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in cell changeType calculate a new targetHue
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in marge connected neighbors in the foreach of connectedNeighbors, if the neighborCell is the current cell. Set type of cell to new type and return
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in merge connected neighbors, delete the code that inserts a new tile (Everything inside the colRow test)
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Fix Bug: 'TypeError: cell.setType is not a function. (In 'cell.setType(newType)', 'cell.setType' is undefined)' in this line: 'cell.setType(newType);' Line Number: 251
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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At top of tick, if currentHue is different than targetHue animate currentHue towards target hue
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for hue, also have a current hue variable. Do not update this in changeType
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do no update current hue in changeType
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for hue, also have a current hue variable.
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At top of cell tick, outside the if statements. if hue or rotation is different than the current values. Animate towards the target values.
User prompt
At top of cell tick, outside the if statements. if hue or rotation is different than the current values. Animate towards the target values
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Add a new method to cell, that allows a cell to change type. Set type right away. However for hue and clockGraphics rotation. Rather than setting these directly. Create a target hue and target rotation property Do not change the current initialization of hue and rotation you currently do. Additionally do not implement anything in tick just yet.
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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after defining changeType call it with the type the tile was initialized as
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Add a new method to cell, that allows a cell to change type. Set type right away. However for hue and clockGraphics rotation. Rather than setting these directly. Create a target hue and target rotation property
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When starting drag on a tile, first re attach it to make it render above all other tiles
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When creating indicators, also rotate them to their angle
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Rotate indicators as well
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Increase clock indicator spacing by 50
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Increase your hand spacing by 40
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Rotate indicator angles such that the first angle points straight up
User prompt
In cell, after you create clockGraphics create 6 clock indicators equally spaced around the cell, such that they are where the corners of a hexagon would be. Use simple graphics for this.
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move down mergeModeText by 15px
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move down mergeModeText by 30px
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move down mergeModeText by 50px
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -152,9 +152,10 @@
var nextY = self.y + self.speedY;
var currentHue = self.type / self.totalTypes;
if (currentHue !== self.targetHue) {
var hueDiff = self.targetHue - currentHue;
- cellGraphics.tint = hsvToRgb(currentHue + hueDiff * 0.05, 0.25, 1);
+ currentHue += hueDiff * 0.05;
+ cellGraphics.tint = hsvToRgb(currentHue, 0.25, 1);
if (clockGraphics.rotation !== self.targetRotation) {
var rotationDiff = self.targetRotation - clockGraphics.rotation;
clockGraphics.rotation += rotationDiff * 0.05;
Simple White square round corners. Vector. No details. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Background for relaxing puzzle game. Pastel colors, flat shaded, vector art. Flowers. Blocks. Relaxing. Clouds Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Simple White square round corners. Vector. No details. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. White background. High contrast. No shadows.
Simple black arrow pointing up. Mouse cursor like.