visible && neighborCell.type === cellType && connectedNeighbors.indexOf(neighborCell) === -1) {
self.findConnectedNeighbors(neighborCell, connectedNeighbors);
return connectedNeighbors;
self.findBgCellColRow = function (bgCell) {
for (var col = 0; col < gridWidth; col++) {
for (var row = 0; row < gridHeight; row++) {
if (bgGrid[col][row] === bgCell) {
return {
col: col,
row: row
return null;
var grid = Array(5).fill().map(() => Array(5).fill(null));
var bgGrid = Array(5).fill().map(() => Array(5).fill(null));
for (var i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) {
var bgCell = new GridBackgroundCell();
var targetPos = self.calculateTargetPosition(i, j);
bgCell.x = targetPos.x;
bgCell.y = targetPos.y;
bgGrid[i][j] = bgCell;
for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
var randomCol = Math.floor(Math.random() * gridWidth);
var randomRow = Math.floor(Math.random() * gridHeight);
while (grid[randomCol][randomRow]) {
randomCol = Math.floor(Math.random() * gridWidth);
randomRow = Math.floor(Math.random() * gridHeight);
var cell = new Cell();
var targetPos = self.calculateTargetPosition(randomCol, randomRow);
cell.move(targetPos.x, targetPos.y, true);
grid[randomCol][randomRow] = cell;
stage.on('move', function (obj) {
if (draggedTile) {
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(self);
draggedTile.x = pos.x;
draggedTile.y = pos.y;
self.highlightOverlappingCells = function (tile) {
var overlappingCells = self.getOverlappingCells(tile);
if (overlappingCells.length !== tile.cells.length) return;
overlappingCells.forEach(function (bgCell, index) {
var cell = tile.cells[index];
var color = hsvToRgb(cell.currentHue, 0.25, 1);
bgCell.setAlphaAndTint(1, color);
LK.on('tick', function () {
var allNotMoving = toDelete.every(function (cell) {
return !cell.isMoving;
if (toDelete.length > 0) {
if (allNotMoving) {
if (toDelete.length > 0) {
grid.forEach(function (row) {
row.forEach(function (cell) {
if (cell) cell.targetAlpha = 1;
toMerge.forEach(function (group) {
group.forEach(function (cell) {
toMerge = [];
toDelete.forEach(function (cell) {
toDelete = [];
for (var i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] && !grid[i][j].visible) {
grid[i][j].visible = true;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < toDelete.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++) {
if (grid[i][j]) grid[i][j].tick(allNotMoving);
for (var i = 0; i < bottomTiles.length; i++) {
if (bottomTiles[i] !== draggedTile) {
var isAnyRowMoving = grid.some(row => row.some(cell => cell && cell.isMoving));
var bottomTiles = [];
var toDelete = [];
var toMerge = [];
var draggedTile = null;
self.addBottomTiles = function () {
var numberOfTiles = 3;
var totalTilesWidth = numberOfTiles * tileWidth + (numberOfTiles - 1) * gridSpacing;
var margin = (2048 - totalTilesWidth) / 2;
var spacing = margin + tileWidth / 2;
var posY = 2732 - tileHeight / 2 - margin;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTiles; i++) {
var tile = new Tile();
var posX = spacing + i * (tileWidth + gridSpacing);
tile.move(posX, 2732 + tileHeight, true);
tile.move(posX, posY);
bottomTiles[i] = tile;
tile.on('down', function () {
if (self.mergeMode) return;
draggedTile = this;
self.scoreMultiplier = 1;
var scoreTxt = new Text2('0', {
size: 150,
fill: '#24272b',
font: 'Impact',
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: '#ffffff',
dropShadowBlur: 4,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
dropShadowDistance: 6
scoreTxt.anchor.set(.5, 0);
var scoreMultiplierTxt = new Text2('+1', {
size: 100,
fill: '#24272b',
font: 'Impact',
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: '#ffffff',
dropShadowBlur: 4,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
dropShadowDistance: 6
scoreMultiplierTxt.anchor.set(1, 0);
scoreMultiplierTxt.x = -20;
scoreMultiplierTxt.y = 20;
self.updateScoreMultiplier = function (multiplier) {
scoreMultiplierTxt.setText('+' + multiplier);
stage.on('up', function (obj) {
if (draggedTile) {
var overlappingCells = self.getOverlappingCells(draggedTile);
if (overlappingCells.length === draggedTile.cells.length) {
overlappingCells.forEach(function (bgCell, index) {
var colRow = self.findBgCellColRow(bgCell);
if (colRow && draggedTile.cells[index]) {
var cell = draggedTile.cells[index];
var targetPos = self.calculateTargetPosition(colRow.col, colRow.row);
cell.move(targetPos.x, targetPos.y, true);
grid[colRow.col][colRow.row] = cell;
var tileIndex = bottomTiles.indexOf(draggedTile);
if (tileIndex !== -1) {
bottomTiles.splice(tileIndex, 1);
if (bottomTiles.length === 0) {
draggedTile = null;
draggedTile = null;
Simple White square round corners. Vector. No details. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Background for relaxing puzzle game. Pastel colors, flat shaded, vector art. Flowers. Blocks. Relaxing. Clouds Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Simple White square round corners. Vector. No details. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. White background. High contrast. No shadows.
Simple black arrow pointing up. Mouse cursor like.