User prompt
Create a function which calculates the movement of the cursor speed when the ball is being dragged.
User prompt
create a drag ball function
User prompt
If the ball randomly loses all velocity and stops moving, respawn it.
User prompt
Create a function which always respawns the ball at the top of the screen when a basket is scored
User prompt
fix the bug where the ball does not always respawn at the top of the screen
User prompt
If a basket is scored, respawn the ball at the top of the screen
User prompt
when the ball touches the edge of the screen, destroy it and then respawn it at the top of the screen
User prompt
make sure the ball always respawns at the top of the screen
User prompt
can you implement those
User prompt
when the ball goes out of the flick zone, release the ball and run the ball physics
User prompt
Create a 200 flick zone at the top of the screen. That is the only part where the player can drag the ball. When it goes out of that zone, release the ball and do not allow the player to interact with the ball.
User prompt
Create a new system for the basketball. The basketball spawns on the top of the screen. Flick by holding the mouse and moving it in a direction for 100 pixels. The speed of the ball is determined by the speed of the mouse move, divided by 3.
User prompt
Create a system to hold and drag for the basketball. When the mouse is released, allow the ball physics to run
User prompt
When the basketball spawns, make it not move. Only allow the basketball to move when it is first dragged
User prompt
Spawn the basketball at the top of the screen
User prompt
If the basketball goes off the screen, destroy it and respawn it
Initial prompt
Basketball Drop
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -1,100 +1,113 @@
* Classes
// Assets will be automatically created based on usage in the code.
// Ball class
var Ball = Container.expand(function () {
- var self =;
- var ballGraphics = self.attachAsset('basketball', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5
- });
- self.velocity = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- };
- self.update = function () {
- self.x += self.velocity.x;
- self.y += self.velocity.y;
- self.velocity.y += 0.98; // Gravity effect
- // Bounce off the walls
- if (self.x < 0 || self.x > 2048) self.velocity.x *= -0.8;
- if (self.y > 2732) {
- self.velocity.y *= -0.8; // Bounce back up with reduced energy
- self.y = 2732; // Reset position to the bottom of the screen
- }
- };
+ var self =;
+ var ballGraphics = self.attachAsset('basketball', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ self.velocity = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ };
+ self.update = function () {
+ self.x += self.velocity.x;
+ self.y += self.velocity.y;
+ self.velocity.y += 0.98; // Gravity effect
+ // Bounce off the walls
+ if (self.x < 0 || self.x > 2048) {
+ self.velocity.x *= -0.8;
+ }
+ if (self.y > 2732) {
+ self.velocity.y *= -0.8; // Bounce back up with reduced energy
+ self.y = 2732; // Reset position to the bottom of the screen
+ }
+ };
// Hoop class
var Hoop = Container.expand(function () {
- var self =;
- var hoopGraphics = self.attachAsset('hoop', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5
- });
+ var self =;
+ var hoopGraphics = self.attachAsset('hoop', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
- backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Light blue background to simulate sky
+ backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Light blue background to simulate sky
* Game Code
var ball;
var hoop;
var isDragging = false;
var dragStart = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
// Initialize ball and hoop
function initGame() {
- ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
- ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
- ball.y = 2732 - 200; // Start 200px above the bottom
- hoop = game.addChild(new Hoop());
- hoop.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
- hoop.y = 2732 / 2; // Center vertically
+ ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
+ ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
+ ball.y = 2732 - 200; // Start 200px above the bottom
+ hoop = game.addChild(new Hoop());
+ hoop.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
+ hoop.y = 2732 / 2; // Center vertically
// Handle drag start
game.on('down', function (obj) {
- var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
- dragStart.x = pos.x;
- dragStart.y = pos.y;
- isDragging = true;
+ var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
+ dragStart.x = pos.x;
+ dragStart.y = pos.y;
+ isDragging = true;
// Handle drag move
game.on('move', function (obj) {
- if (!isDragging) return;
- var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
- var dx = pos.x - dragStart.x;
- var dy = pos.y - dragStart.y;
- ball.velocity.x = dx * 0.1;
- ball.velocity.y = dy * 0.1;
+ if (!isDragging) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
+ var dx = pos.x - dragStart.x;
+ var dy = pos.y - dragStart.y;
+ ball.velocity.x = dx * 0.1;
+ ball.velocity.y = dy * 0.1;
// Handle drag end
game.on('up', function (obj) {
- isDragging = false;
+ isDragging = false;
// Check for scoring
function checkScore() {
- if (ball.intersects(hoop)) {
- LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + 1);
- // Reset ball position
- ball.x = 1024;
- ball.y = 2732 - 200;
- ball.velocity.x = 0;
- ball.velocity.y = 0;
- }
+ if (ball.intersects(hoop)) {
+ LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + 1);
+ // Reset ball position
+ ball.x = 1024;
+ ball.y = 2732 - 200;
+ ball.velocity.x = 0;
+ ball.velocity.y = 0;
+ }
// Game tick
LK.on('tick', function () {
- ball.update();
- checkScore();
+ ball.update();
+ checkScore();
+ // Check if the ball is off the screen
+ if (ball.x < 0 || ball.x > 2048 || ball.y < 0 || ball.y > 2732) {
+ // Destroy the ball
+ ball.destroy();
+ // Respawn the ball
+ ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
+ ball.x = 1024; // Center horizontally
+ ball.y = 2732 - 200; // Start 200px above the bottom
+ }
// Initialize game elements
\ No newline at end of file
8-Bit basketball. No lighting is present on the ball. The lighting does not affect the look of the ball.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Transparent background. High contrast. No shadows.
8-Bit hula hoop. The color is red. The hoop is flat facing towards the ground. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Transparent background. High contrast. No shadows.
Basketball court. One basketball hoop with background and net is shown. Facing downcourt. 8-Bit style.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.