Code edit (2 edits merged)
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
center the background asset to the middle of the screen
User prompt
Add a 10 stroke black to the failure text
User prompt
Cool. Now use that information to create a background
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
remove the rim zone
User prompt
When the ball touches the rim bounce area, make the ball bounce off it like a real basketball would.
User prompt
Do a very quick ball animation through the hoop when a basket is scored. Make sure the ball going back up to the top of the screen still happens.
User prompt
When a basket it scored, do a quick animation where the ball goes through the hoop.
User prompt
Redo the score calculation so score does not get calculated when it hits the rim
User prompt
To fix the bug where the ball calculates a score when it hits the rim instead of bouncing off, you should adjust the collision detection logic within the game's tick function or wherever the collision detection between the ball and the hoop is handled. Specifically, ensure that when a collision between the ball and the rim objects is detected, the game only reverses the ball's horizontal velocity to simulate a bounce, without incrementing the score. This involves separating the logic that checks for a ball passing through the scoring zone (bottom 15 pixels of the hoop) from the logic that handles rim collisions. By doing so, the game will correctly differentiate between a ball hitting the rim and a ball successfully passing through the hoop for a score. fix!
User prompt
how can I fix the bug where the ball rim is calculating score when it hits the rim? Give a single solution all in 1. Don't number it.
User prompt
how can I fix the bug where the ball rim is calculating score when it hits the rim
User prompt
I think there is a bug. The rim bounce is calculating score, when it should be bouncing the ball off
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
Oh, I like ideas 1 and 2. Can you please implement them.
User prompt
create a new asset called "backboard". This will be the parent of the rim and will follow the location of the rim.
User prompt
When the score = 0, reset the ball bounce variable every time the player fails to get a basket.
User prompt
Add the ball bounce variable for a hoop round and the hoop score counter into the score that gets added right after the hoop is scored. The starting hoop score you can get is 2 and bounce is 0.
User prompt
Add the ball bounce variable for a hoop round and the hoop score counter into the score that gets added right after the hoop is scored.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -26,15 +26,19 @@
// Check for rim bounce
var hoopBounds = hoop.getBounds();
var ballBounds = self.getBounds();
+ // Adjust for rim bounce area
+ var rimBounceHeight = 15; // Height of the rim bounce area
// Left rim collision
- if (ballBounds.right > hoopBounds.left && ballBounds.left < hoopBounds.left && ballBounds.bottom > {
+ if (ballBounds.right > hoopBounds.left && ballBounds.left < hoopBounds.left && ballBounds.bottom > && ballBounds.bottom < + rimBounceHeight) {
self.velocity.x = -Math.abs(self.velocity.x); // Reverse velocity for bounce off left rim
+ self.velocity.y *= -0.5; // Reduce vertical speed to simulate bounce effect
// Right rim collision
- if (ballBounds.left < hoopBounds.right && ballBounds.right > hoopBounds.right && ballBounds.bottom > {
+ if (ballBounds.left < hoopBounds.right && ballBounds.right > hoopBounds.right && ballBounds.bottom > && ballBounds.bottom < + rimBounceHeight) {
self.velocity.x = Math.abs(self.velocity.x); // Reverse velocity for bounce off right rim
+ self.velocity.y *= -0.5; // Reduce vertical speed to simulate bounce effect
self.x += self.velocity.x;
self.y += self.velocity.y;
self.velocity.y += 0.98; // Gravity effect
@@ -241,34 +245,17 @@
hoopMoving = true;
} else if (LK.getScore() % 25 == 0 && LK.getScore() > 25) {
hoopSpeed *= 1.2;
- // Animate ball through hoop on score
- var scoreAnimationFrames = 30; // Duration of the animation in frames
- var scoreAnimationCurrentFrame = 0;
- var ballEndX = hoop.x; // End position X (center of the hoop)
- var ballEndY = hoop.y + hoop.height / 2 + ball.height / 2; // End position Y (just below the hoop)
- var ballStartX = ball.x;
- var ballStartY = ball.y;
- var ballDeltaX = (ballEndX - ballStartX) / scoreAnimationFrames;
- var ballDeltaY = (ballEndY - ballStartY) / scoreAnimationFrames;
- var scoreAnimationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
- ball.x += ballDeltaX;
- ball.y += ballDeltaY;
- scoreAnimationCurrentFrame++;
- if (scoreAnimationCurrentFrame >= scoreAnimationFrames) {
- LK.clearInterval(scoreAnimationInterval);
- // Move the ball back to the respawn position after animation
- ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
- ball.y = 100; // Start 100 pixels down from the top of the screen
- ball.velocity = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- }; // Make the ball still when it respawns
- isDragging = true; // Keep the ball still until interacted with
- isInPlay = false;
- }
- }, 1000 / 60); // Set interval to match game frame rate
+ // Move the ball back to the respawn position
+ ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
+ ball.y = 100; // Start 100 pixels down from the top of the screen
+ ball.velocity = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ }; // Make the ball still when it respawns
+ isDragging = true; // Keep the ball still until interacted with
+ isInPlay = false;
// Move the hoop to a new location
var newX = Math.random() * (1848 - 100) + 100; // Random x position between 100 and 1848
var newY = Math.random() * (2532 - 1200) + 1200; // Random y position between 1200 and 2532
// Add glide animation to the hoop when it moves to a different location
8-Bit basketball. No lighting is present on the ball. The lighting does not affect the look of the ball.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Transparent background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-Bit hula hoop. The color is red. The hoop is flat facing towards the ground. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Transparent background. High contrast. No shadows.
Basketball court. One basketball hoop with background and net is shown. Facing downcourt. 8-Bit style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.