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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
center the background asset to the middle of the screen
User prompt
Add a 10 stroke black to the failure text
User prompt
Cool. Now use that information to create a background
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
remove the rim zone
User prompt
When the ball touches the rim bounce area, make the ball bounce off it like a real basketball would.
User prompt
Do a very quick ball animation through the hoop when a basket is scored. Make sure the ball going back up to the top of the screen still happens.
User prompt
When a basket it scored, do a quick animation where the ball goes through the hoop.
User prompt
Redo the score calculation so score does not get calculated when it hits the rim
User prompt
To fix the bug where the ball calculates a score when it hits the rim instead of bouncing off, you should adjust the collision detection logic within the game's tick function or wherever the collision detection between the ball and the hoop is handled. Specifically, ensure that when a collision between the ball and the rim objects is detected, the game only reverses the ball's horizontal velocity to simulate a bounce, without incrementing the score. This involves separating the logic that checks for a ball passing through the scoring zone (bottom 15 pixels of the hoop) from the logic that handles rim collisions. By doing so, the game will correctly differentiate between a ball hitting the rim and a ball successfully passing through the hoop for a score. fix!
User prompt
how can I fix the bug where the ball rim is calculating score when it hits the rim? Give a single solution all in 1. Don't number it.
User prompt
how can I fix the bug where the ball rim is calculating score when it hits the rim
User prompt
I think there is a bug. The rim bounce is calculating score, when it should be bouncing the ball off
User prompt
Make the score zone for getting a basket the bottom 15 pixels of the hoop.
User prompt
Oh, I like ideas 1 and 2. Can you please implement them.
User prompt
create a new asset called "backboard". This will be the parent of the rim and will follow the location of the rim.
User prompt
When the score = 0, reset the ball bounce variable every time the player fails to get a basket.
User prompt
Add the ball bounce variable for a hoop round and the hoop score counter into the score that gets added right after the hoop is scored. The starting hoop score you can get is 2 and bounce is 0.
User prompt
Add the ball bounce variable for a hoop round and the hoop score counter into the score that gets added right after the hoop is scored.
* Classes
// Assets will be automatically created based on usage in the code.
// Ball class
var Ball = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var ballGraphics = self.attachAsset('basketball', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
self.update = function () {
if (!isDragging) {
// Check for left wall bounce
if (self.x <= 25 + ballGraphics.width / 2) {
self.velocity.x = Math.abs(self.velocity.x); // Reverse velocity for bounce
} else if (self.x >= 2023 - ballGraphics.width / 2) {
self.velocity.x = -Math.abs(self.velocity.x); // Reverse velocity for right wall bounce
// Check for right wall bounce
if (self.x >= 2023 - ballGraphics.width / 2) {
self.velocity.x = -Math.abs(self.velocity.x); // Reverse velocity for bounce
} else if (self.x <= 25 + ballGraphics.width / 2) {
self.velocity.x = Math.abs(self.velocity.x); // Reverse velocity for left wall bounce
self.x += self.velocity.x;
self.y += self.velocity.y;
self.velocity.y += 0.98; // Gravity effect
ballGraphics.rotation += self.velocity.y / 100; // Add rotation to the ball based on its velocity
if (self.y > 2732) {
self.velocity.y = 0; // Stop the ball when it hits the floor
self.y = 2732; // Reset position to the bottom of the screen
ballGraphics.rotation = 0; // Reset rotation when the ball hits the floor
// DragBox class
var DragBox = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.visible = false; // Make the box invisible
self.width = 200; // Set the width of the box
self.height = 200; // Set the height of the box
// Hoop class
var Hoop = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var hoopGraphics = self.attachAsset('hoop', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.bounceLeft = new Container();
self.bounceLeft.width = 10;
self.bounceLeft.height = hoopGraphics.height;
self.bounceLeft.x = hoopGraphics.x - hoopGraphics.width / 2;
self.bounceLeft.y = hoopGraphics.y;
self.bounceRight = new Container();
self.bounceRight.width = 10;
self.bounceRight.height = hoopGraphics.height;
self.bounceRight.x = hoopGraphics.x + hoopGraphics.width / 2 - 10;
self.bounceRight.y = hoopGraphics.y;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Light blue background to simulate sky
* Game Code
var wallBounceCounter = 0;
var hoopScoreCounter = 2;
// Variables for hoop movement
var hoopMoving = false;
var hoopDirection = 1;
var hoopSpeed = 2;
// Function to handle the dragging of the ball
function dragBall() {
// Handle drag start
game.on('down', function (obj) {
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var dx = pos.x - ball.x;
var dy = pos.y - ball.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance < ball.width / 2) {
dragStart.x = pos.x;
dragStart.y = pos.y;
isDragging = true;
isInPlay = true;
} else {
isDragging = false;
isInPlay = false;
// Handle drag move
game.on('move', function (obj) {
if (isDragging && isInPlay) {
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var dx = pos.x - dragStart.x;
var dy = pos.y - dragStart.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// Calculate the speed
var speed = Math.sqrt(ball.velocity.x * ball.velocity.x + ball.velocity.y * ball.velocity.y);
// Limit the speed to a maximum value
var maxSpeed = 75;
if (speed > maxSpeed) {
var ratio = maxSpeed / speed;
ball.velocity.x *= ratio;
ball.velocity.y *= ratio;
// Limit the speed to what it would be at the 500 pixel drag zone
if (pos.y > 500) {
pos.y = 500;
// Handle drag end
game.on('up', function (obj) {
if (isDragging) {
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var tempVelocityX = (pos.x - dragStart.x) / 10;
var tempVelocityY = (pos.y - dragStart.y) / 10;
var speed = Math.sqrt(tempVelocityX * tempVelocityX + tempVelocityY * tempVelocityY);
var maxSpeed = 100;
if (speed > maxSpeed) {
var ratio = maxSpeed / speed;
ball.velocity.x = tempVelocityX * ratio;
ball.velocity.y = tempVelocityY * ratio;
} else {
ball.velocity.x = tempVelocityX;
ball.velocity.y = tempVelocityY;
isDragging = false;
// Call the function to handle the dragging of the ball
// Function to respawn the ball at the top of the screen
function respawnBall() {
ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
ball.y = 0; // Start at the top of the screen
ball.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}; // Make the ball still when it respawns
isDragging = true; // Keep the ball still until interacted with
isInPlay = false;
var ball;
var hoop;
var isDragging = false;
var isInPlay = false;
var dragStart = {
x: 0,
y: 0
var consecutiveBaskets = 0;
var multiplierActive = false;
var streakCooldown = false;
// Initialize ball and hoop
function initGame() {
ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
ball.y = 100; // Start 100 pixels down from the top of the screen
ball.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}; // Make the ball still when it first spawns
isDragging = true; // Keep the ball still until interacted with
hoop = game.addChild(new Hoop());
hoop.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
hoop.y = 2632; // Move the hoop up by 100 pixels
var hoopStartPosition = {
x: hoop.x,
y: hoop.y
}; // Define the starting position of the hoop
// Check for scoring
function checkScore() {
if (ball.intersects(hoop)) {
if (consecutiveBaskets >= 8 && !multiplierActive && !streakCooldown && !countdownTxt) {
LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + 6);
var countdown = 10;
countdownTxt = new Text2(countdown.toString(), {
size: 150,
fill: "#ffffff"
countdownTxt.anchor.set(0, 0);
var countdownInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (countdown <= 0) {
countdownTxt = null;
multiplierActive = false;
streakCooldown = true;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
streakCooldown = false;
}, 30000);
} else {
}, 1000);
} else {
LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + 2 + hoopScoreCounter + wallBounceCounter);
// Reset consecutiveBaskets and wall bounce counter after scoring
consecutiveBaskets = 0;
wallBounceCounter = 0;
// Update score text
// Start moving the hoop if score is over 25 and hoop is not already moving
// Increase hoop speed by 1.2x every 25 score after the first 25
if (LK.getScore() > 25 && !hoopMoving) {
hoopMoving = true;
} else if (LK.getScore() % 25 == 0 && LK.getScore() > 25) {
hoopSpeed *= 1.2;
// Move the ball back to the respawn position
ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
ball.y = 100; // Start 100 pixels down from the top of the screen
ball.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}; // Make the ball still when it respawns
isDragging = true; // Keep the ball still until interacted with
isInPlay = false;
// Move the hoop to a new location
var newX = Math.random() * (1848 - 100) + 100; // Random x position between 100 and 1848
var newY = Math.random() * (2532 - 1200) + 1200; // Random y position between 1200 and 2532
// Add glide animation to the hoop when it moves to a different location
var glideTime = 0.5; // Glide time in seconds
var glideFrames = glideTime * 60; // Convert glide time to frames
var glideX = (newX - hoop.x) / glideFrames; // Calculate glide distance per frame for x
var glideY = (newY - hoop.y) / glideFrames; // Calculate glide distance per frame for y
var glideFrame = 0; // Initialize glide frame counter
var glideInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
hoop.x += glideX;
hoop.y += glideY;
if (glideFrame >= glideFrames) {
LK.clearInterval(glideInterval); // Clear interval when glide animation is done
}, 1000 / 60); // Set interval to match game frame rate
// Game tick
LK.on('tick', function () {
if (!isDragging) {
// Move the hoop left and right if hoopMoving is true
if (hoopMoving) {
hoop.x += hoopDirection * hoopSpeed;
// Reverse direction if hoop hits screen boundaries
if (hoop.x <= 100 || hoop.x >= 1948) {
hoopDirection *= -1;
// Check if the ball is off the screen or hits the bottom
if (ball.x <= 2 || ball.x >= 2046 || ball.y >= 2730) {
if (!multiplierActive) {
consecutiveBaskets = 0;
if (LK.getScore() == 0) {
// Move the ball back to the respawn position
ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
ball.y = 100; // Start 100 pixels down from the top of the screen
ball.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}; // Make the ball still when it respawns
isDragging = true; // Keep the ball still until interacted with
isInPlay = false;
// Create an array of retry messages
var retryMessages = ['Try Again', 'One More Time', 'Just Click On It', 'How Hard Can It Be?'];
// Randomly select a retry message
var retryMessage = retryMessages[Math.floor(Math.random() * retryMessages.length)];
// Check if a retry message is currently displayed
if (currentRetryMessage) {
// Fade out the current retry message
var fadeOutFrames = fadeOutTime * 60; // Convert fade out time to frames
var fadeOutAlpha = 1 / fadeOutFrames; // Calculate alpha decrease per frame
var fadeOutFrame = 0; // Initialize fade out frame counter
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
currentRetryMessage.alpha -= fadeOutAlpha;
if (fadeOutFrame >= fadeOutFrames) {
LK.clearInterval(fadeOutInterval); // Clear interval when fade out animation is done;
currentRetryMessage = null;
}, 1000 / 60); // Set interval to match game frame rate
} else {
currentRetryMessage = null;
// Display the selected retry message for 3 seconds
var tryAgainTxt = new Text2(retryMessage, {
size: 150,
fill: "#ffffff"
tryAgainTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
tryAgainTxt.y = 500;
tryAgainTxt.alpha = 0; // Set initial alpha to 0 for fade in;
currentRetryMessage = tryAgainTxt;
// Fade in animation
var fadeInTime = 0.25; // Fade in time in seconds
var fadeInFrames = fadeInTime * 60; // Convert fade in time to frames
var fadeInAlpha = 1 / fadeInFrames; // Calculate alpha increase per frame
var fadeInFrame = 0; // Initialize fade in frame counter
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
tryAgainTxt.alpha += fadeInAlpha;
if (fadeInFrame >= fadeInFrames) {
LK.clearInterval(fadeInInterval); // Clear interval when fade in animation is done
}, 1000 / 60); // Set interval to match game frame rate
// Fade out animation
var fadeOutTime = 0.25; // Fade out time in seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutFrames = fadeOutTime * 60; // Convert fade out time to frames
var fadeOutAlpha = 1 / fadeOutFrames; // Calculate alpha decrease per frame
var fadeOutFrame = 0; // Initialize fade out frame counter
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
tryAgainTxt.alpha -= fadeOutAlpha;
if (fadeOutFrame >= fadeOutFrames) {
LK.clearInterval(fadeOutInterval); // Clear interval when fade out animation is done;
}, 1000 / 60); // Set interval to match game frame rate
}, 3000 - fadeOutTime * 1000); // Start fade out animation 0.25 seconds before removing the text
} else {
// Initialize game elements
// Create score text
var scoreTxt = new Text2('0', {
size: 150,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#000000",
// Black stroke
strokeThickness: 5 // Stroke thickness of 5
// Create a variable to store the current retry message text object
var currentRetryMessage;
// Center the score text horizontally, anchor point set at the middle of its top edge.
scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
// Add the score text to the GUI overlay.
// The score text is attached to the top-center of the screen.;
8-Bit basketball. No lighting is present on the ball. The lighting does not affect the look of the ball.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Transparent background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-Bit hula hoop. The color is red. The hoop is flat facing towards the ground. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Transparent background. High contrast. No shadows.
Basketball court. One basketball hoop with background and net is shown. Facing downcourt. 8-Bit style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.